The online racing simulator
Race 2 complaints thread
Only complaints in here please. Any other posts will be deleted.
#2 - D34N0
Race 2 lap 5 - Corner leading onto the railway. Nisse made a late dive up the inside when there was real overtaking opportunity. That had a knock on effect of damaging my suspension that put me on the grass later on in the lap and accidentally collected Danowat when returning to the track.
I have reviewed the replay and the incident was N!sse's fault. Although this incident did not cause sufficient damage to your suspension to cause the incident. You can see damage levels in replays.

N!sse is given a 1 race warning. He accepted he was in the wrong and i am satisfied it was just a driving mistake. However, if N!sse does have another mistake or behave in any way badly in the next race he will be penalised.
#4 - N!sse
Quote from nikimere :I have reviewed the replay and the incident was N!sse's fault. Although this incident did not cause sufficient damage to your suspension to cause the incident. You can see damage levels in replays.

N!sse is given a 1 race warning. He accepted he was in the wrong and i am satisfied it was just a driving mistake. However, if N!sse does have another mistake or behave in any way badly in the next race he will be penalised.

Thats fair enough
Race 2 - Lap 16

1st corner , TopGuyTom and I were side by side and he cut stright across the grass to gain 9th place finish. This was not the first time he cut corners. Have a look at the replays and u will see.
Quote from matthew1993 :Race 2 - Lap 16

1st corner , TopGuyTom and I were side by side and he cut stright across the grass to gain 9th place finish. This was not the first time he cut corners. Have a look at the replays and u will see.

You posting a complaint more than 24 hrs after then race.....
The final results have been posted. If you have a problem with someone post it immediately after the race.
Cutting is not permitted and i'll be keeping an eye on TopGuyTom in the next one!
Quote from matthew1993 :1st corner , TopGuyTom and I were side by side and he cut stright across the grass to gain 9th place finish. This was not the first time he cut corners. Have a look at the replays and u will see.

I overcooked it into the chicane, I could either try and make the corner, hit the kerb too hard and possibly take both of us out, or cut through the grass. Its not the way I wanted to finish but its was the lesser of two evils IMO.

I didnt gain a place, I was already infront and running quicker, albeit slightly on both counts. On the lap in question I posted a 1:46.38 and you posted a 1:47.82. Theres no way in hell I gained that much of an advantage through that corner.

Quote from matther1993 :This was not the first time he cut corners

Do tell me more, im not sure what you are referring to.

Quote from nikimere : Cutting is not permitted and i'll be keeping an eye on TopGuyTom in the next one

Duly noted. Like I said though, I didnt deliberately cut the corner. I tried to make it and figured it was safer to go in the grass. Wasn't really expecting to make it out in front of him TBH.
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