The online racing simulator
Ok, sorry for the flooding you ^^, I'm trying to do a different configuration of the KRT CR, with the XRGTR we can choose an alternate version (for example), the alternate version change the engine power, I want to do it with KRTCR .I would like to change the "Aero effect" (remove the rear wing for a specific setup) and engine power to a different configuration.
Ah, unfortunately at the moment, the configurations are very limited. they can only change the mesh shape (layers).

In fact the (new in version V) GTR configurations in LFS are one of the only things (or maybe the only thing) that are hard-coded and you can't do the same thing in a mod (allow users to change wheel size).

But it *would* be great if these configurations could do more, like aero, engine and wheel sizes. It's on a list, but not as high on the list as some other things.
Oh ok, not a real problem, i can upload 3 Class of the KRT CR, each class affect engine or aero or both!
I found that I put the main obk on the wrong side after I make lots of work on it, can I rotate the car body in editor?
Yes, use the rotate function.

- Create a new point at the origin (0,0,0)
- Select all points in POINT mode
- Deselect and select your point at the origin, so it is the GREEN selected point
- Go into 2D view (TOP view I think in your case)
- Click rotate and enter the degrees to rotate around the green point
It is a texture page in "page" mode that is set to be a "skin". For an example, look at any of the official cars in the modeller.

A skin is a user customisable paint texture.

If you do not want a skin (or not yet) then you can remove the skin name from the default colours in the vehicle editor.

If you DO want a skin:

- mark a texture page as "skin"
- name the skin (jpg) in default colours

If you DO NOT want a skin:

- do not mark a texture page as "skin"
- blank texture name in default colours
Quote from Scawen :It is a texture page in "page" mode that is set to be a "skin". For an example, look at any of the official cars in the modeller.

A skin is a user customisable paint texture.

If you do not want a skin (or not yet) then you can remove the skin name from the default colours in the vehicle editor.

If you DO want a skin:

- mark a texture page as "skin"
- name the skin (jpg) in default colours

If you DO NOT want a skin:

- do not mark a texture page as "skin"
- blank texture name in default colours

is it what u mean " texture page as "skin""?
Attached images
Please have a look at an LFS official car.

In "page" mode you will see one has its "type" as "skin". I hope you'll see how it works.
Quote from Scawen :Please have a look at an LFS official car.

In "page" mode you will see one has its "type" as "skin". I hope you'll see how it works.

fixed, thx
Quote from scania :how to put dash board on the car? I can only found the dash board editor to make how the dash look like, but can't found how to put it on the car

in the model editor, select the triangles that you want to use for gauges and in bottom left make a new mapping named s_clocks and click it to assign triangles for that mapping
For some reason only xr_interior2 doesnt wanna load, I don't recall doing anything different compared to other files, sorry if this has been discussed before already
Quote from neonmateo :For some reason only xr_interior2 doesnt wanna load, I don't recall doing anything different compared to other files, sorry if this has been discussed before already

The reason is in the message. Smile

You've saved the texture as a 32-bit texture, with R,G,B and Alpha channels. But the texture doesn't have the name _ALP - you are only requiring a 24-bit texture (RGB)

It is important not to save the alpha channel if you aren't using it (as you aren't in that case, I think). In-game textures with alpha channels use double the amount of memory.

We have heard of this issue when someone was using MS Paint. More advanced software is recommended.

By the way, it is advisable not to use the existing textures if you are changing them. Better copy and rename them to something else. Otherwise your existing XR may be messed up and it's possible the texture could be overwritten in a patch.
Quote from Scawen :The reason is in the message. Smile

You've saved the texture as a 32-bit texture, with R,G,B and Alpha channels. But the texture doesn't have the name _ALP - you are only requiring a 24-bit texture (RGB)

It is important not to save the alpha channel if you aren't using it (as you aren't in that case, I think). In-game textures with alpha channels use double the amount of memory.

We have heard of this issue when someone was using MS Paint. More advanced software is recommended.

By the way, it is advisable not to use the existing textures if you are changing them. Better copy and rename them to something else. Otherwise your existing XR may be messed up and it's possible the texture could be overwritten in a patch.

You were spot on, I was using photoshop but for that texture I used MS Paint to resize it. I understand now, thank you.
I reused the names because I had some issues with files with different names not showing up, Im still learning the modeller Smile
Quote from neonmateo :I reused the names because I had some issues with files with different names not showing up, Im still learning the modeller Smile

I hope they will show up (as long as file names aren't too long - 19 characters max). The idea is to only save textures in the png folder. One good thing about the modeller is how multiple cutouts refer to a single page. So usually to change to a copied texture page you should only need to change that one name in "page" mode.
Quote from Scawen :I hope they will show up (as long as file names aren't too long - 19 characters max). The idea is to only save textures in the png folder. One good thing about the modeller is how multiple cutouts refer to a single page. So usually to change to a copied texture page you should only need to change that one name in "page" mode.

I figured it out, re-watched your modeller video, I was looking at wrong page

Having trouble figuring out how to fix this issue. Editor says my total png texture area ia 6.5 Megapixels
where max is 5. Im wondering how i can compress the textures or get it down to the 5 Megapixel limit?

Any help is appreciated, Thanks.
You have to scale down some of your textures or opitmize the way you use them (e.g. using a repeating pattern instead of one big texture).
Does anyone know the size of the LX8's tires and wheels? I'm doing it, but I can't find this information
Does anyone can help me? i didnt know how to get spoiler and rollcage of GTR´s cars
Quote from henricat2006 :Does anyone know the size of the LX8's tires and wheels? I'm doing it, but I can't find this information

I found it.
R: 285/35-15 (rim width 11)
F: 235/40-15 (rim width 9.25) - guess this should be 9" really
Quote from Novais20 :Does anyone can help me? i didnt know how to get spoiler and rollcage of GTR´s cars

Rollcage is simple - in edit mode deselect main so only rollcage (and wheels) are shown. Then in tri menu ctrl+A to select whole rollcage and save it as suboject. Load the subobject on the car you want to add. More detailed steps are up to you to find out,I did that also without any previous modelling experience. Regarding rear wing - I guess you have to select all tris manually and then create subobject from selection. Aditional color mapping will be needed for wing,rollcage has it's own already.
I got "Unlocks for this week all used" Cuz I accidentally has one wrong unlock it on my PC in the LFS game, and one success. Then one unlock in Editor when I'm working on a PC at home, it works nice. Currently, I'm doing my mod on PC, but I want to work in Editor on a notebook too when I don't have access to my PC. So I got this message from the Editor on Notebook 9.11.2021. 9 am. I get that is the same unlocks count. So I try to unlock it last Friday and the same result. Well okay. But even now I getting this message from the editor on notebook..Bug? Maybe different Ip is a problem?

And maybe need to do two different counts for license unlocks on Editor and on LFS game?

"But I want to work in Editor on a notebook too when I don't have access to my PC" - btw it is okay to use the "share" function for this, or maybe it has another way?
Quote from henricat2006 :Does anyone know the size of the LX8's tires and wheels? I'm doing it, but I can't find this information

I have seen your car. Just my 2 cents: 127 litres tank seems a bit overkill for this kind of car.
Quote from Aleksandr_124rus :Well okay. But even now I getting this message from the editor on notebook..Bug? Maybe different Ip is a problem?

It's not IP, just the limited number of unlocks. You get an extra one each week, up to a maximum of 2. And always 3 when there is a new patch that needs unlocking. I realise it's a bit more of a squeeze now that we have the editor.

You can get an extra unlock by contacting our support email. I don't normally respond to unlock requests on the forum but I've added one for you this time.

Quote from Aleksandr_124rus :"But I want to work in Editor on a notebook too when I don't have access to my PC" - btw it is okay to use the "share" function for this, or maybe it has another way?

If you use "export to share vehicle for development" it will copy all necessary files to the share folder.

But if you have already shared it between two computers and you are only working on the model for a while (not changing textures, animations, engine, etc) you can simply copy and paste the veh file.

Quote from loopingz :I have seen your car. Just my 2 cents: 127 litres tank seems a bit overkill for this kind of car.

I guess he went with the auto fuel tank size, and this corresponds with the original LX8. But I agree it could be this could be a good change to make, as the original car was never fully developed. Smile
(Scawen) DELETED by Scawen : merged with post above
Is there a way to keep maps/cutouts when reloading an obj?

Mods Technical Assistance
(393 posts, started )