Suggestion: Automatically upload S2 Hotlap
Hi all,
It coud be interesting that LFS automatically detects if I beat my own Hotlap record and, in that case, have the possibility to upload to lfsworld the new one (S2 hotlap).
I think uploading the hotlap from LFS would be a good idea - not so sure about the detection though. If you're a hotlapper, you probably know whether you're beaten your record or not
#3 - Renku
Automatic thing would not be the best solution. When I hotlap, I always set a goal to certain combo, and when I achieve it I'll move forward. But I do save these "failed atempts" too, and if the LFS would automatically upload every HL after I press "1" - would be waste of bandwith and also cause unnecessary noise to last uploaded HL's list.

There might be other way to do this - after I press "1" to save a HL that I'm satisfied with it, there would be a choice in the Esc menu - "Upload this HL to LFSWorld" (that same HL would run in the backround like it does now).

I think I would continue to upload my HL's the "present" way.
Quote from Renku :There might be other way to do this - after I press "1" to save a HL that I'm satisfied with it, there would be a choice in the Esc menu - "Upload this HL to LFSWorld" (that same HL would run in the backround like it does now).

That would be a good solution
This could be done with an external application that watches the replay directory for certain files, for example all files that begin with "hotlap" would get uploaded to lfsworld. This way you could save your replay as "hotlap_bl1" for example and the app would automatically begin uploading it and you could just continue driving.
Or it could be that LFS stores your best laps in your current HL session and when you finish the session, LFS could ask that: "Do you want to check your recent best laps against your earlier ones, yes/no". No would simply do nothing (basically nothing ), yes would check for the stored HLVC valid lap times and compare them to LFSW ones and update with better ones if there are any. There could be a setting to upload only "better than wr" times for those ultimate HL h4x0R n00bS

Or at least "a system" that keeps track of HLs, without any replays involved/uploaded/downloaded. Only for wr top 10 laps would need to be uploaded to LFSW.

Just my 10e2 billions €
I like this idea, make hotlap uploading a little more streamline.

Even if it was very simple, an upload button in the esc menu when viewing a replay or while hotlaping. But then a fastest time notifier would also be handy too, so you don't have to check your replays.
Quote from Hyperactive : "Do you want to check your recent best laps against your earlier ones, yes/no". No would simply do nothing (basically nothing ), yes would check for the stored HLVC valid lap times and compare them to LFSW ones and update with better ones if there are any. There could be a setting to upload only "better than wr" times for those ultimate HL h4x0R n00bS

This sounds like a good idea

I'd not want automatic uploading, takes away the competitive edge of not showing your opponents how fast you are And more so because I don't upload hotlaps that aren't within 103% of the WR in order to keep my stats clean
Quote from NotAnIllusion :I'd not want automatic uploading, takes away the competitive edge of not showing your opponents how fast you are And more so because I don't upload hotlaps that aren't within 103% of the WR in order to keep my stats clean

This would not be an automatic update so much as a button in the game to allow you to update if you wanted to so you do not have to goto LFSW to update manually.
Good idea.
just the option: "upload / don't upload" after you saved the replay would be the way to go imo.

but making sure it's an option in LFS.

I've been wanting this for ages.

It's a pain manually uploading laps!