The online racing simulator
Passenger seat view
(10 posts, started )
Passenger seat view
Let's say, for instance, I'm spectating a game and I want to sit in the passenger seat in another drivers car, I could press TAB until I get to the specific drivers car, then press SHIFT-V; This would cycle through all the passenger views for that car, for instance "Front Passenger", "Rear-Left Passenger" and "Rear-Right Passenger". The Passenger could also look around the same as the driver can in the interior of the car, the Passenger would add no weight to the car.

There is a way to view the drivers seat using SHIFT-U, but it's not that realistic and there's a lot of hassle trying to get the camera in the correct position.

Your thoughts?
cant use shift-v, it is used to reverse the camera views
Then perhaps something similar to that.
#4 - Byku
You could also try to use options -> view. You could simply move the cam from driver's seat to passenger's seat.
Can't move it far enough, the most I can move it is -0.050.
You can adjust the wheels camera to the passenger seat, though.
Yeah but I want the in-car camera on passenger view. The wheels camera is less realistic and my graphics card's power renders it unnecessary.
Quote from Weasley123 :Yeah but I want the in-car camera on passenger view. The wheels camera is less realistic and my graphics card's power renders it unnecessary.

So change the settings to draw the car and the driver then.
In the options you can change all the camera positions under View after selecting the custom view with Shift + V
That is lovely. Just what I wanted, thanks very mich MAGGOT

Passenger seat view
(10 posts, started )