The online racing simulator
I tend to ban more people through the use of repeated foul language (after several warnings) than I do from bad drivers (wreckers, not learners).

There is NO need for some of the disgusting words people use online, when minors are playing, and people's children might be watching. By all means swear in the privacy of your own home, but in public (whether it's on the street, or online) should not be tolerated.
Quote from tristancliffe :I tend to ban more people through the use of repeated foul language (after several warnings) than I do from bad drivers (wreckers, not learners).

There is NO need for some of the disgusting words people use online, when minors are playing, and people's children might be watching. By all means swear in the privacy of your own home, but in public (whether it's on the street, or online) should not be tolerated.

You should come to my house and listen to me type "not so smart a move, m8"
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :Too bad some of the fast guys don't use that. I was on [dsrc] Battle Grounds #1 and boostfire was about 10 seconds faster then me perlap (on SO Classic Rev, also my first ever time doing this track backwards, easier to crashout then normal). But when passing people rather then going around them (be it on an open stright or not), would force you off the line, and bitch if you didn't move. In most cases to avoid him, you'd end up crashing yourself.

When I get blue flagged I pull over to one side (usally the side I'm already on) so they have the rest of the track to pass me. So I'd did that, he'd beep his horn and get up my arse, so I had to yank across the track, lose the backend and go spinning down the track hitting every inch of the wall on the way. Because slow people get in the way of him trying to hotlap.
But in the process everyone else had to compremise their race just so he could set a new track record.

He even blamed me for someone else backending me because I was going too slow around a corner (It was the hairpin with a RWD, I took it at 40mph, so not to lose the backend and cause more trouble by getting suck on the race line, and I was almost kissing the wall), but nooo. We all have to be able to play flawlessly... I've not played the game since then just because I got fedup with his bitching, and pretty much the game after that point (I say he, but I could be wrong).

Amazing how a collective of one can do such damage to a game... I mean, don't get me wrong. Before then every server I joined everyone was fine with the slower racers, and even helped (Rob 76 springs to mind as he'd help people find the lines) them get better. But after the crap I've just not got a taste for online racing anymore.

Wow, I ramble a lot...

I've always thought Boosterfire was an excellent guy to race against. He's fast, that's for sure, but I've always found him to be pretty nice. He gives out setups and sometimes gives new guys help. But I dunno, you were there, not me.
Like most here have said, don't worry, it happens that misunderstandings
create situations like these. That's what LIFE is about, it's not LFS's fault.
Don't mistake global social problems with this community's attitude 'problems'.

You might find these forums more mature than the LFS servers themselves,
but again, you can't blame LFS for the people who chose to play it.
In general, this is a very smooth community and most troublemakers eventually
get shipped to Iceland or something.

Perhaps you'd gain from joining a team or organisation like CRC (Clean Racers
Club ?!) which is there to provide you with the proper environment as long as
you respect their rules. You might find that more 'fair'. Of course, some
members of such groups might be total jerks, so don't expect to find Utopia
anyday soon. For the x time, that's only a reflection of real life, we ARE real
people under those names after all.
Quote from 96 GTS :I've always thought Boosterfire was an excellent guy to race against. He's fast, that's for sure, but I've always found him to be pretty nice. He gives out setups and sometimes gives new guys help. But I dunno, you were there, not me.

Meh, probably wrong place at the wrong time... or something.

As for setups, I really don't see the gain by giving them to new drivers (I include myself in this, as I only really race one car). Until you know how default handles and what changes effect what, it's best not to change anything. IMHO.
Quote from Dappa :So....your banned for life for not being a good racer? ok its my fault i dont have a wheel, i should ****ing buy one, and i will.

but banning me just because i crashed is fuking pathetic. the community in this game is the same as any game where skill and power corrupts. looking down at me cause im a bad racer? well u can all piss off.

wat a nice way to invest 24 quid, cant even race on the servers cause i havent bought a pissing racing wheel, im discusted.

I am not saying it has anything to do with you beeing banned, but bad launguage like the F-word can result in negative reactions.
#32 - SamH
::inserts 2p coin in slot::

Accidents happen.. to some more than others, I think.. but they're absolutely par for the course. They happen in all forms of motorsport, all the time, and when they happen in LFS it just makes it more real to me.

Our team's server approach seems to have fermented into the attitude that this is how it is. You get wiped out, and you miss your chance for a podium. There'll be another race in 15 mins or so, so grab your gatorade/lucozade, and watch this one from the pit wall. The LFS pit-crew mechanics are amazing, and your car is guaranteed to be restored to its former glory in plenty of time for the next grid.

Wreckers.. different story. Kick 'em. If they come back to wreck, then ban 'em. There's nothing more UNrealistic than a deliberate act of sabbotage in a motorsport (save some strange manoevres M. Schumaker made back in his Benetton days, perhaps!)

I'd go as far as to say that if a particular LFS licence had become notorious for this behaviour, then an S2 ONLINE licence revokation might even be appropriate. I've never looked, but is there even a provision in the LFS T&C for LFS's right to terminate or restrict licences where online behaviour had been proven inappropriate? I've seen the provision for inappropriate skins being removed from the server, but don't remember seeing anything about account restrictions.

cool, what server you race?

I'm fed up of restarts when I made a great start and leading...only for some fool who lost it at turn one to have the race restarted...
#34 - Jakg
Quote from Dappa :So....your banned for life for not being a good racer? ok its my fault i dont have a wheel, i should ****ing buy one, and i will.

but banning me just because i crashed is fuking pathetic. the community in this game is the same as any game where skill and power corrupts. looking down at me cause im a bad racer? well u can all piss off.

wat a nice way to invest 24 quid, cant even race on the servers cause i havent bought a pissing racing wheel, im discusted.

it isnt actully the LFS devs fault though...