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Is theblackrabbi really being serious? If so it's people like him that really make the roads a lot more dangerous to be on. Few things can be as dangerous as a poser thinking they are the shit and know what they are doing when they are really just being reckless.
S3 licensed
It's perl so it's just a script that is run, you have to have the perl interpreter installed:
and I use an ide to make editing files/running them easier:
S3 licensed
bump for editing in the reverse sets in first post
S3 licensed
Initially I did it by hand, it didn't take all that long actually, just had each page open in a new tab in firefox. But after doing that once I didn't want to have to do it again, so I wrote a perl script that can download all of them automatically.
It is not exactly fast(has to look up the fastest set for a given track/car then download it, so it is waiting on the http requests a lot), but you can just let it run and it will get them all for sure. I ran it earlier and got 133 reverse and 242 standard setups. Which is wierd because I got 245 earlier doing it by hand...

The script assumes you have a setups folder at the same level as the script to put them in.

# This is a script to download all of the current fastest times as held by the team Inferno setup field
# The url to get the page is[TRACK INDEX]&p_car_id=[CARINDEX]&p_version=S2
# to download an actual setup it is[SETUP ID]
# so have to lookup on the track/car page to find the fastest setup id, then download it
# Brandon Green 1-2-06


use File::Basename;
use Win32::Internet;
$|=1; #force immediate output of print command(no waiting for endline to output progress)

#These were found by looking at the html code of the setupfield page
@CarNames=('XF GTi','XR GT','XR Turbo','RB4','FXO','LX4','LX6','MRT5','UF 1K','RA','FZ50','FOX','XF GTR','UF GTR','F08','FXO GTR','XR GTR','FZ50 GTR');
@CarIndex=( 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26);

@TrackNames=('BL GP','BL RX','SO Classic','SO Sprint1','SO Sprint2','SO Long','SO Town','FE Club','FE Green','FE Gold','FE Black','FE RX','FE RX Green','AS Cadet','AS Club','AS Nat','AS Hist','AS GP','KY Oval','KY National','KY GP','WE Int','Drag','Drift');

$inet = Win32::Internet->new();

# to download reverse track setups this should be changed to RevTrackIndex
foreach $track (@TrackIndex)
print "Downloading setups for track ".$TrackNames[$cur_name]."\t";

foreach $car (@CarIndex)
print ".";

#get the page that lists all of the setups for this track/car combo
$webpage = $inet->FetchURL( $SetupfieldURL."?p_section=setupdetails&p_config_id=".$track."&p_car_id=".$car."&p_version=S2" );

#split up the individual lines of the html file

foreach $line (@filedata)
#search every line to see if this line has the setup id on it
$pos=index $line, "setupdownload.php";

#if this is the line that has setup id on it
if ($pos>0)
#get the setup id from the line

$inet->OpenURL($url, $SetupfieldURL.$filepath);
#print "error was ".$inet->Error()."\n";
#print "data available ".$url->QueryDataAvailable()."\n"; #this should be 132 bytes!
#print "error was ".$inet->Error()."\n";

#get the filename of the setup
$filename = basename($url->QueryOption(33));
$filename=substr($filename, 0, -7).substr($filename,-4); #for some reason it has that pesky [1] right before the .set

#save the setup
open(OUTPUTFILE, ">./setups/$filename") or die "Couldn't open ./setups/$filename\n";
print OUTPUTFILE $url->ReadEntireFile();


#only get the first setup, so break out of foreach $line (@filedata) loop

print "\n";


S3 licensed
In season one at least they had a little picture of the track as the stig drove around it. Here is a screen capture of one, not that great quality, but clearly shows what the track looks like.
team INFERNO Setupfield Snapshot
S3 licensed

This is a snapshot of all of the fastest sets in the setupfield as of January 2nd 2006. This is only the standard ones, not the reversed. At least I think I got all of them.

245 sets in zip.

(edit, I wrote the script but forgot to upload a zip of all the reverse sets, 133 in zip)
Last edited by BrandonAGr, .