The online racing simulator
(37 posts, started )
#1 - sun
hi does any one know any links to help me with this part of my inSim - Earning Cash ? if you know a link what can help me with earning cash or somthing else please post a reply

#2 - Jakg
WOW! Theres a question you've never asked before!
Part of the reason people tell you to go learn how to code is that there are no links that tell you how to add earning cash to an InSim app. The reason for this is that if you know how to program, then doing this sort of stuff is (relatively) easy. The only way to do it is to figure it out yourself, which means that you need to understand things about variables, logic and all the other stuff that make up a computer program.

Edit: Sorry for spamming your thread.
#5 - Stuff
Here ya go!

inSim errors.
where would i put the !sell commands?
Running a lfs server with money on it
Make the inSim insim program m ... files with the user data
earning cash
3 Errors opening file (txt)

But srsly.. just stop programming for a while and draw out a model. It doesn't have to be in any standard or whatever. Just visualize the relationships that programs need. Think of cruise server type events (whatever those are, don't ask) that you could handle, think of the InSim events that you would need to make the cruise events work, think of the commands you would need, think of where you're going to store all this, think of the children, us and your poor computer! Once you show us a decent model, maybe one of us will write some psuedo code to help.. maybe..
#6 - sun
like that wud really happen ? i've tried everything i'am gettin a book and reading links and peoople just keep moaning and moaning and moaning and moaning and moaning. Its Getting me angry and not helpfull at all just little retards keep saying thew same thing over and over again and i heard them the first time
Quote from sun :like that wud really happen ? i've tried everything i'am gettin a book and reading links and peoople just keep moaning and moaning and moaning and moaning and moaning. Its Getting me angry and not helpfull at all just little retards keep saying thew same thing over and over again and i heard them the first time

What do you think you sound like to them, asking the same thing over and over and over?
Quote from sun :Its Getting me angry and not helpfull at all just little retards keep saying thew same thing over and over again and i heard them the first time

That's because you keep asking the same questions over and over again. But hey, if we're all just little retards, then I guess you don't need our help. Good luck!
My god, I'm getting sick of these requests...I've helped you via MSN and in LFS, I've told you what to do for cash, you asked me what methods were, I gave you a link which explained it, and now you post here...again? If you need to know something specific, I've no problem sharing what little I know, but jeez, when I do explain it to you, at least try and have a go...

And don't call people who help you retards, did you think that would help?

Pot, kettle and black spring to mind...
Quote from sun :Its Getting me angry and not helpfull at all just little retards keep saying thew same thing over and over again and i heard them the first time

If you listened, we wouldn't have to keep saying it.
..Some people dont know what search is???
If people keep saying it.. don't you think its got a meaning .. i think you should go sit on that...

.. and when you come back you will read what got you angry and listen and try your hardest to understand because that is what you should do.
You know... some people actually write code for a living. This means a few things...

1) Someone (employer) is willing to pay out good money for the expertise of people that know how to write code.

2) Writing code is the equivalent of "work".

3) Contrary to popular belief, everything you need to write for your custom application has not already been written by someone else who just happend to upload it somewhere... so just googling will not find you the code you want.

4) It is really really important to understand what you "read" in someone else code. You need to know what you are doing and why. This is why everyone says you need to "learn" something, make some progress then ask questions. Don't ask questions before you make progress.
Here you go Sun, ignore those sensible people who are doing nothing but anger you in your quest to create such a brilliant, orignial idea that no one has ever thought of doing before.
#15 - sun
i have nothing to say, except from saying sorry for calling you little retards. and rob ? do you mind if you share things that you know with me ?
To even start thinking about cash you need to decide how they are going to earn it. Presumably it's going to be on distance traveled.

To do that you're going to need to know the positions of each player in your server. To do that you will need to look at the MCI packets from LFS. Using this data, for each racer, you can determine how far each racer has driven, very very roughly, using pythagorus based on the last known position of the racer and the one in the current MCI packet. You take that value, convert it into metres, oblongs, whatever you want, as long as it's a predictable scale from LFS world units to whatever units you choose. You can then add this distance to some internal counter, if you want, or simply assign their account, in your database, some arbitary value. Say +1 for every 100metres (for example - do whatever the hell you want).

In order to do that successfully you need to track each user as they join the track, using the NPL and possibly the NCN packets (depending on how you program your logic), look into your database and determine if they've got a record. If not you then create one for them using some default values. You then load this data into some object that represents their user. If they try to join with a car they do not own, send an MST with the /spec command and then send another telling them why they were spectated.

Monitor the MCI packets as above, for example and assign money as appropriate. You could do this a number of other ways.

Once a player leaves (PLL or CNL, again depending on your program logic) write the contents of their in-memory tracking object to the database, so that their player remains up to date. Doing it now will reduce load on your save-to-disk/database/whatever solution.

To implement buying you simply look at their amount of money and see if they can afford the car they want, by comparing it's predefined cost using an if statement. If they can afford it record in the database that they now own and may use that car. Remove the appropriate amount of money from that player's account.

Detailed enough sun?
#17 - sun
thats detailed. Thats the kind of answer i'am looking for. thanks angry angel now i'am going to do some coding
:jawdrop: :bowdown:
#19 - sun
hehe nova
Guys, i can understand that you are getting annoyed by him asking the same questions over and over again. But take a step back for a second.

This Kid is 10 years of age... He is trying to code an insim application that he can use as some form of cruise server. Have you ever thought in your short tempered minds that he may be having issues understanding what you actually mean?

I cant think of ANY child that age that is writing a program in C#. I i much doubt that you can think of many. So guys, just think for a minute what he is actually trying to achieve... Something that you wouldn't expect your average 10 year old to be doing. I can only praise him for what he has done so far. He is proud of what he has got so far, and i think we all should be to. You guys are helping him a lot, i can see that, and i can also see that you may be getting frustrated like i said before with being asked the same questions over and over... but just think about what i've said before you start the flaming.

And yes, I am his brother. And i dont care what you have to think about that to be honest. You can flame me all you like, i couldnt really care less what you have to say in that respect, because i am aware of the immaturity in most of the people that post here. We should be helping each other create a friendly environment and a nice community to be a part of, also helping each other with projects that we may undertake. "Sun" comes into my room when i am gaming to show me what he has done so far, he can explain the source code to me and what each section does... and to be honest, that is beyond me.

I think some of you need to take a reality check....

However i must thank the people that have helped him so far, you are the types of people that is community should be full of, even if they don't have programming knowledge, still a little support wouldn't go a miss now would it. I must personally thank the_angry_angel for his patience too.
I do see what your saying that and yes ill admit its acutally quite amazing to see a 10 year old acutally trying to code something. Granted i would never even of tried anything at that age. I have to stress, if this is something he loves programming then he has to under Why you do something just as much as How. Im fairly new to programming to ive been learning about 4-6 months now. All i can say is learning how things work is just as important and learning why. The simple fact for that is that is that you can code a damn site better and faster if you do. You may think we are flamming him or not helping. But we are trying to benift him from previous experience..
(the_angry_angel) DELETED by the_angry_angel
Quote from mcgas001 :You may think we are flamming him or not helping. But we are trying to benift him from previous experience..

Yes i can see that, and i acknowledge that. However its not the people that are helping him that i aimed that rant at really, i was the sarcastic people making posts that are complete crap. Like Jakg. Was there any need for that? Where's your programming experience? @ Jack At least give him some credit for what he is doing... or are you that heartless to just post crap like that?

EDIT: i have nothing more to say about this, ive made my views clear.
Quote from DANDAMAN05 :that he may be having issues understanding what you actually mean?

The problem is that doing something with InSim, with no experience of programming at all is a daunting task and I really, seriously, wouldn't recommend it.

It's a bit like going into a guitar shop and then asking for someone to dump all of their guitar playing skills on to you. It's exactly the same because you just can't do it right now.

A customer the other day wanted the company I work for to write a report on their system migration. A technical report. That they wouldn't pay for. They wanted this technical report to include every small detail. Basically a dump of our brain's on to paper. The thing is that this report would mean nothing to the non-technical person as it would include details on using eseutil to replay exchange transaction logs into an exchange mailstore should the mailstore not mount once transfered, followed by isinteg and then other methods, forcibly transfering FSMO roles from AD server to AD server, transfering uses in bulk using ldap queries, etc. etc.. I'd be willing to bet that a lot of that made no sense to a lot of people here, much in the same way that just pasting code to sun made no sense to him sometimes.

Programming tutorials insist you start off small, and whilst these exercises can be frustrating they're very, very useful to help you understand the basics of the language you've chosen. Once you've got those down, you can start to think more laterally and then develop code yourself because you understand the rules and how they can be bent, or broken, to your advantage.

My post wasn't that full of programming knowledge. In fact there was sod all in it. It was more of a way of thinking about tackling the problem, and this is what programming tutorials should be trying to teach you in the end. This is why people try and push you to the tutorials. They teach you what questions you should be asking yourself. Once you know those questions you're 75% of the way there, because you know what your program is going to be doing, and your brain starts thinking about how it's going to solve this problem automatically.

Modern programming itself isn't hard. After all, almost all programming languages are effectively the same set of characters and keywords, with a few added here and there, and some slightly different rules of how everything interacts (if you ignore ASM and brain****, and similiar). The hard part is getting your brain into the way of thinking, if you're not used to it.
I understand and appreciate what you're saying Dan, but Sun is still not doing himself any favours by posting here. If he wants to learn to program, and he should, then he needs to start lower and with something simpler. It's quite possible for people of a young age to learn to program, heck a lot of great programmers started in their early teens, but this is not the way to go about it, and that's the general message I think that people are trying to convey.
I'm sorry for banging on, but brain dumps aren't appropriate, unless you're revising potential answer to a multiple choice exam.

sun, if you want help with programming logic (how to tackle a problem from a non-code related level) please feel free to contact me and I'll do what I can to try and get you thinking in the right direction. I'm afraid that I have no interest in C#, and thus cannot provide detailed help in using it, nor do I have the time to provide very basic tutorials (in any language).

However, to make it clear, I am perfectly happy to have anyone bounce ideas off me, no matter how stupid they are, as I can type those out whilst on the phone (just don't tell my customers ). Naturally if you post here the forum members will respond eventually, and they will respond more kindly if you have an idea yourself and ask whether or not it's the most sensible way of doing something.

(37 posts, started )