How Far Can You Run? [QWOP]
(108 posts, started )
What the hell... I can only go backwards... :Kick_Can_
REPOST!!!! but i did 100 meters once. Real running.
3.1 meters is my best.
im far to stupid for that :|
Lol i just got 3,4 meters i suck at this
yay 5,1
My first attempt and best is 48 metre. And yes, i agree with others ... this game is seriously hard and terrible
Attached images
#58 - Vain
Quote from Local Herald :
QWOP placed first from the rear in 2009 Paralympics
QWOP in interview after his personal best distance of 23.2 meters in the category of 'IQ below ambient temperature'

LH: First of all, congratulations on your new personal best distance of 23.2 meters.
QWOP: Thanks. It was an honor to represent my country in such a strong manner.
LH: You achieved your national record run in the third try, but got off to a bad start in the first attempt. Tell us more about that.
QWOP: In the first attempt I took the risk and attempted a fast start. Unfortunately my right foot barely missed the ground and I lost balance. That sent me to the ground with only 0.2 meters covered. But it was worth a try.
LH: Definitely. Your second attempt caused some controversy at the track. Tell us your view of what happened.
QWOP: This time I started more slowly and got away better. After having almost 16 meters covered I slowly began losing altitude and reduced velocity. However the judge thought that in doing so I fell, despite it being clear that both my feet were touching the ground, thus demonstrating that I was still erect. Even though I complained harshly the attempt was deemed faulty. That was surely the worst decision of the judges that day.
LH: With only one try left and such controversy behind you, how did you approach the final run?
QWOP: My trainer QWERT talked to me and managed to calm me down. He told me to focus on achieving a good and steady pace. This worked well for the first 15 meters until I jumped too high and landed on my left big toe. It was difficult, but I managed to get my right foot down and continued. Relieved and morally boosted I went past my former personal best of 19.3 meter.
Unfortunately, at the 23 meter mark I made a mistake that, in running-lingo, is referred to as "confusing left and right". Without getting into too much detail here, in running we differ between two legs, called "left" and "right", and these should be used in an alternating manner. If for whatever reason you don't do that keeping your balance becomes very hard. I tried to rescue the run, but ultimately landed straight on my face.
LH: Nevertheless, you set a new national record of 23.2 full meters.
QWOP: Yes, and that makes me very proud. I'd like to thank my trainer again for his great coaching that lead me to this great victory in the name of my country.
LH: Thanks for the interview.
QWOP: You're welcome.

this game just makes you depressed
Made it 46 m before I got tired of it. Took a good 20 min too.
Quote from Rappa Z :Made it 46 m before I got tired of it. Took a good 20 min too.


I got my 48m with going slowing jumping on the knee. Was pretty easy, i woulda do 99999m too if i got time.
lol i made 1,3m
51.3 on one knee.
I lol'd. A lot. Never got further than 15.8 m but who cares Its not like this game is about the score
Yay,new PB! 3,2m
#72 - Vain
Ha, I finally did it! 100.3 meters!
I used to play this on my laptop, but when I tried it on the more powerful desktop PC it was a lot easier. I think the way the feet dangle on the lower legs is fps-dependant.

...Well, whatever, I'm awesome.

Could. Not. Fit. Concept. Into. Brain.
1.3 metres

How Far Can You Run? [QWOP]
(108 posts, started )