The online racing simulator
copyright on cars that are out of production
was watching a tv prog ( classic car club) and there was a cobra replica on it and it was stated that the copyright on a cars design lapses 15 years after production ceases.

now i've no intention of going into car production but if this is true then it makes any car that went out of production before '92 available to the devs aslong as it doesn't use the manufacturers registered trade marks i.e. make and model name (though of course if people wanted to edit the name then the devs would have no control over that just as crammond had no control over people changing john newhouse to jaques villeneuve in the grand prix games )
#2 - JJ72
I don't think it will change a lot really, LFS will have it's own version of a replica with it's own name. pretty much how every LFS car has been made although with a tad more artistic imagination. the LX is a lotus seven replica in every sense, and we don't need the copyright of that to expire before we have it.
I'd like a Cobra Daytona replica... IRL and in LFS. I won't be able to drive it on the edge because of my feeble driving skills, but it's just such a hot car.
Now you've said '92 and older, all the drift boys will be asking for older Silvia's and RX-7's and such

I wouldnt mind a '89 (I think) Sierra Cosworth, whaletail and all
#5 - ajp71
I think you'll find a lot of car makers will not have taken great steps to protect the intellectual property of the actual design of their car, a registered design isn't worth the paper it's written on, remember Westfield/Caterham? Although with the influx of Chinese look a like cars it may become more important for manufacturers. I don't really see how what a car looks like makes it any more real and I quite like that the LFS cars aren't carbon copies, gives them their own character.
#6 - Venus
I'd say they'd be much more rigorous in protecting their logo/name rather than design. Obviously is someone went n made a copy of any current Mercedes etc, and did it cheaper, they'd have a lawsuit on their hands. I think if the devs 'wanted to' they could conjour a contra deal with manufacturers to use their designs in return for the advertising and loyalty they would get from users. I would not be opposed to say a Merc banner being hung in a track wall or something, not if it added to the designers freedoms of expression. Then of course there are the more practical advertising companies could do on track. Web sites relating to motoring/racing. Contra deals are the most widely used type of deal done.


#7 - JTbo
Good, then proper Volvo models would be easily bring to LFS to finally have some real cars into game

I do have even all data required to create one or two
What I did say again !? :hidesbehi
Nobody wants to drive a car designed by a 7 year old with a thick crayon, even if it is a real car.

Quote from Becky Rose :Nobody wants to drive a car designed by a 7 year old with a thick crayon, even if it is a real car.

Here kids, stick some of these boxes together and Daddy will take it to work add some wheels and call it a volvo.

#11 - Tomi
I like the fact that LFS has fantasy cars.

The only important point is to make them convincing. I'd like more cars, from different types but I don't care if they are real or not. Most cars in LFS looks a bit outdated though, it would be great to see both newer design and fantasy vintage looking/handling cars.
#12 - JTbo
Quote from Becky Rose :Nobody wants to drive a car designed by a 7 year old with a thick crayon, even if it is a real car.

You are wrong, most don't want to drive such car, but as we know majority is wrong

Nobody would mean that I and hundreds members of our car forum having such car would not like to drive such car and certainly such statement is not valid

If we go to that route and add cars which possibly large player base would drive, then it would be F&F with ton of vinyl and bodykits, also giant wings, which do you prefer? Say no to F&F crap
Quote from JTbo :You are wrong, most don't want to drive such car, but as we know majority is wrong

Nobody would mean that I and hundreds members of our car forum having such car would not like to drive such car and certainly such statement is not valid

If we go to that route and add cars which possibly large player base would drive, then it would be F&F with ton of vinyl and bodykits, also giant wings, which do you prefer? Say no to F&F crap

Well after that I could ask that, what car can you make from three lego's?

Volvo, of course, it would be so sweet to drive hard with an Volvo 242 or 360 in lfs , but prolly it will never happen