I clicked the download button a few mins before i went to bed last night and it set off at a very health 800-odd kbs. By the morning it was all fully installed and ready to go. The living room was noticibly warmer too.
On a related note, what's up with the camera movement when driving ? it seems reluctant to follow the car when you go round corners....the amount of people i've run over is quite sickening...oh wait, that's a good thing
I understand your point, it's just that I would of thought with digital distribution you'd make everything fast - my line can (and was earlier today) push through 750 KB/s.
I understand bandwidth isn't cheap but to be a viable alternative you have to get the basics right...
(the other issue again was this morning it wouldn't even start the download, but it would let me pay just fine, thanks for that).
It's all very well downloading games on steam, but the lagggggggggggg and the crashes arrrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh WHYYY do I put myself through this pain continually!? AHHHH