Join2LFS is a clone of LFSJoin and works the same, but has more features!
By clicking on the "Join" link on LFS World you can directly join the a certain LFS Server.
But my version also works with Opera
Key features:
> Joining a LFS server via web links (links like LFS World uses)
> easy installation and uninstallation (one click)
> joining public servers also with a password (good for admins)
> passwords are stored
> you can pass an insim port to lfs
> you can start other applications before lfs
> it supports server names in the new languages (Japanese, Greek, etc...)
> there is an update checker
J2L also supports the handy tool "LFS Launch" by "Herki".
So check it out NOW...
Download Join2LFS
(current version
Beta Version of Join2LFS 2:
Download Join2LFS 2.0 beta
This beta supports special characters. If you encounter some problems please use this. But this version doesn't include all features of the old one!
Beta Version of Join2LFS 2.1:
Download Join2LFS 2.1 beta
Some virus scanners seems to find a virus. My scann doesn't. So maybe you can also check that!
To get Join2LFS working on Ubuntu with FireFox :
PitSpotter and Join2LFS:
By clicking on the "Join" link on LFS World you can directly join the a certain LFS Server.
But my version also works with Opera

Key features:
> Joining a LFS server via web links (links like LFS World uses)
> easy installation and uninstallation (one click)
> joining public servers also with a password (good for admins)
> passwords are stored
> you can pass an insim port to lfs
> you can start other applications before lfs
> it supports server names in the new languages (Japanese, Greek, etc...)
> there is an update checker
J2L also supports the handy tool "LFS Launch" by "Herki".
So check it out NOW...
Download Join2LFS
(current version
Beta Version of Join2LFS 2:
Download Join2LFS 2.0 beta
This beta supports special characters. If you encounter some problems please use this. But this version doesn't include all features of the old one!
Beta Version of Join2LFS 2.1:
Download Join2LFS 2.1 beta
Some virus scanners seems to find a virus. My scann doesn't. So maybe you can also check that!
To get Join2LFS working on Ubuntu with FireFox :
PitSpotter and Join2LFS: