LFS SHIRTS VOTE : Version 2!
(58 posts, closed, started )

Poll : Read post + view pics then vote for any shirts you would buy or the reason why not :)

Closed since :
Black LFS Short Sleeve T + coloured logo
Black LFS Polo Shirt + coloured logo
Black LFS Short Sleeve T + printed back
Black LFS Long Sleeve + website on sleeve
Baseball Shirt / Blue Sleeves + logo + website
Black LFS Short Sleeve T + coloured website
Black LFS Short Sleeve T + website on sleeve
Baseball Shirt / Blue Sleeves + logo
Black LFS Short Sleeve T + white logo
White LFS Short Sleeve T + website on sleeve
Black LFS Polo Shirt + white logo
White LFS Short Sleeve T + black logo
NONE - I will wait for more interesting designs
NONE - I would simply never wear a branded shirt
NONE - I am a naturist
NONE - I think the devs just want my money
The first one is the best.

I voted none too because I'd rather buy one in colour (for example British racing green) with a white logo.
Also a black polo with a small sewed coloured LfS logo like the favicon of this forum would be nice.
I'd like that smaller LfS logo big on a black t-shirt.
And I think I'd take a baseball shirt like the last one but with a coloured logo and the blue colours should match.
#27 - JJ72
Quote from Cue-Ball :Here is what I'd like to see. Simple, yet visually interesting and colorful:

Yeah I will prefer that kind of collar and details as well, gives the Tshirt much better overall finishing.

x2 please
I like the Black Polo with LFS Colour Logo and also the Black T with LFS Colour Logo..

But seriouly if they done like the white one's, maybe it look even better IMO.
My vote towards the Black T-shirt with just the LFS colored logo, and the black polo with colored logo. I would go for the LFS on the back of the T-shirt if it weren't for the website URL. I want to keep the geek statis down. I'd happily tell people where to go find this thing called :lfs: when they ask about my shirt.
Quote from Cue-Ball :Here is what I'd like to see. Simple, yet visually interesting and colorful:

Quote from JJ72 :Yeah I will prefer that kind of collar and details as well, gives the Tshirt much better overall finishing.

The problem with that is, the shirt will need to have a full color print job, and that is more expensive than just a 2 to 4 color tshirt print. Initially, they want to have shirts that are basic in design, and have a cheaper and simpler print. It wouldn't be wise financially to go straight ahead and make big full color prints.

I'd honestly rather have a plain 1 color logo on the shirt that is the negative of the color of the shirt. (eg a black shirt with a white logo) The colorful LFS logo on a t-shirt... not exactly my cup of tea.

The 3 color designs shown here by Scawen, those are still cheaper to print, and most people have chosen those for now.
My votes go to
Black LFS Short Sleeve T + coloured logo
Baseball Shirt / Blue Sleeves + logo + website
Maybe Black LFS Short Sleeve T + printed back , but I don't like the orange and blue font. White looks better imho.
I voted for the baseball shirt, doesn't matter if without or with the URL but it's the most interesting shirt and best looking. The others are so plain and normal.
I voted for the black long-sleeved one with the URL on the sleeve. Although I think I'd prefer a coloured logo, this is the design I like best.

I don't wear short-sleeved t-shirts, but I would consider a sleeveless one with a small logo on the front and larger one on the back. Sadly there was no option for this, so I defied logic and used my second vote to go for NONE - more interesting designs

And I'd assume the price of a standard t-shirt to be around US$15-16 (which Google puts at around UK£9 or 12 Euros). You'd probably need to add postage onto that too. These are just rough estimates, so don't shoot me if I'm wrong
I like black T-shirt with coloured logo, simple and nice
Quote from Tweaker :The problem with that is, the shirt will need to have a full color print job, and that is more expensive than just a 2 to 4 color tshirt print. Initially, they want to have shirts that are basic in design, and have a cheaper and simpler print. It wouldn't be wise financially to go straight ahead and make big full color prints.

That shirt could easily be done with a three or four color silkscreen. Black, blue, and orange are all that are required. I'm fairly certain that I could buy that exact shirt from somewhere like cafepress for about $15. Surely Victor could do the same thing for a similar price while still making a healthy profit. I would rather pay $22US for a good shirt with a high quality print screen than settle for a shirt with a single color logo. The single color just looks cheap to me. It doesn't look like a quality product and it's not visually interesting. Single color on a polo might be okay, but on a t-shirt it's simply not good enough for me to want to purchase it at any price.
You need to iron them.
I think the colored logos are a must have. I would buy the long sleeve as well but would prefer to have it colored either.
#40 - JJ72
Quote from Tweaker :The problem with that is, the shirt will need to have a full color print job, and that is more expensive than just a 2 to 4 color tshirt print. Initially, they want to have shirts that are basic in design, and have a cheaper and simpler print. It wouldn't be wise financially to go straight ahead and make big full color prints.

I'd honestly rather have a plain 1 color logo on the shirt that is the negative of the color of the shirt. (eg a black shirt with a white logo) The colorful LFS logo on a t-shirt... not exactly my cup of tea.

The 3 color designs shown here by Scawen, those are still cheaper to print, and most people have chosen those for now.

For those simple two color shirts I can go have a small batch printed very cheaply, meaning that I don't actually have a reason to buy it from official channel. The reason I would support this shop might be an act of loyalty, but then I rather donate some money instead of buying something I won't wear, it's a T shirt, a fashion item, there's no real practical value to it, so if the design isn't special I won't buy it. What I expect from official merchandize is original ideas that relates to the nature of the brand itself, or at the very least something that fits in a certain brand template.

By then I am more critical on clothing then the majority of male.
Too bad there's no navy-blue with white print So I go for black since I don't wear white shirts because they look so cheap.
Attached images
Quote from GP4Flo :Is it possible to get this shirt with the current S2 logo colors, just like this one?

+1 for that.
This would be we best option. Eventually similar design for baseball shirt.

We have similar design in polish rally.pl internet group for black and white T-shirts, and everybody was happy.

URL on shirt is IMHO not a good idea, especially at the front of the shirt.

I think that the main parto of the price will be the cost of plain shirt.
If there will be around 200-300 shirts for print, the cost of 3 colour print for 1 shirt should not be more than 10% of plain shirt.
I voted for black short sleeve t shirt with color logo, although I do like the web address on the arm of the black / white short sleeve.

I don't like the 'online racing simulator' text, in general. It's a bit nail on the head.

In summary;
Live for speed
Online racing simulator
Quote from Cue-Ball :That shirt could easily be done with a three or four color silkscreen. Black, blue, and orange are all that are required.

Full Color and 3 Color are two entirely different prices What they have shown in the samples is indeed a 3 color of black, blue, and orange. But if the actual logo they have like you see at the top of this forum was used... that's more expensive.

It is just that I have a feeling that some people are voting for the color logo, when in fact it isn't going to be a full color logo, and just a plain flat logo that is only 3 colors. (unless I am wrong Scawen, Victor?)
I hate black clothes.
I still think the text under the logo on the front of "Black LFS Short Sleeve T + printed back" isn't needed, as it is displayed on the back...
I like the black collored, sleevends white Tshirt with the color logos, or a black Baseball shirt, with navy blue sleeves with the colored logo on it.
I'd go for a black long-sleeved tee, with colored logo, and notext on the sleeve... I really don't like that text on the sleeve. It looks great on the short sleeved ones, but on the long sleeve it's way too big.

I'd probably get a black short-sleeve tee w/ color logo, black polo w/ color logo, and one of the abovementioned black long-sleeve tees with color logo and no big text (if it becomes a possibility)
Long sleeved black ones for me - with URL
Black LFS Short Sleeve T + website on sleeve

because I love it! Website address and logo on a very clever space. This is the shirt I'd like to buy
This thread is closed

LFS SHIRTS VOTE : Version 2!
(58 posts, closed, started )