The online racing simulator
Sorry for not participating, I've been busy these days. Schwitz
Since the next one is oval.. what is the state of bump drafting?
Boo I dont like oval boo! But last race(my first here) was fun Smile
Last race... experimented the first curves recorded with standard free view, switched to TV Director after the chicane traffic.
protest R4 So6r GTi

Time: 57:03:00
Lap: 41
Opponent: Gordon Freeman (_gordon_)

I drive to the first corner and concentrate on my line and on the turning point.
Gordon Freeman comes out of the box and ignores the exit line and moves straight towards the ideal line.

He comes out of the pits and does not pay attention to the drivers on the racetrack, he has to thread himself into the traffic.
I did not see him until it crashed. The whole thing cost me a much better placement.

Whether protests are processed I do not know. Sporty, the action has not been.

Sorry, my english is not good.


Time: 57:03:00
Lap: 41
Gegner: Gordon Freeman (_gordon_)

Ich fahr zur 1. Kurve und konzentrier mich auf meine Linie und auf den Einlenkpunkt.
Gordon Freeman kommt aus der Box und ignoriert die ausfahrtslinie und zieht gleich richtung Idealinie.

Er kommt aus der Box und achtet nicht auf die Fahrer auf der Rennstrecke, er muss sich in den Verkehr einfädeln.
Ich hab ihn nicht gesehen, erst als es gekracht hat. Das ganze hat mich eine deutlich bessere Platzierung gekostet.

Ob Proteste bearbeitet werden weis ich nicht. Sportlich ist die Aktion aber nicht gewesen.
Claim by Ascona b against Gordon Freeman is uder investigation.

Spiiiky - Yes, we didn't hit any signle race on oval, soo it will be a kind new stuff in our league. We are still in diqustionn how to resolve this problem, bcs we know above 50% of the grid don't know how to proper race on oval. Bump drafting is know in oval for about 20% of grid ?
As i said, we will disqus this and send futher informations Smile
Claim by Ascona b against Gordon Freeman

Gordor Freeman reacives a -2 peanlty points added to his overall standings causing an aviodable accident.
Gordon, in that case you didn't follow the pit exit yellow line, if you do, propably this crash wouldn't happen. You didnt pay attention to Ascona b closing to T1. Driving on pitlane exit you should brake elier and in that kind of situation you wouldn't hit Ascona.

p.s. Gordon, ive watched replay - you wasn't in the track in car while restart counted to 0 and race started. After that restart you exited from pits. That's why you started on the back of the grid.

Ascona b - reaciving a warning.
You can't focus only on yourself when racing. I've saw that you was able to see Gordon leaving the pits, also inside camera car, and also on minimap. You should pay more attention to that, because even when you are driving in racing line, it's not an privilage to not look around you. Someone can't just stop when exiting pits, soo you should give him a bit much more space on inner side of T1.
I agree with the warning and accept it.
I had not expected him there, also because I had not seen him before.

Had he stayed on the pit line, I would have seen him too. That's the only way I've noticed where it was too late.

Thanks for the information and until the next race.

Mit der Verwarnung bin ich einverstanden und akzeptiere diese.
Ich hatte gar nicht mit ihm dort gerechnet, auch weil ich ihn vorher nicht gesehen hatte.

Wäre er auf der Boxenlinie geblieben, hätte ich ihn wohl auch gesehen. Nur so hab ich es erst bemerkt, wo es zu spät war.

Danke für die Information und bis zum nächsten Rennen.
Speaking of dangerous behaviour, I never got what Joan (xXSniikzXx) was on about when lapped on lap 5, driving so slowly and erratically on the s/f line.

It was quite unsafe in any case.
Quote from expr :Speaking of dangerous behaviour, I never got what Joan (xXSniikzXx) was on about when lapped on lap 5, driving so slowly and erratically on the s/f line.

It was quite unsafe in any case.

I agree. Despite the guy is nice, but his behaviour was not acceptable. His clutch was done, but instead of heading to pits (no point to try cool down such dead clutch on the race track), he remain on track - on the race line - even the leader (expr) was closening him very rapidly. Additionally he joked in chat about towing his car. I like jokes, but that joke was in wrong circumstances.
Quote from lucaf :I agree. Despite the guy is nice, but his behaviour was not acceptable. His clutch was done, but instead of heading to pits (no point to try cool down such dead clutch on the race track), he remain on track - on the race line - even the leader (expr) was closening him very rapidly. Additionally he joked in chat about towing his car. I like jokes, but that joke was in wrong circumstances.

If you want guys, put a claim and we will investigate it. We can't watch race with every 40 driver perspective, it's just unable - that's why we are running some claims to resolve problems , and trying to do best we can to no happen this again.

Besides, i got some quit diffrent feelings with out last race where there was no discipline in some drivers. i was mad bcs listen is not hard in our league. Rules and discipline is what are holding the league without overall mess. Soo please i don't want to kick or ban anyone its not the point. Also we dont have any sick rules to not look forward to it.

And my next message will be propably about next Oval event, we need to explain drivers how to take it, ofcourse it will be fun, but propably only 4 left turns on track will make much more mess that we had in entire league Wink

Ade Smile
Quote from Bila_KHS :
Besides, i got some quit diffrent feelings with out last race where there was no discipline in some drivers.

Im still open to work as volunteer limad if it helps anything.

But maybe you could specify the concrete situations wich were lacking discipline? Was it caused by newcomers? Of course if there is one full multiplayer server in LFS, its unavoidable that some ppl join just to have some quick fun, without understanding there are other preparing for an event. There was for example that Gianni guy that was spreading destruction some 15 minutes before admins gave attention for the situation. My suggestion is (if you dont want recruit limads), put kick/ban voting option in the server, and trust the community. We love to kick peoples lacking discipline <3
Tommorow we will face an KY1 Oval track for our GTi Championship League
You wanted to know what is our state for bumpdrafting etc, here it is

Bumpdrafting is forbidden - if we will catch someone bumpdrafting, there will be penalty points!

Bumpdrafting* is when you sticking with someone ass and keep pushing without overtake

Since not everyone driver participating in Oval Racing, it's completly diffrent from a race on every other signle race track. I can only provide you some tips that will allow you to be better on Oval, and make this race more interesting and beatufill.

1. You don't want to be alone on Oval. Oval is mostly about a drafting and making more speed, if you are able to drive with two, or tree or more drivers - you are faster.
2. Overtakes can be dificult, specially on last laps. But the main thing is when you aproaching to turn, and some other guy is behind you and speeding up with draft, you lefting him some space on inner line on turn - when he pass you, you switching behind his back, and keep speeding up, on next turn is same situation but with you on inner side of the corner.
This type of racing provide you most effective and full speed racing on oval.
3. Dont drive like a stupid hero Smile

We wish you best of luck, as always be a little bit elier on host to participate
TeamSpeak is required to race, connect before qualifing starts ( )
We will run 1 hotlap qualify, soo it will be soo close !

What's the race length going to be?

I discussed this briefly with bLb last week, and we both sort of thought that it might be a better idea to split one longer race into 2 parts (with points awarded for the results of the last one). This would give people more time to adjust to oval racing, a chance for recovery if there's a multi-car crash early on (when it's more likely to begin with), and because the actual racing for actual positions only happens at the end of an oval race. 60 laps might be a bit much just to set up for the last 2 or 3.

In the case we're not adjusting the format for what is probably going to be the most atypical of all the season's races, and perhaps in any case, I think it might be a good idea to stage some practice races before qualifying (let's face it: free practice is not that necessary or useful here anyway).

edit: and as an addition to your list of tips, I'd remind that unless you are leading the race, it may sometimes be a *very* smart idea to drop back a bit to team up with the driver behind you in order to catch the people in front of you. You're most likely not going to be able to do it on your own, and definitely not if there's a group ahead of you.
Lets just be early online and do some sprint races before qually

thanks for great event once again and thanks for expr who stayed on his decision to choose this combo even his suggestion was questioned by some others. (I still hate that my recordings end up so blurry Uh-hu )

I add also one mention about the accident between Joel TDI and tonder762. After specating, Joel strongly criticized tonder in race chat, many times, calling him crasher and demanded ban for him. I was curious enough to check what was the situation about. They raced several laps in clear harmony, and imo collision was not fault of tonder, instead fault of Joel who didnt check his right side and tried to "close right door" without seeing what was happening on his right side, and running in the raceline of him. Why I bother to write such report here, because I wanted to just give justice to tonder762 who received strong accusations in the chat.
thanks for the video lucaf...JoelTDI joined FoX FRIDAY I informed him that we don't tolerate his behavior in our community. He apologized said he would do better. I informed him I might not let him participate in event. He decided to add something about crash..i told him bad answer and banned him. Thanks for the policing guys !! It's always great to see new drivers, but they are risky and we have the BEST drivers. BOO B2R Smile
Thanks Fras Smile FM is getting well known Big grin hmm...usually my youtube vids dont reach to hundred views, except those three that I shared also in racedepartment forum for example that last oval vid.

But wth happened to the SO6R vid of the 25.1. event? Suddenly it has 337 views :o somebody shared it somewhere? Big grin
Quote from lucaf :Thanks Fras Smile FM is getting well known Big grin hmm...usually my youtube vids dont reach to hundred views, except those three that I shared also in racedepartment forum for example that last oval vid.

But wth happened to the SO6R vid of the 25.1. event? Suddenly it has 337 views :o somebody shared it somewhere? Big grin

Keep up the good work!
Next goal: 9397 views. Tongue
Quote from zeugnimod :Next goal: 9397 views. Tongue

I think that requires everyone in the race wears a skin with beautiful women. Then it would be just a matter of time to get those views.

Quote from redbot_ :It seems somebody shared it on the simracing subreddit.

The comments there are mostly nostalgic.

Oh thanks! Nice to know! This is fun and nice phenomen this nostalgic memories. I remember when I quit LFS in 2010, then accidentally remember the sim in 2015, watched some clips in youtube, and after that I couldn't resist to reinstall it. When I did my first meters with XFG again, it was the happiest moment of my life (ok now Im exaggerating ofc, but you know what I mean Big grin)
Nice, that you are enjoying our league, and races - iam really happy for it, with this iam putting soo much effort to get more sponsors and prizes ! I thing this year will be huge in that point!

Todays we've got and AS1R with XRG combo - it will be hard because track is really short, and we are still thinking about expading grid.

Be focused and well prepared if you want to race, because propably we will run only 32 cars grid today, soo - in case of that, you need to be fast in qualify to enter the race!

Today's handicaped drivers from last race Oval:

=36=Jati + 30kg
Lukas Bohm Rosenbauer + 23 kg
Mishu + 15 kg

Nice fact for today, is propably i won't be able to participate in race Smile i can't tell right know bcs todays is a freakin day for me, i will be online and do much effort to set everything up.

Soo please today, be elier on TeamSpeak and we will can count everyone and start Qualifing just in time!

Cheers to everyone!
First of all, Thanx to all drivers raced yesterday, avesome 40 grid, and 36 drivers ended race!
This making me belive we are better and better every single race, and soon there will be more close and fair fights, 6 to 10 cars trains, every corner you need to be focused and defend you position - This is all about inour league, fine and fair racing!

Next race is FE2R on both cars, picked by Lucas, yesterday winner - you can practice whole week until next Thursday will kick off !

Since ive writed 'fair driving' we got a claim from Gordon Freeman against Can.D and now i want to resolve this claim.

First of all, let's see what happend:

1.Entering short straing after long right corner, Gordon Freeman is behind Can.D and eX.R Ascona b

2. Now action is starting, Gordon is taking an action to overtake Ascona b on inner side, when Can.D is on the right side.

3. Three wide car entering left hard 180 turn, Gordon closin on inner side, Ascona b manages to be in the middle and little behind, Can.D aproching form the right side

4. Ascona managed to stay more on brakes to not be still in the middle, nice choice Ascona!
But Can.D managed to not look on his inner side, and what is happening on inner side - aproching to inner racing line like there is noone attacing his position!

5. Here we see Gordon really didn't have any space to not contact with Can.D

6. And the contact was made

7. Can.D get's little lose due to going outside a bit of the track and losing some 0,4sec on this corner

8. It sohuld be okay for now, but now what ive seen, seriously, ive didn't expect this because for real, Can.D you are good and fine driver, many times with fair fight, don't really know what happend to you because it was your fault when you closed inner side of the corner without checking if someone is there. You etering next tight right corner in full throttle

9. You are hitting Gordon in some revenge ? or what should i call that ? You throwed him away form the track to the sand, he losted soo many positions, you elier contact didnt lose you both 10 or more places, you just losed one corner there, and why managed to kick him out of the track ?

Resolving claim by Gordon Freeman against Can.D in 7th Race Gti Thursday on AS6 with both cars allowed.

Can.D - Reaciving a 5 penalty points for causing in intetion crash, pushing Gordon out of the track to sand, and losing above 10 positions. You didn't check elier you inner side when aproaching left conner, if someone is attacking inner side, its his position, and you need to left him space to take this corner, you cutted to inner side and was angry there is Gordon with his car ? Next one you are in angry range, and crashing him without a proper reason - We are not allowing this kind of behaviour - We want to have clean and fine races, when everybody respect eachothers and beeing fairplay. Please stop doing this if you want to feel more fun in our league.

Gordon Freeman - reaciving a warning. You attaced Ascona B with high risk there, wenting two tyres on the grass, that was a risky move but you where faster. You saw Can.D and Asconda is aproaching on corner like you, and more than 2 wide corner are always risky to take. In future try to be more focused, you dont need to pass in every possible situation Smile

I think this can be understand by both of you, and on next race you will calm down, and we all can have another nice race.

Track is loaded, pass is disabled, you can all practice for next Thursday

Actual standings, points, etc is aviable on site:

Attached images

Fragmaster's GTi Thursday
(552 posts, started )