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Strange object on Mars!!!
(46 posts, started )
It's possibly just what's left of Beagle or some other probe. Or a piece of rock that's a different colour.
OMGzor I have not been this scared since they found Hitler allive and well on the moon!


meh if its alive, its dead by now
ok, it was me, i got lost, i needed to go to the post office
Quote from Jakg :Could be anything from dodgy tubes

mars is a series of tubes?
#30 - Jakg
I meant the tubes that connect the earth to the space ship - they could be clogged.

Same thing happens to the internet.
Quote from Becky Rose :OMGzor I have not been this scared since they found Hitler allive and well on the moon!



You should see the Daily Mail version.... it claims that they have 7 children, both parents unemployed and claiming £1000's of the benefits system, while also preparing a terrorist strike against the very heart of this nation.......and avoiding to pay taxes as well.

TBH - I'm a little disappointed that nobody has said that the chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one
Ok, i give up, it's my ass
Instead of zooming in, they should have zoomed out !!!!!!!

Click to zoom out.
Attached images
mars animate400.gif
lolz Jason, pure genius.
I told them to use a landline!
Quote from squidhead :Somebody really should send NASA a normal color digital camera with at least 5+ megapixels and analogue zoom

i always wonder why most of the photos are black&white.
maybe NASA wanna hide something?
Quote from NSX_FReeDoM :i always wonder why most of the photos are black&white.
maybe NASA wanna hide something?

To cut down on bandwidth? It's not exactly a great connection ...
LOL! As soon as I saw the squiggly thing I knew it was Space Invaders. The first game I ever played in my life was some DOS version of Space Invaders.
Quote from NSX_FReeDoM :i always wonder why most of the photos are black&white.
maybe NASA wanna hide something?

The connection isnt the fastest over there, so they take black n white pictures because they are smaller, and if needed they can take colored pictures also.
i think its just a cow
its Darth Vader!
I think they should sign up for tiscali's 8mb super fast intergalactic broadband. It's a mobile phone mast isn't it? There are people on mars.
I know what it is!!

Mars' first traffic jam:
Nah it's a giant can of coke.
I think it MIGHT be a TMA

Strange object on Mars!!!
(46 posts, started )