The online racing simulator
The Top Speed of MRT?
(22 posts, started )
The Top Speed of MRT?
Thanks, I guess?
Have a trophy.

going fast on the oval is like going down while falling...

Nice speed for the mrt though.
Whats that in real money?
#8 - Dmt
pwned :P
Attached images
a part which is very easy to forget is very important on top speed, but I won't tell you
But you can find it in spr

tips: I need to restart race many times to wait somthing befor I drive
scania, please, stop making pointless threads. This is your 7th pointless thread in as many days.

Browsing through your thread history, it seems as though you've been doing this for months. The only one that was even worth anything was the Live for Sleep thread, which, although very amusing, was still pointless.
Quote from scania ::d

Omg lyk wtf j0 iz soo l33t how can i b lyk u? Lol bbq wtf roflmao lyk lol lyk ur really awesome dude lol. Kthxbai.
lol the guy with 288 is driving with his handbrake on, can u say cheat
I haven't use hand brake, you can watch the SPR
#16 - MR_B
some people here are really quite thick...

what's the top speed of the actual MRT?
ZOMG he iz usin teh nossss!1!11!!!
Ah kin see da masseev canistur stuk 2 driverz bakk!1!!1one Iz makin him go 60000mph!111eleven1!1!!omgrofl

Who cares? Top speed on an oval means absolutely nothing. In fact, with the right suspension setup you could probably lift the rear wheels of the MRT off the track on one of the corners, so in theory you could max out the speedo.
If talking about real MRT, this post should be in General Racing Talk........
#19 - Dmt
Quote from scania :I spend 1 hour to make it

what do you mean?

He means he wants it in obsolete units (i.e.e MPH).
Or proper units as any self respecting engineer would call them
I got it I got to 171kmh at AS1 in the TC events 3 weeks ago.

The Top Speed of MRT?
(22 posts, started )