The online racing simulator
Where can I rent a Catherham in London?
(21 posts, started )
Fairly unlikely to be honest, without memberships and lots of expense.
#2 - Bean0
(Dj-Aeri) DELETED by Dj-Aeri
Well blow me down with a feather, I never knew that. Since when did Caterham move out of their tiny shed and start offering extras like this?
If you've got the money you can get anything you want. Caterham themselves do hire out cars at "reasonable" rates as per here:

Your problem is that you don't have a full UK driving license. But as I said, money can solve problems. So give them a ring?

edit: dang it, too slow
(Dj-Aeri) DELETED by Dj-Aeri
£150 a day? and only 85 miles allowance? christ
Christ, it'd be cheaper to buy a Cat then it would hire one. :|
(Dj-Aeri) DELETED by Dj-Aeri
Quote from danowat :£150 a day? and only 85 miles allowance? christ

'inc .85 free miles' thats not even a mile for free? thats abit crazy
Lol, I think the . is meant for inc. rather than the number, but it does look like 0.85 miles!

Woot, 1 free kilometer!
It's more or less a reasonable price. If you look at what you have to pay to rent a ferrari for one day...
Quote from Dj-Aeri :Hmmm, buying an used one... It's not a bad idea

They hold their value though.

Now, depending on how long you are in the UK for, build one yourself
(Dj-Aeri) DELETED by Dj-Aeri
Quote from the_angry_angel :Top Gear managed it in a day

Haha thats great, or just bring it back home with you and build it there!
So they claimed. And with an unknown amount of unseen helpers (not our unseen, you witty people!). And it was so badly put together (which may have been for reasons of entertainment I admit) that you wouldn't want to drive it around London for a week
Out of interest by London do where abouts do you actually mean? Car driving in the centre of London is pretty hopeless and there's the congestion charge. TBH if your visiting London for the first time and don't absolutley need a car use the public transport, which is never on time but at least it's a bit less of a joke than the rest of the UKs public transport.
#15 - MR_B
Quote from ajp71 :use the public transport, which is never on time but at least it's a bit less of a joke than the rest of the UKs public transport.

I'll second that. The tube is blooming frequent, you never have enough time to finish the sentence "When will this damn train be here?"
What about insurance? What happens if you wreck a rented Caterham?
Quote from wheel4hummer :What about insurance? What happens if you wreck a rented Caterham?

Probably about the same as if you wreck any rented performance car
Quote from wheel4hummer :What about insurance? What happens if you wreck a rented Caterham?

The price includes insurance, that's also why they're picky about ages/license points/country of license etc.
Quote from ajp71 :The price includes insurance, that's also why they're picky about ages/license points/country of license etc.

That's also why you have to leave a deposit of (probably) circa £1000 to cover the excess. You can usually reduce the excess by paying more to rent the vehicle.
Quote from tristancliffe :you wouldn't want to drive it around London for a week

I'm still not sure why anyone would want to drive a caterham around London anyway! It's kind of asking for crap to be dumped in it. Not to mention you're a bit exposed! And there's the rain....
Quote from the_angry_angel :And there's the rain....

...but if that doesn't bother you rent a bike. Bicycle or motorbike; either is really the quickest and most convenient way to get around London.

Where can I rent a Catherham in London?
(21 posts, started )