The online racing simulator
Official WTCC game
(39 posts, started )
Official WTCC game
I searched for the thread about this game but havn't found anything.

It looks kind of proffesional but I fear it would be another game using Pacejka system, which is unrealistic in sertain situations and not feedbacking the driver especially while driving non-openwheelers (look at rFactor, GTR2) , to calculate physics in game.
Maybe the media support (Eurosport) will make the game have sertain feeling and even commentary (dreaming). Website looks cool and have lots of info.
#2 - Jakg
Quote from himself :I searched for the thread about this game but havn't found anything.

It looks kind of proffesional but I fear it would be another game using Pacejka system, which is unrealistic in sertain situations and not feedbacking the driver especially while driving non-openwheelers (look at rFactor, GTR2) , to calculate physics in game.
Maybe the media support (Eurosport) will make the game have sertain feeling and even commentary (dreaming). Website looks cool and have lots of info.

seen it, like Jorg Mullers quote on how you can take people out without damaging your car, and how real life should be like that
looks like a good game I might buy that when it comes out
certainly it will bring competition to GTR2 and rTractor. it does look quite nice from the screenies but for me it isnt how a game looks but more how it feels. Waiting for the demo now...

Did they build their own engine? or are they using an isi based engine?
Browsing through that site and one thing jumped out at me in BIG letters..."Developper= SIMBIN!!!"

In other words, this sounds like it IS just a mod for GTR2 using the same physics model, but getting full price for it!

Looks like Simbin is learning from EA(t my) Shorts here...charging full whack for a mod/patch!
Blimey made GTR 2 not Simbin.
simbin made GTR2 actually look on their webpage
#8 - Jakg
Blimey made it, SimBin took all the credit
Quote from Bladerunner :Looks like Simbin is learning from EA(t my) Shorts here...charging full whack for a mod/patch!


Quote from sil3ntwar :Blimey made GTR 2 not Simbin.

Technically, this is correct. Blimey is made up of Simbin members though. Many of the members left the team for a bit, and it seems they have returned now, though, because the Simbin name is back.

I can honestly say this is another game I will not try. Simbin is not a 'company' I want to support; especially with their 'EA-like' practices.
GTR, GTR2, GT-Legends, rfactor, simbin, bimley, whatever, its all the same anyway
...when you produce crap wine you have to put it in new shiny bottles...
Quote from Jakg :Blimey made it, SimBin took all the credit

Tehehe yeah, just read up some stuff about it on RSC soz, didn't know hehe... So is this a "Full game" or an Add-on for GTR2?
It's a full game, so the can charge the full prize for it.

P.s. And my guess is that it will sell quite well with all that media support. Expect free rides to WTCC races for magazine writers and stuff like that.
hehe wanna guess on the price? I reckon around £45-£50
Has anyone played the new GTR 2 game? What's it like?
its not released yet... is it?
#17 - Jakg
its out, i was gona download it, but 500 mb for a sodding demo made me not bother, and there a physics and tyre holes so big you could drive a train though it so i gave up
Ahhh the demo yes i thought he meant the actual game lol, I have played the demo and i liked it, just too bad i havent got a wheel yet, although when i do get it, i will download the demo again
Anyone looked at the Macau screens? For a game which primary's selling point will be the graphics, there are some quite big holes to fill in (drivers hands clipping into the wheel, the wheel itself is only shown half and lets you see it isn't actually connected to the car and awful mipmapping)...
GTR 2 has indeed been released. There is a full convertion of the content in it over to rFactor in progress already, and quite far along in progress too.
i think this game looks good, weather it will be or not is another thing. its about time we got a proper touring car game on the market. lookin forward to the release
Did GTR2 get released in the states first? Because I have it, and I've had it for a little while... Box says GTR2 and everything. Still a crappy game though, bought it hoping it would be decent, and it's barely that, I just can't get over the lack of feel. Oh well, at least it didn't cost too much.
Quote from bbman :Anyone looked at the Macau screens? For a game which primary's selling point will be the graphics, there are some quite big holes to fill in (drivers hands clipping into the wheel, the wheel itself is only shown half and lets you see it isn't actually connected to the car and awful mipmapping)...

Judging from what you can see on that site, they are still making it. If not then it is going to be very much like most mainstream games "It's good enough, now sell it".

Quote from 96 GTS :Did GTR2 get released in the states first? Because I have it, and I've had it for a little while... Box says GTR2 and everything. Still a crappy game though, bought it hoping it would be decent, and it's barely that, I just can't get over the lack of feel. Oh well, at least it didn't cost too much.

Not that I know of, it's been out over here for ages, a guy I know ordered it way back near the start of the yearish.
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :a guy I know ordered it way back near the start of the yearish.

not GTR2 he didn't
Quote from nikimere :not GTR2 he didn't

Well I'd have to go back to the old forum and check the dates, but it was before I left (which was around Mayish time), and I mocked him for buying trash, though I guess he could have pre-ordered it. It was a long time ago.

Official WTCC game
(39 posts, started )