Check out the REAL RA in action!
Imagine this is a re-post but couldn't find it after a quick look...

But check this out, the RA in action, some excellent photos too... at first it was strange seeing something i've only ever seen in a computer game (simulation) but now I really want one!!!
Very interesting. That's the first time I've ever seen the real RA as well. I'm still not a big fan of the car (either IRL or in-game) but it was nice to see it out in the real world instead of just on screen in the game.
It's wierd to see LFS car in real life. Like a dream or something
Heh, yes, it doesn't happen too often that real car manufacturers allow their car being in a sim without wanting $$$ in exchange for that.
well, that's the 2002 version you see there in the vid, the original one that is also put in the game. In the meantime there is a faster and stronger RA being developed, with more power, some little facelift, but still looking good (imho). You can find that link actually quite easy, by simply looking at the exit screen of LFS...
#7 - neRu
Now thats what i call AA and AF, is those enginesounds available for download?
anyhow, i find this car waaaaaaaaaay cooler in real
Expected a bit more of that vid though..
Yeah this car is nice! I personally think its the best looking car in lfs. I've just been browsing through the gallery on the raceabout website and they have some cool photos there. I really like how simple they have kept the interior.

The gear stick certainly look interesting, it kind of looks like the end of a fluorescent light tube.

Damn i want a raceabout now!!!
Nice vid. Too bad i find the rear as ugly irl. Seriously, the front and sides
are pretty nice, but that rear just kills everything. I'm a bit surprised that it almost sounds the same in LFS....
Quote from MorroW :It's wierd to see LFS car in real life. Like a dream or something

You don't watch F1 to often, eh?
Nice, now all we need is DoN to make the same vid in LFS!
muuussssttt cccccrrrrraaaassssshhhhh, oh wait no reset :P nvm
I wonder what Jeremy (Top Gear) would say about Raceabout Should sound like this: "it's ugly, it's slow, handling is horrible etc.." sorry, but that's true
I want edited RA!

On the site it says:
"Top speed 235 km/h (limited)"

Limited? No thanks