The online racing simulator
IS_MCI packet
Hello everyone! I started a little project and I got stuck at MCI packet. I used from iCS Source position/location for pit exit(wrong exit) for BL1 map but i'm not sure it works fine because insim send the message before passing the line from pit exit
// Pit EXIT
if (pathx >= -27 && pathx <= -24 && pathy >= 65 && pathy <= 67)
if (Conn.ExitZone == 0)
if (direction > 330 || direction < 20)
MsgAll("^7>> " + Conn.NoColPlyName + " - ^7wrong exit");
Conn.ExitZone = 1;

Or maybe my code from binded event isn't good? It's the same from iCS too.
How do you use/code this packet?
Well, I found solution for my problem and I solved it but there is still a problem with direction.
How direction works in LFS? If I wait a little my direction goes to 0 every time
From InSim.txt:

Quote : word Direction; // car's motion if Speed > 0: 0 = world y direction, 32768 = 180 deg
word Heading; // direction of forward axis: 0 = world y direction, 32768 = 180 deg