The online racing simulator
Official WTCC game
(39 posts, started )
Quote from MAGGOT :
Technically, this is correct. Blimey is made up of Simbin members though. Many of the members left the team for a bit, and it seems they have returned now, though, because the Simbin name is back.

Still wrong... This WTCC is first game from the current SimBin team. GTR2 and GTL was released under SimBin's name because Blimey Games was a contractor for SimBin but both were developed by Blimey. Blimey was formed when Ian Bell and half of the original SimBin team quit.

Unfortunately this will use the ISI engine but there have been some rumours that they'd finally leave it after this game... there have been also rumours that the next game from SimBin possibly with a new engine might be a cross-platform game (you know they are going to make GTR2 port for Xbox 360) which doesn't sound that good...
Quote from nikimere :i think this game looks good, weather it will be or not is another thing. its about time we got a proper touring car game on the market. lookin forward to the release

I am too, because it's a great license with cars that should be great fun to race with, and of course a fantastic selection of international circuits.
I must say, though, that I do expect to be disappointed with it.
Hate to say it, but the fact that GTL GTR GTR2 WTCC etc etc ad infintitum seem to have great licenses is cos they have paid megabucks for them, and this cost has to be borne by somebody. Do we have any budding Einsteins who would like to be the first to guess WHO is gonna pay for them??

OK, so the ISI engine is a bit more realistic than NFS, but, (and its a BIG but), they (Simbin) seem to be going down the EA route of put it in a shiny box, call it a new game, and rip off as many people as possible!
I have _PLAYED_ (term used expressly!) on GTR2 a bit, and for me, the most noticeable thing was the Force Feedback....mainly cos the wheel wouldnt stop juddering!! (realistic road feel?) OK, I may not have driven many ultra-high performance sports cars in my time, but I'm damn sure that if I bought a Ferrari and it shook like that it would go straight back to the shop!
As for cornering, there is no 'feel' at all, it is almost as if the wheel input was exactly the same as a compensated keyboard.

Bottom line is, that if WTCC is anything like GTR2, then I wont waste my time downloading the demo, let alone waste my cash in lining Simbins pockets!

Final Word:
[tip] Wait for the rTractor mod to come out and play that you wont notice any difference...except the price maybe! [/tip]
Quote from Bladerunner :Final Word:
[tip] Wait for the rTractor mod to come out and play that you wont notice any difference...except the price maybe! [/tip]

Physics will be different. I'll leave you to decide which is better, but at least it won't be the same :P
#30 - JTbo
Me not happy how Race demo works out, first it installed god knows what directx stuff into my system and after that when I get into game and click options it freezes whole system, really I should not trust software to work as intended, got another reminder from that.

So can't say much from it, it has uninstall but I'm afraid using it, what if that too is working as well, does it uninstall windows then? Ok, I'm making things bit bigger than they are, but I just have not had any crashes or freezes for long time, last time it was because of hardware problem, but none because of software and mostly this is because I have choosed what to install, not some installer thing
Well I knew it had been mentioned before, but give the OP a break - think of the results you'd get searching for "race" and "wtcc" here
That's why I put that wiseass-disclaimer there
i have race not that great same as gtr2 !!id stay with lfs !!!
Played the demo, the FF felt like the car was in control of my wheel, not my wheel in control of the car. Arcadey crap.
#36 - mr_x
I still play RACE and I still love it

Forcefeedback is very good once you have it set up right, I can feel (like LFS) when my front wheels are spinning/losing grip. (Logitech G25).

Online racing is close and very good fun with very little lag.

The ONLY thing the game lacks for me is the community feel like LFS has. Although I have joined a RACE community to solve that problem, and so far it's working

EDIT: I know I've said this somewhere here before, but DON'T take the demo as the final thing, I know people say it's the same but I don't think it is at all. The car physics are definately different between demo and full release... I could control the BMW easily on the demo, I can't at all on full release.
Quote from mr_x :

EDIT: I know I've said this somewhere here before, but DON'T take the demo as the final thing, I know people say it's the same but I don't think it is at all. The car physics are definately different between demo and full release... I could control the BMW easily on the demo, I can't at all on full release.

Well I purchased Race some days ago (and GTR2) to complete my racing games collection. I've tried it out and I can control the BMW's (also the '87) just easily. And I also have this strange feeling that the FF is controling the car or perhaps to define it the other way around: I definatly have the feeling that something else is driving the car and that i'm just a passenger (all helps off).
RACE is a strange one, on one hand I hate the damn thing, I just find it SOOOO frustrating to use and looks SOOOOO unfinished, like some sort of early beta or something.

On the other hand there is some damn good racing action to be had, I did an online race over Christmas at Curbita (SP), and it was a total blast, really close, tight racing, lots of position changing, was top fun.

That said, it's no LFS, but there is some fun to be had if you scratch really, really hard to get beneath the surface, its a slow burner thats for sure, it's no instant turn on tune in type of game
#39 - JTbo
Quote from frokki :I'm not trying to be a wiseass, but..

Indeed that too, I knew GTR2 is one, but even this too, then I did read simbin has multi year contract with that IGN 'we make spyware to all', company.

So that is it, for 'several years' I'm not installing anything from Simbin, sorry to say but fight against adware/spyware is higher on my priority list.

Official WTCC game
(39 posts, started )