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free up space on my HD
(53 posts, started )
I just did the delete all but the most recent restore point thing and i got 4 gb back, thats a fairly big percentage to get back with my likkle HD!

One way to get more free space is to get everything you dont really use but still want to keep and burn it onto a disk, put the disk in a case and store it somewhere safe (im good at scratching disks, don't be like me!)

This may only work with CD's which will require many disks depending how much stuff you have got. I don't know if you can burn programs and things like that onto a DVD which is much bigger, but im sure someone on here will know though. CDburnerXP is a free dvd burning program as well, which can be found on google, if you want to try DVD's.
I just cleaned out my 500 gig hard drive(465 gig available). I now have 440 gigs open.
Did you mis-type or have you now got 15gb less space?
Nope. Not mis-typed. Could have been a bit clearer. It's a 500 gig drive. Only 465 is available for use. I have only used 25 gigs. That includes Vista and all its wonderfully helpful programs.
Wait.. you LOST disk capacity when you cleaned your HD?
He didn't say how much space he had before cleaning up, did he?
I see my powers of explaination are failing. Hopefully I can summon the strength to describe.

Ok. Deep breath. Ihavea500gigharddrivewhichcontains35gigsofspacethatissetasidefor'Idon'tknowwhat',and25gigsthatIhaveused,IdidnotsayhowmuchspacewastherebeforeIcleaneditupbutitwasn'tawholelotIbetitwaslessthan100gigs. Clearer? No? Then I fart in your general direction!
i ot 50gigs back after restore point cleanup.
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Wait.. you LOST disk capacity when you cleaned your HD?

Nope, a certain % of disk drives are MIA so to speak. It's more noticeable with large drives, where a good chunk can be missing. Try looking at your own 160GB, I bet that Windows doesn't show exactly 160GB available My 500GB is the same at 465GB btw...
Get yourself 8 of these, one of these, one of these and a 64 bit OS and you're sorted.

For a little while at least...
Quote from dougie-lampkin :Nope, a certain % of disk drives are MIA so to speak. It's more noticeable with large drives, where a good chunk can be missing. Try looking at your own 160GB, I bet that Windows doesn't show exactly 160GB available My 500GB is the same at 465GB btw...

No no no no I get all that, I only have like 135gb usable cause of the backup shit...

Just how he said it made it seem that he'd lost 25gb of capacity..

Quote :I just cleaned out my 500 gig hard drive(465 gig available). I now have 440 gigs open.

Bit that confused me.. D:
Quote from S14 DRIFT :No no no no I get all that, I only have like 135gb usable cause of the backup shit...

Just how he said it made it seem that he'd lost 25gb of capacity..

Quote from PAracer :I just cleaned out my 500 gig hard drive(465 gig available). I now have 440 gigs open.

Bit that confused me.. D:

I don't know if you're still confused or not. If so, read on. If not, ignore me

The hard drive that was sold as "500 GB" actually only had 465 GB usable space (caused by a mixture of formatting the drive and the fact that manufacturers use decimal numbering and Operating Systems use binary numbering (HDD Manufacturer's Gigabyte = 1000 MB, Operating System's Gigabyte = 1024 MB)). Before he cleaned out the hard drive he had an undisclosed amount of free space (but less than 440 GB), after he cleaned it out he had 440 GB free.
Oh, I see.. thanks for explaining Amp. I knew about HD's never come with "what they say", but I was confusing myself between the "465gb" and the 440gb open..

I´d delete LFS.
delete all your porn.
Quote from dougie-lampkin :TBH, I don't see how you can fill up a 500GB drive with everything you need. My 500GB contains everything I've ever downloaded (incl. Music, Games, Movies, etc.), all my music collections, an entire backup of my last Vista install that went tits up, every program, video and skin I've created. And it still has 185GB free Where are the days when I struggled to fill the 12GB drive on our first PC :rolleyes: (And that was a massive HDD back then)

If you have programs you don't use very often, uninstall them, but keep user files and the installation. That way you can re-install them at any time and still keep everything

ive 1 tb of music/movies/pictures...

and ill be picking another 500gb for half nothing...

my pc/laptops are empty except for a few games and work related b.s

in sumarry: i barely download anymore and i need more storage... and everything is compressed !!
bloody hell, we're in terabyte terratory now!
Quote from danthebangerboy :bloody hell, we're in terabyte terratory now!

My brother has just under 4 terabytes and still complains about lack of space.....
#46 - T.J.
I got about 2 terras filled with movies... That is a lot of movies lol
i JUST found out how reducing your page file = more space!
Quote from chavm481 :i JUST found out how reducing your page file = more space!

It does save disk space, but what happens if your computer is really heavily loaded running loads of programs one day and starts to run out of RAM to use, windows thinks, ill go use the pagefile, which is virtual memory, but there isnt enough resources available as the page file isn't as big as what it is supposed to be.

This will make your PC go slower at these times of high load.

Your pagefile size should always be somewhere between 1.5 and 2 times the amount of RAM you have, so as i have only 1024mb of RAM, which is not much, i have opted for the larger 2048mb page file size.

It could only happen depending what you are doing at the time of course, and it would need to be something very intensive on memory, but still a risk.

free up space on my HD
(53 posts, started )