The online racing simulator
ops. Hopefully I find the other replay..
#102 - pmw
Inspired by you, I made a compare video too:

But.. In fact, this video is not 100% accurate. Because I synced videos in faulty way. I used cars *first* move as sync time. Not the actual *green light*. So I deleted the actual reaction time of the start... But it's good enough!
From the video I would say you both used invalid paths, they don't cross themselves around the pylons.
Appears I have deleted all my other replays. Shrug
Tried again and got 20.32 at least.
Track: Three lanes
Car: LX4
Lap Time: 20.32

5tag :
those paths should be valid as far I can see.
Just example of pmw's run (without drawing the reverse)
in green area he crossed the path = valid
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Attached files
T5 LX4 guth 20.32.spr - 25.5 KB - 382 views
...and so has ended the first LFS competetion ran 100% on real life tracks Tilt

Full results in google doc or as screenshot:
(The gaps of missing times were too large so I saw not much sense to fill those out with "default" times)

Think for first attempt it did not went too bad even if few more drivers/completed times would have been nice. Hope everyone enjoyed it and maybe discovered/learned something.
Personally I was never a fan of hotlapping but found this different enough from normal tracks that it was interessting.
Of some I know they found the layouts too difficult/tight) or that they felt too slow so did drive but never submitted. But no problem Smile

Such of style competetions still has more potential perhaps?
If you have feedback or ideas please post.
The "unlimited attempts" was maybe a bit... too unlimited. Wink
If repeated, laps would be limited in some ways. (like some other events/leagues do with quali servers)
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Congratulations! Smile
Congratulations to the winners! Very precise driving by pmw Smile

I would still say the paths are invalid, look at the third example of this picture you posted. However the winners are decided and it doesn't matter anymore.

Thank you very much Gutholz for running this event. Smile Very interesting kind of motorsport, too bad I didn't knew of your competition earlier. About the attempts, I guess it would add to the excitement if you only had 3 runs but I very much like the fact that this was an offline-ish competition. For us LFS pilots it's like a flash game that you can just fire up and try to beat the highscore without it interfering with your real life schedule.

I'll be on board next time. Wink
thanks to the administrators for this fun tournament, ideal for those who have little time. If you are interested, I am sending information to something similar
#109 - pmw
oh thanks thanks. But I must admit that d_cury is more badass with UF1 - It's so terrible car to drive!

I loved this league, and I want to see something similiar racing in future.
Thanks to Gutholz.
5tag: in that third picture it is not a loop but here it is: (It is kind of a "big loop" that also goes through two of the gates, but in the end it crosses path and forms a loop)
Hm, maybe bit too open to interpretation Wink

d_cury: Yes, if you do something similiar I am interessted. Smile

and UF1 is not THAT bad!
jaja, uf1 its friendly! LX are hard beasts!

i send PM Gutholz with youtube links.
If you are interested, i send all layouts