The online racing simulator
one step back ...
(166 posts, started )
I sensed something like this would come up Victor, you had a lot to handle, and not only the helpdesk stuff, but the website development you do just amazes me, it takes a lot of skill to create such a huge network for all of us and take it to the next level. I was kind of hoping for this new LFSWorld, but perhaps that task just seems to big at the moment (I can only imagine), but it is understandable that you are overloaded with so much and just need some time in the real world . It feels good to break loose once in a while and spend time on other things, so I see no reason to beg you to come back... you deserve to have some time to yourself.

Now the only question that I think remains is who can help take your place with web development. I know you mentioned that you might help with a few things, but this does kind of show we will need a new face for the community. I'd hate to think of replacements right now, but LFS just cannot survive without someone to help control the web portion of the business. And this person would be a very hard person to find Victor, you are quite unique in so many ways.... and you know so much about your "own system" with LFSW and all.

If Geraldine is keeping the Help Desk in order, I do think some other people from the community would gladly help. I for one am a nut with helping people out with this game, and I am sure you've seen that on this forum. I would like to help, if you need it. Being EA's Tech Support taught me a lot (especially because their games are crap and people need so much help ), but I've always been helping people with computers and software. And with a company/product, a few people doing support is not enough to keep from everyone pulling their hair out. Just thought I'd let you know, because I am willing to help

I was kind of hoping we could design yet another site after LFSW was through, but things have changed I guess I hope something is figured out as soon as humanly possible, this is a big change for LFS and the community, and I suppose we should appreciate a change, rather than feel this is "the end of LFS".

See you around Victor, and hopefully you can get back to making some interesting tunes on that dusty synth of yours
Good onya Victor, thanks for everything and all the best :up:
cu o/
Good luck Victor, you did really good job while you where here.
No banana dance today , :sadbanana
Take care of you!
k i wil do suport just giv source k plz thx 11

Where the hell do you think you're going?! You get your butt back in here young man!

Seriously, I'm sad to see you "go", but I can totally understand the reason behind it.

You've done amazing work for LFS. This sim would have never been this great without LFSWorld.
LFS has the greatest user support I've ever seen, and you've had a big part in it.
Good luck and have fun with what you're going to do now (going to do more music?).

Take care Vic and stop by once in a while
Hi Victor,

Good luck, I hope you will get al "little" less frustrated in your new daytime occupation

I know how frustrating helpdesking can be! :tired:
well...sad to hear!
but, you did a good job and helped me out very often!
so, good luck...

thx victor!

but also good to hear that you don't leave LFS completely

and also good luck and fun to Geraldine!

and once again, i have to say!

Vic, you're a top bloke, I hope you find something enjoyable and fulfilling to do now, I'll miss you and hope that you DO pop back in here as soon as you feel up to it

PS you owe me a pint lol
Good luck with whatever you go onto do.

LFS World is a brilliant resource and I think I can safely say is unrivalled. I had never seen anything like it before and I think you've set the standards very high with the access to pubstats.

So a huge thanks for LFS World without it the LFS experience would only be half what it's today.

Thanks for everything Vic and have fun with your 'new' life
Only just picked up this thread,

Good luck Victor, it'll be interesting to see how your career pans out

Keep us all updated.
Good luck chilling out Victor
Quote from GP4Flo :Why should the independence of LFS go away? Even if Vic doesn't work fulltime for LFS anymore, the project is still independent. Or are there more things we don't know yet - I hope not!

I didn't mean the economic independance, but I expected they would have to hire some random tech support guy. I'm really glad that Geraldine is going that now, so it stays in the "LFS family" - actually a real family!
Quote from ORION : Naah, tristan is the lancia/reynard one. The man on top of the sadness ratings. The newbie basher. t3h 3v!L tristan. Win against him in BATracer and he blames the car - herki

Wow, I've been sigged *honored*[/OT]
Quote from tinyk :Aww c'mon admit it... this is just a secret ploy to give you time to take over the WR charts. Lookout biggie, he's coming for you. :eclipseeh



Well (sorry for taking so much space with this post)
On a more serious note: I'd like to say that I'm also sad to see Victor leave technical support, even though I can understand his reasons for quitting. I myself am entrusted to doing technical support at work and I know how annoying and unpleasant it can be at times. I wouldn't want to do it as a full-time job for a longer period of time either.
I have to mention though that you, Victor, really did a great job at that. The level of cooperation and helpfulness you demonstrated is nothing but amazing. I may once more give you my complements on the WR log feature for the LFS pubstats we developed in kind of a "cooperation" - you were really a great help at that!
LFS couldn't have wished for a better man to do the support stuff. Hopefully there will be someone to fill the void so the support will remain at the current high level.
Bye Victor, it's sad to see you go You've been great helping me out with my LFS purchase, and helping other people. Good luck in your "new life"
You will be missed!!!!!
youve been nothing but the absolute best to me

Your training a replacement (please!!!!)

Selfishly I hope this not a sign of things to come?

It would be an absolute shame to have anything happen to the best sim ever ever ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Wow, That sorta sucks man. Oh well, you gotta do what you gotta do I guess. And 4 yrs doing the same ol same ol does get boring... Good luck to you and keep in touch with us on the forums once in a while

enjoy your life!
twas a nice time
Thanks Victor for all good help and support of LfS and het beste in het dagelijkse leven. Good Luck
Bit late in seeing this but still

Good luck in anything you'll do from now on Vic! Got to know you a bit from IRC and all I can say is you're a good guy, thanks for all stuff you did for LFS and I hope we'll still see you around.

Cya Vic.
Quote from Big Daddy :That step was sure to come. It is impossible to create the best racing sim just with 3 people. Sorry Scawen and the LFS Team to say this, is just my opionion, you can inteprate it the way you want.

I said the same thing one or two years ago. LFS has to get commercial. S1 was so great because it satisfied our needs of having a great sim. Graphical and other aspects were unimportant for us. Moving forward to S2 ended up in a self made barrier, you wanted to make the game to be an allrounder, not only great physics, but also better graphics and so on, just to get great valuations in gaming mags and to satisfy then needs for more gamers. But now 3 years later we are still waiting for S2. Yes it will defenately come out, but the train, the train for the big hit already left. When I saw the BMW Sauber in LFS I thought that it can only get better for LFS, but after that nothing really happened. That s not the way.

The train already left, but you can take the other (last) one train. To work for a publisher. Sure, LFS was thought to be a game, without any influences from a publisher, but there arent any much chances anymore for the game.

You can get the breaktrough in working for a publisher with a big team, or you can still develop a game that ends up in his own labyrinth, one that blends into a pale beige landscape.

You can become a worker who is working so hard in his whole life before he will see that in his whole life he did nothing or very little achieved, or you can become a top manager, who succesfully used his talents positively...

Sry for the hard words, that is just my opinion, it is NOT personally meant I respect your talents, that s why I even posted this here, I know that all other gamers will be against me, but dont waste your time of commenting my post for me, I wont look here anymore, I just visited the site by luck.

Good luck

Sorry for my hard words also Big daddy, but you talk crap...! Only my opinion.

@ Victor: Thanks for the revolutionary LFS world and all the other stuff. Like you 3 said in one of the earliest interviews: You don't want to look into all the racing games and just redo them in a better way. You all want to create your very own interpretation of the perfect online racing sim. Scawen did that with the physic way and all that stuff and you REALLY did that with the websites too. LFS World just doesn't look like a website, nor does it look like anything that had been there before. So, thanks for the great work. And remember: we need music for S3 also


one step back ...
(166 posts, started )