The online racing simulator
S09-10: Series Discussion

First of all, a warm welcome back to returning drivers and teams, and hello to those looking to take part in the series for the first time!

This post is a placeholder to let you all know that discussions are taking place behind the scenes in order to prepare the upcoming MoE season. As usual, the season will start at the end of September or very beginning of October, and will run through February of next year. At the moment, the season rules are being finalized and the schedule is being discussed. We have a broadcast package in place, once again with our wonderful partners at, and we expect many of the commentators from seasons past to return.

We will be sticking with the class format from the last two seasons, though the exact balancing is still being worked over. We expect applications for the season to open soon, so keep your eyes peeled for an announcement. As usual, teams will be invited to compete--submitting an application does not guarantee a spot in the field.

Thanks for your continued support of the Masters of Endurance, and we look forward to sharing more information regarding the upcoming season with you in short order.

Best regards,
Ben & Appie
good to hear... I mean MoE is the most prestigious racing series in LFS nowadays, so it's cool to see it continued
(Deutschland2007) DELETED by Deutschland2007
Quote from DeadWolfBones :
though the exact balancing is still being worked over.
Best regards,
Ben & Appie

I think its going to be better this time
(Deutschland2007) DELETED by Deutschland2007
You are of course free to post your ideas here helping us to improve the experience of endurance racing for you and this league as well.
Im hoping for some unsual tracks configs this year, just to add a new edge of excitement.
Great news, I allways wanted to have a touch of a real, authentic MoE car.

*contacts league managers inside team and whines*
-Different schedule (at least 2 track changes).
-No MoFZR this year.

Got nothing else, besides SCs (99% chance won't happen).
On a personal side I'd like to add success ballast to the top 3 of each class (15kg, 10kg, 5kg, max 50kg total) for each race.
Example: Team A, one 1st and two 3rd places: 15 + 5 + 5 = 25kg success balast.

But I guess I'm the only one who would want that :/
Imo the main thing safety cars serve to do in endurance racing is deprive the majority of teams getting the result which they deserve.
proper balancing + ditching bl1
thats it
Our plan at the moment is to replace one event (likely Blackwood) with a new track chosen by the teams/drivers from a list of options. This isn't a sure thing, though... still being discussed.

Aside from that, the schedule is likely to be the same as last season. MoE's all about tradition.
What about number of cars in each class? Again 18:12?
That will be determined for certain after the initial application period ends and we see what we've got, but you can expect it not to be too very different.
fernbay yes its a hard track but since where MoE and like people say in this thread the biggest leaque in lfs with most of the best drivers in it i guess it wont be a problem with some dificult chicane's in it.

blackwood out imo

no weight penalty's for the 1,2,3 from the classes brings alot of problems with it like if you are the team with most balast for the 24 hour race you can loose double points just becaus of your weight. not a point witch can kick down the pace equal enough over the season for everybody imo.

not a complete FZR show would be nice, though dont diss it out completly and still let it be compareble with the xrr, fxr will be a pain in the as.. to get equal i think
Fern Bay might have been doable with a single class series, but with GT2s on the track I don't see it working out well.
just some extra chicane's
(Deutschland2007) DELETED by Deutschland2007
Quote from PMD9409 :One's you actually have to slow down for, so I like it.

Lol yea, didnt even think about it that way
Quote from Deutschland2007 :If they can have a race at SO4 without everyone being upside down by the time the first lap is over...

They didn't quite manage everyone
Quote from Deutschland2007 :Yeah I do aswell. If you have the same calender every season it makes it boring for viewers and competitors.

Agree, but KY2 is the only one I want to see stay.
Quote from PMD9409 :Agree, but KY2 is the only one I want to see stay.

Which track would you suggest then to be thrown out of the calender?
Quote from joshdifabio :The other 5, I guess :P.

My dream calender would look somewhat diffrent from the last seasons one. But mine would also have 10! instead of 6 races.
New season, hope that the restriction for the gt2 class will be different. 100% FZR last year wasn't so nice to see.


And i hope Revolution Racing will be invited to participate the MoE
Quote from Nothing_else :New season, hope that the restriction for the gt2 class will be different. 100% FZR last year wasn't so nice to see.


And i hope Revolution Racing will be invited to participate the MoE

There weren´t only FZRs. There was a FXR in GT1 and in GT2.