(68 posts, closed, started )
lol hate all u want yes i want my 47 bucks back cuzz i have more important things in life to spend it on then a game no i dont hate lfs just didnt know it was british pounds bleh bleh...
Okay, well the developers do not give money back (last time this came up they didn't, and I don't suspect they ever will because it is such a hassle etc.)

What you can do however is sell it off to a friend, or whatever.

I still don't understand how you could mistake the price, when it says in clear letters:
Quote : For an approximation on the price of an S1, Upgrade or S2 license, see this table :
^ if you don't believe me
#53 - Woz
Quote from clipto :no im american i mean saying the site and everything use english just tought they use usd not pounds meanin not knowing they had relations other country

Sorry against other Americans but this just sums up the problem. You appear to have no idea that anywhere outside the USA actually exists.

To help in future...

The English language came from England, the same country that you purchased the game from.

There are many websites out there that use English as the main language of the site. Many of these sites are NOT American countries, some will even be from companies that do not even speak English as the first language.

READ before you part with cash on the NET.
woopty do that is great yah woohoo the game is from englad or w/e the fack "i dont care" i just want my money back but lfs to dam greedy gg....
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... At least this will teach you a lesson in simple 5 year old economics (like what £, $ and € mean)
You're starting to annoy me clipto. I tried being nice, but shut the hell up already. You will not get your money back from whining are on the forum. Contact the devs, they probably won't give you your money back either, because there's more to it than just "hey, here's your money back again".

Now try to sell your game to someone else, but just get the hell off these forums. It ain't helping anyone. We can't help it you've been a moron. Yes, that's what happened: you were a Moron, with a capital.
lolz yah i am i just bored braggin my bank is ganna charge back in yo face lfs ! btw i still pwn u all at it :P
Got a question for you clipto, did you ever unlock your LFS?
yes i did well my friend did cuzz we had to wait forever for them to reply back after i found out it was in different curracny and took 47 dollars i asked them to ban it but they said they cant cuzz idk they newb or something
#60 - troy
Quote from XCNuse :Got a question for you clipto, did you ever unlock your LFS?

apparently he did, at least he got 143km on lfsworld

edit: to slow
#61 - joen
Damn, the English language sure evolved since I was in school. I'll have to get myself up to standard again one of these days.
Well, you can't get your money back then, here is part of the EULA that states what happens.
Remember, this is part of your license agreement, the devs do not hold themselves responsible for your actions.

Quote :2.5 Credit card and PayPal payments can only be refunded whole, within 30 days after purchase and as long as no copy of S1 or S2 has been unlocked with the purchased license. Payments other than credit card or PayPal cannot be refunded.

I'd expect more out of someone that is 19 years old.
lol hate my typing all u want idk im not ganna type all special for u but my bank said they can already charge it back so...
Quote from joen :Damn, the English language sure evolved since I was in school. I'll have to get myself up to standard again on of these days.

Yea, I heard they lost all punctuation to be able to talk faster over the internet, while they actually probably have all day long..
Now you are just being a jerk, clipto.

A question: Have you ever engaged yourself in a game called "Counterstrike"?
Quote : didnt know they were british just all there site is us except there moeny

:ashamed: That is just embarrasing. Some days I really am ashamed to be living in the same country as some of these people.:sadbananaThe world does not revolve around America clipto. Please understand that before you continue with your life.
lol counterstrike is weak man i just want 47 bucks back is it that hard to ask for?
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(68 posts, closed, started )