The online racing simulator
My thoughts on patch X
(196 posts, started )
I have tried nearly every frontrunners setup and i just cant get back to the 1.08's. The back end seems very unstable through fast turns e.g i could easilly take the uphill chicane flat and now i have to lift off quite a bit just to take the corner. It's so bloody frustrating to watch people i could usally keep up with disappear off into the distance.Other people are definately having the same problems from what i've heard on redline racing.

Anyway, i will keep practicing with the non existent change and hopefully, i will eventually come good
Quote from jaws99 :I have tried nearly every frontrunners setup and i just cant get back to the 1.08's. The back end seems very unstable through fast turns e.g i could easilly take the uphill chicane flat and now i have to lift off quite a bit just to take the corner. It's so bloody frustrating to watch people i could usally keep up with disappear off into the distance.Other people are definately having the same problems from what i've heard on redline racing.

Anyway, i will keep practicing with the non existent change and hopefully, i will eventually come good

Read my previous post. The problem I described there, with the solution is probably what you're experiencing based on the symptoms.
Actually Jaws its not just you. I am the same... my pb aston club is 101.09, and I can't get near it either since X. However some seem to be faster. I think the problem is preload/power/coast settings have added to some drivers styles, and taken away from others.

As for spankmeyer, I'd say u'd have to be ignorant to claim just because it works for your style, it should work for others.

Two of our racers that runs XFG found out that it is really hard to get to same lap times than before, even he is using locked diff.

Don't know, but I'm driving XRG and Visco diff, I'm running more stable laps and better lap times now, but it can be almost anything why thing is so.

Maybe it is only imagination, maybe it is some controller setting or gfx setting that fools racers here as if dev says he changed only clutch pack in physics then it is only clutch pack that is changed.
Quote from Venus :...As for spankmeyer, I'd say u'd have to be ignorant to claim just because it works for your style, it should work for others.

I wasn't ignorant - maybe a dick, yes - but not ignorant.

I'm just saying... since it's quite sure the preload is the only actual physics change in X, maybe the problem is in your head. You keep trying harder and harder to break into old territory, but the more you push the slower you go and get frustrated even more.

Try clearing the old brain cache with new combos or take a break for a while from LFS.
Quote from Jakg :thats the point, all the serious servers (ie CTRA, Conedodgers, Redline) will have reset disabled. Thats what this new option lets us do!

but why not make it like the old one where it doesnt repair your car, but have the option to turn it off and make everyone happy its a no brainer. There is only two things i am glad about patch X and they are the 32 cars a race even though sometimes a little cramped and the flase starts which should have been introduced long ago.

Overall i cant see what all the fuss was about. All i can say is roll on S3
For those with preload problems in Aston Club FOX. I just fixed mine. I set preload to 80, and now the car is back exactly the way it was before. The default setting is way too high for the fox.

As for the XFG, use the clutch lsd, and set lock to 80, preload to 500 or there abouts... it works a treat. (Thanks Rusty)

Quote from Venus :For those with preload problems in Aston Club FOX. I just fixed mine. I set preload to 80, and now the car is back exactly the way it was before. The default setting is way too high for the fox.

Yeah, that's about it. I did that too and the FOX feels good again and I already got within 3 tenths of my PB and the car felt it had much more to give too.
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :but why not make it like the old one where it doesnt repair your car, but have the option to turn it off and make everyone happy its a no brainer.

ARGH! It's been said in this thread about 45,4 times already! Because if the old reset was left there as an option, many servers wouldn't have the no-reset in use as the devs would like! In other words, they are forcing the servers to use no-reset because they see it's better for the game as a whole, and many agree.
How many people actually reset during a race? i know i dont, if i have a smash i tend to just pit so i dont put an end to any other poor sods race.
Quote from Venus :For those with preload problems in Aston Club FOX. I just fixed mine. I set preload to 80, and now the car is back exactly the way it was before. The default setting is way too high for the fox.

For me, AS CLub + FOX, preload set to ZERO brings the car back to before patch X. Interesting. I found a happy medium at 20, and the car feels much more neutral mid-corner, and stickier on exit. What is your controller setup?


What about reset? nothing new? Scawen leave it in this state?

Quote from Gai-Luron :Hello,


What about reset? nothing new? Scawen leave it in this state?


You bring back a dead thread to ask a dumb question. Way to go.

New stuff is coming. Patience is required.
Quote from Gai-Luron :Hello,


What about reset? nothing new? Scawen leave it in this state?


Quote from Lateralus :You bring back a dead thread to ask a dumb question. Way to go.

New stuff is coming. Patience is required.

There is no stupid questions, only answer... isn't it?

i am patient too. No problem

Kiss and Bye

There is nothing new coming with the reset, it will always be like this.

If thats what you were on about with, nothing new, and, left in this state, it's not been left in any state this is how the reset is and will be.
Quote from Lotesdelere :

Disable chat.
You don't type while driving. Spectators can't even talk to drivers during a race.
This is not realistic.

When a race starts, chat should automatically be disallowed for the racers. Those who spectates should be able to talk without any racers seeing it
Quote from aoun :BRAzIILLl!!!!


Well, whatever you are smoking, I want a little bit for me.... seems to be good stuff....
Seems I'm a little late on this one...But I'm just getting settled into the game/forum...

I didn't play with the older patches, but just on principal I like it the way it is now...

As stated earlier the current reset it intended more for a demo booth, or for a session when you first learning the game....Its completely unrealistic and just lets you have a do-over...

Growing up playing video games I always had the list of cheats close at hand....They were irresistible when parts got really hard, or something "unfair" happened....or when I was just trying to mess around. Consequently I missed out on the full "experience" of a lot of those games because I didn't really play it all the way through...or accomplish the same things I would have playing the game without cheats.

As is now the reset option is so over the top that it isn't really an option for online servers. As I see it this was the intent? Its like a way to kill off the reset button in racing (where come on, it doesn't belong) but leave it for learning drivers. The third reset mode may wll have been remove because it was to widely used, and that wasn't the racing they wanted to see in the sim.

I'm not trying to put down cruise servers, I just really dont understand:
But if the point is to drive around slow whats the problem with reseting the cars damage? If the problem is barriers that launch you why are you guys using the barriers?

My thoughts on patch X
(196 posts, started )