TEST Patch V5 (compatible with V)
(204 posts, closed, started )
i love it
#52 - Jakg
S1 servers seem to override filters - i have my filter set to NOT show full servers, yet it shows all of the (one!) full S1 servers, and after repeated refreshing it keeps coming up even though it's full
texture flickering problem fixxed

it is the "texture mip bias" setting
forget it
when RPM are lower then 2000, the needle should stop droping, instead it falls 'behind' the other indicators
Attached images
just unlock the game in the entry screen again.

If you have forgotten your game password login on www.liveforspeed.net and set a new game password.
Thanks for the patch!

I would like to have even louder skid sounds from the other cars.
The track upgrades are nice too!

Just d/led V5 - and ran some checks on the last version I ran which was V2 - been working alot and havent had chance.

The name drawing over cars seems to be fine - a big improvement.

Just whacked everything up to full - highest possible settings on everything, bet restricted frames in game to 50 (tested and it runs at 80 - 90 unrestricted)

Im running a 3htg setup
AMD 4600+
2x Nvidia 7600 GT in SLI mode
2 meg mem

When I look at a car from side on - I get square wheels at approx 10 ft. = turn the car slightly and wheels show as round.

Reducing the various settings does not change the outcome.

Is this an issue?
Has this been done as a frame rate saver?
Should it be doing this?

It detracts from the eye candy somewhat is all -I can live with it but just looks weird.

I was actualy just driving round thinking how awesome LFS looks now - Cracking job well done!!
Attached images
crooked wheels.jpg
round wheels.jpg
woot I've never seen octagonal or hexagonal wheels in lfs before .
Quote from Scawen :InSim FIX : IS_PSF packet is now sent correctly

could this have caused disconnects in V4? I got disconnected from our server every time after about 5-10 minutes. I changed then back to V2 and I wasn't DC-d anymore.
Quote from Widdowmaker :Reducing the various settings does not change the outcome.

Make sure you have USER LOD turned all the way up, and Dynamic Lod Reduction turned all the way down. Usually if there are too many cars in front of you, this will happen. Has been like this for ages in past releases.
Will try that..... thanks
great another patch! I bet V6 will be out tomorrow
Hey umm i extracted it to my datafolder and did what it said but it still comes up as "0.5v".

EDIT: Nooby me I put it in TEMP and it works like a charm!

whoops lol.
Quote from Zachary Zoomy :great another patch! I bet V6 will be out tomorrow

Great, this means an official patch will come some day.
Great, this means an incompatible patch will come some day.
Great this means S2 beta will be complete someday
Great that means S3 someday.
Great, that means S3 Final.
Great, no more LFS updates.
Great the sun burns itself out.

Depressing stuff, indeed.
I think he was excited another patch was out...
#68 - gogh
Quote from gogh :I still have problems to unlock the game with Cedega even with the latest fix. I've tried with patch V2 and V4 with no success, I still got the same unlock error message as before.

Note that I'm using CVSCedega, not the commercial Cedega version. CVSCedega is free...

To be able to unlock the game under Cedega, LFS still need the dummy regkey
"ProductId" = "12345-oem-0000001-54321" in software\microsoft\windows\currentversion

Latest LFS patch doesn't seems to solve this issue...
Thank you for the louder skid volumes! I was hoping this would come. I notice i do get faster times when i can actually hear when im sliding a bit around the turns. Helps me find the limit of the car without going over it, and going off the track. Thanks again.
Could you not put in the proper regkey (from your PC) and have it work so you don't haffto unlock in XP and Linux...???

*ponders, and will attempt when I get home*
#71 - SamH
Quote from Jakg :S1 servers seem to override filters - i have my filter set to NOT show full servers, yet it shows all of the (one!) full S1 servers, and after repeated refreshing it keeps coming up even though it's full

This may be related to the reserved admin slot? I don't know. More to Scawen than anyone. A reserved seat for admins is set for the STCC1a server.
Quote from shiny_red_cobra :woot I've never seen octagonal or hexagonal wheels in lfs before .

Increase your User LOD slider (move right). This should solve it.
Wow, you must have done something really good to the graphics engine, my video card is a little bit screwed up and I used to get lots of artifacts in the game, but when I tried this patch i found that almost all the artifacts where gone!
Louder skid volume is a bless, since it is a must in order to achieve fast laptimes. Listening to the tyres is critical in knowing when you exceed their grip limit. Thanks for that!
Quote from Scawen :I don't really want to do that, because it would mean the command /laps=X will fail sometimes, and that can be inconvenient for a race management system. It might want to set the laps and restart immediately, not caring who is on their final lap.

It's only admins that could ruin someone's race by doing that, because /laps is not available to the public when they are in game. If it crashed LFS or something like that then of course I would need to fix it.

The solution : make sure your admins don't use the powerful /laps command at the wrong time.

how about something like

while( !restart )
if lapsNew < max(driversLaps)
laps = max(driversLaps)

Quote from RevMonkey :hahahaha the best part of this is the number of unlocks increasing... otherwise we'd never get to test your patches until the next month.

should i or someone else write a guide on how to use the /data/misc folder either in the beginners section or here ?
Quote from Blackout :When in shift+A mode and a shifter in use every click on the buttons puts the gear on 1st long as the button is pressed. I don't know if this is new issue, but can't see it mentioned anywhere.

Which buttons?

Mouse buttons, editor buttons, wheel buttons, none of them put me in first gear, I can't see to reproduce this. It seems the same in shift+A mode as any other mode.
This thread is closed

TEST Patch V5 (compatible with V)
(204 posts, closed, started )