The online racing simulator

Poll : Where?

Maximum budget €100
Maximum budget €150
Maximum budget €50
Maximum budget €80
Nijverdal (Indoor) -
Quote from Joris :I thought this meet was for fun and socialising. I am pretty sure I will carry the red lantern whatever material I get but that will not stop me from taking part. Childish behaviour like yours might however...

From what I understood, the idea of this meet is for socialising and fun. Lets not have 1 person spoil that.

I hope we can all agree to race on even terms (no one brings their own kart).

Btw: what does "carry the red lantern" mean?
seems zeugnimod only joins conversations if they are about topics known very well to him.

if anybody does not want to join the meeting - then simply don't. thankfully we do not depend on single persons. (perhaps kasper, except he wants to do all the way to netherlands in his own car... )
Quote from Joris :I thought this meet was for fun and socialising. I am pretty sure I will carry the red lantern whatever material I get but that will not stop me from taking part. Childish behaviour like yours might however...

Thought the same
No chance for you to get the red lantern:fence3d:, i totally suck in karts. Never driven on an outdoor track though
May he come with his own kart in drive miles on front of everyone i'm sure he'll just have half the fun as the rest
Hope when the time comes some of you can help me find a cheap train ticket and a youth hostel or whatever is cheap snt good enough.
Quote from Joris :I thought this meet was for fun and socialising. I am pretty sure I will carry the red lantern whatever material I get but that will not stop me from taking part. Childish behaviour like yours might however...

I agree.

Also: I will close the PM poll on October the 15th. Because that PM poll's votes can be traced, that poll is the one used for the final choice. One and a half months of voting time should be long enough. If you haven't yet replied, do so.

If you don't, you don't have the right to object afterwards.
Quote from Biohazard :seems zeugnimod only joins conversations if they are about topics known very well to him.


That was mean even considering that it's coming from you. :weeping:
You guys got it all wrong with what i said.
I meant 80 euros is alot of cash. For that money i can drive a whole all in exclusive kart day. So i meant then I'd rather drive my own kart then driving on Driebergen. I am a really nice person in rl. But organising a karting meet where people need to spend alot of cash you must make sure you get the best karts and track conditions possible. So that makes me a bit dissapointed. And i wont have half the fun because with rentals karting isn't much of a challenge. Keeping a 2 stroker on track can be very difficult.

I think we are all reasonable people. If you have a good reason to object to a certain track, then lay out the reasons in an easy to understand way so that we may understand and discuss and eventually agree/disagree.
Sounds like fun, but the only names i know from startpost are non-dutch (don't know if that says anything about dutch lfs community or about me ).

I will wait till the when and where are confirmed before i make up my mind
Quote :organising a karting meet where people need to spend alot of cash you must make sure you get the best karts and track conditions possible.

Not really, what is needed is karts that wont brake down or give an unfair advantage. Other than that it's all about good company, alchohol, food, and trying to stop the others talking about nerdy stuff when a hot girl walks past and they havn't seen her yet.

Quote :Keeping a 2 stroker on track can be very difficult.

Have you ever driven one? It's got the same controls as the other karts, but just accelerates a bit faster, it's not hard at all the racing is still versus other racers not the track - just not on the same kind of budget - or am I missing the point?

Yes you can do test days quite cheap, but test days are you versus the track. That isn't the point of getting an international group of friends together to go racing get drunk and wake up in some strangers house trying to find all the bits for a fried breakfast.
I actually own a Maranello Rotax Max 125cc, But a 4 strokes takes ages to get to 60-70 but my Rotax does about 180 max and it accellarates so much faster then a 4 stroker and also a prokart because theres much more torque so it is like fliying trough the corners.
But here are some reasons to go to a good karting track:
Berghem is easy to find - Tracks like Eindhoven need some Ghetto roads to get to.
Often the curbs are bad on an old track.
The buildings often suck ( like really bad )
So you cant get a decent meal most of the time or you cant even get anything cuz there is no restaurant.
The karts often have alot of difference in times
They may be brand new at Driebergen but the track kills them.
And the Driebergen track is enharantly dangerous because of a power mast ( that metal thing holding up electric wires )
No run offs. No safety
Plz add me on MSN of you want to know more:
[email protected]
Im not triying to be rude or complain too much but you need to consider it.
Quote from Vinnylegends :Boasting about a kart, and telling how good Berghem is.

Mate, it already looks like Berghem is going to win. No worries
Berghem is 3 votes behind
I spoke to a Dutch friend of mine yesterday who went to Berghem on a company field tripe (team building). He only had good things to say about the Berghem kart track.
I voted Berghem because the layout possibilities seem a lot nicer. Have only ever driven outside once in Eindhoven which was fun though.

I do not really care however where it is. It's all about the fun and not about who wins for me (a surprisingly similar attitude as I have in LFS ) And I'll drive wherever the meet is. There are always people coming from alot farther away than I am

I did however participate in an indoor karting meet in Huizen organized by a company I worked for and the differences in karts was realy a problem there.
I did OK on a small circuit and was in the semifinal on the large circuit. This large circuit has an overpass and the power difference in karts really played a big role there getting up the climb. I had a REALLY bad one in the semifinal (and surprising myself I made it to the final last place) and a REALLY great one in the final where people seemed to be standing still getting up.
For indoor karting I'm cured of driving at circuits that have overpasses (for the average 1 time per 2 years I sit in a kart ) and luckily outdoor circuits are not really using them so I'm ok with that.

It would be nice to be able to sit in similarly powered karts and it might be wiser to have someone actually having experienced karts at a certain track to comment and go somewhere based on that.
I have only tried karting once in my life. It was an indoor kart circuit and while we had a great time and the karts themselves were good, I left there with a bad impression:

- My clothes STANK of fuel and exhaust!
- many of my friends didn't feel good because of all the fumes they breathed in the 2 races we raced.

So after this one experience I am in favor of an outdoor track. I would rather be rained upon than stink of fuel fumes and breath exhaust again.

I was wondering: What incentives can we come up with to get the devs to show up? (free beer?! )
Quote from Vinnylegends :Berghem is 3 votes behind

Not if you read my posts carefully, my friend. Also, read the pm I sent to everyone interested.
Ladies and Gents,

I've booked the following track: clicky
It's been a while now. As I said somewhere, half October would be the time to decide which track it's going to be. I have sent each one of you a pm, or asked you directly for your votes, so I could keep up a public poll. The results of the poll are as follows:

LFS Track poll
Berghem 14
Driebergen 11
Oldenzaal 5
Pottendijk 3
Lelystad 3
Eindhoven 3
Nijverdal 3

Berghem wins, with 14 votes against Driebergen, which got 11.

According to the results of the month poll, the final result is Berghem, June 2009.
Attached files
Karting.rar - 17.7 KB - 183 views
Cool, I think June will be doable for me, i'm in Netherlands in January and then again for 1 other week and possibly a couple of long weekends, i'll try to make my week in June ;P

I need to somehow pack a race suit, I might have to go through Schipol airport wearing it !
Im glad driebergen did not win those karts are real crap
Quote from Chrisuu01 :Im glad driebergen did not win those karts are real crap

From what I understood they have a fleet of [crap] cadets and a fleet of twin's, no?