The online racing simulator
Bikes will be cool! I made a monster truck!
Quote from Bob Smith :So much for an early night.

Are the presets going to be loadable in future versions? If so I'll have to update the hundreds (well, not quite) of tweaks sitting on my website.

edit: eeek, no track/wheelbase adjustment - will these be added at a later date or is editing of that no longer possible? At a first glance that all that seems to be missing (it's been a while...)

Thanks a lot btw.

Well, presets ARE loading for me so im not sure what you mean. Of course,
some changes make presets incompatible, but this is too early for me to
think about it. This is simply a 'lite' version i made in the meanwhile.

There are a few things i still want to add but i dont want to update
regularly. Wheelbase looks totally wrong so i left it out for now, but
ill surely be adding track soon since it will also be usefull for the bike
presets work for me. Made a nice monster truck and a penny farthing car

Hopefully the track makes the bike act like a bike.
Quote from sil3ntwar :Hopefully the track makes the bike act like a bike.

You need lots of ride height too with how wide the body is. Even if you use the max ride height currently possible, you're only going to get a max of about 15 degrees lean (guessing). If you could somehow slim the body down, that would eliminate the problem.
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What exactly changes with the bike cartype anyway?
I don't understand very well what cartype changes...
Only difference I noticed with the bike cartype is the steering was opposite, trying to turn left made it turn right, turning right made it turn left. Fun little program though. It's good to break away from the normal LFS and mod up some impossible vehicle :-)
Well to start...THANK YOU! Now down to the nitty gritty....there is no weight distrubution slider...this is so important that its almost pointless to try and make a car without it. 42r/57f just dosn't work when you are trying to make a 505hp corvette. Also when I try and do .xxx on the engine postion it gives "run-time error "13": Type mismatch" This would be great if that was made to be a slider bar also.
Thank you Fonnybone!
Quote from aoe_viruz :Well to start...THANK YOU! Now down to the nitty gritty....there is no weight distrubution slider...this is so important that its almost pointless to try and make a car without it. 42r/57f just dosn't work when you are trying to make a 505hp corvette. Also when I try and do .xxx on the engine postion it gives "run-time error "13": Type mismatch" This would be great if that was made to be a slider bar also.

That text box is very specific about what it wants. You can't clear it, you can't have a number before a negative sign, etc. Just enter the number you want keeping this limitation in mind.

Also, sliders are MUCH less precise than raw numbers and they limit you to a specific range. When there's no reason for such limits, I hate sliders.
Quote from Fonnybone :LFSTweakS2 BetaA, edits any of the 3 demo cars to virtually unlimited
specifications. Save presets to share with friends and to use online.

I've provided 2 crappy presets i made to test, they might be usefull for beginners.

wow fantastic idea! how about providing the 3d meshes of licensed cars and tracks next? i can see this selling loads of licenses...
you know... coz lfs had this reputation of having the least friendly and timelimited demo in the world. barely played by anyone. this can change things for the better. thanks!
Always the cynic, Kid. I don't disagree with your point, though.
Quote from Fonnybone :Well, presets ARE loading for me so im not sure what you mean. Of course,
some changes make presets incompatible, but this is too early for me to
think about it. This is simply a 'lite' version i made in the meanwhile.

There are a few things i still want to add but i dont want to update
regularly. Wheelbase looks totally wrong so i left it out for now, but
ill surely be adding track soon since it will also be usefull for the bike

Yeah sorry that was me just being unclear, presets are loading fine for me - I was thinking about future versions.

Wheelbase, while looking completely silly (from the outside) if adjusted much, was important for a) getting the wheelbase/track shape correct (for handling) and b) sorting out weight distribution without having to move the engine silly far (something that was limited by the slider before anyway).

Also the Cd adjustment is missing.

But on the whole I am liking it, no problems at all, and the new adjustments are very welcome. Feel free to add new features any time.
OMFG! Yay! Too bad i have to go to school now
Cool, anyone have some ridiculous settings to get the fastest possible 1/4 time? I just seem to make setups where my tires spin all the way down the track
Great prog

However I cant get it to save/load presets!!

When I click either save/load, it wont do anything, the button just goes in and out like it is a dummy button...

Can someone help please?? I really want to try this online (Private server of course, with my mates)
nice work! keep it up
thanks funnybone.. great tool
LOL, great fun driving an AWD, V10 7.0L Turbo charged (42psi) 1800BHP monster around the Oval, gets to 205mph in no time, just doesnt like turning LOL.

One bug (sorry if it was already reported): you cannot enter negative values. There goes my rear engine GTi

But good work so far . Bummer that 10000 bhp ruin the tyres soo quickly...
I entered negative values for engine position and it worked fine. Made the XFG in to a mid-engine V6 clio, was a blast with slicks
Hmm, mine screams "type mismatch" right after I enter the -

Maybe it's the combination with german KB layout/number format?
You have to enter negative engine position values as 0.5- , not -0.5, do it the last way it crashes.

How do I have slicks on a XFG?.

For me it worked fine with value like this: -0.600

To get slicks, change the cartype to Formula (or any other one that has slicks).
#50 - Vain
Great work!

Does anyone also experience severe COG-problems? My AWD XFGs all flip in every second corner when I give them slicks and more than 200hp. And yes, I already worked with weight and the position of the motor. I'll try the same with the XR-series later. Perhaps those flip less.
(My temporary solution were 550er tyres with -4,5° camber and 1,2bar pressure )
Anyway, the XFM (XF MONSTER) is plain great. I already crushed some XRGs with my monster-truck yesterday night.
Speaking about the XFM, I want to ask wether future versions will feature custom values for the setups, like extra-hard suspension (beyond the limit of the slider in LFS).
Again: Great work!

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LFSTweakS2 Lite (Old release for LFS v0.5Q)
(474 posts, closed, started )