Last Lap Motorsports... is getting bigger
(210 posts, closed, started )
Quote :It's a forum, don't take every word literally.

Wise words man!
(Mustangman759) DELETED by Mustangman759
why would you post it here if you don't want the public using it...
why are you so annoying?
oh i dont know but its very agitating use it if u want just shows how good of a skin maker i am.

lol lmao
Quote from Mustangman759 :why are you so annoying?

yeah, okay...

all i did was point out how stupid it is to post a supposed private skin on a public forum... don't you guys have your own forum on PPD? it would have been better to post it there instead...
Quote from Mustangman759 :
for the XRT


PRIVATE TEAM SKIN USE ONLY NO EDITING OR USING(online or vids(Unless its an LLM memb using)

If you would like to edit this skin PLEASE notify me if you wish to edit it i may give permission i may NOT

p.s. have fun lmao

Hehe good skin?
Though i cant understand the writting on the side, tbh it could be alot better. But practice makes perfect.
Mustang stop using our thread for your stupidity...
Team Insane Dragons/~~Team~Rebel~Bloods~~ has merged with [LLM]

We Are Not looking to get teh same ranks we had in our old team this to be drivers. the ones i know as of right now that is coming from our old team are:

myself - Ghost Rider
My Wife - Bell

More may come after I leave a message with them in there email.

PS. Keep on eye out because soon we will be getting 3 LFS servers for [LLM].
Awesome! After our last server randomly crashed and never came back up we have been serverless.

Guys we are hoping 1 server to be Race the other, drift, the other cruise???
Quote from zeugnimod :Be careful. They might challenge RSR next, after they destroyed SR with their 1337 drifting.

Hahahaha OMG ROFL LMAO zeugi
Its impossible since we have DK in our team. You need him for your drift battle against LLM ?? No problem you have him
Quote from niels1 :Hahahaha OMG ROFL LMAO zeugi
Its impossible since we have DK in our team. You need him for your drift battle against LLM ?? No problem you have him

Nah, they chickened out.
To none [LLM] drivers

I'm not a Moderator of LFS forums but I'm going to say THIS


Sorry for yelling but you don't see [LLM] members going around to your teams and flaming on your topics. This Topic was made in attempt to recruit new members to our team.

Thank You
[LLM]Ghost Rider - #56

P.S. And if there is any of our members doing that please let us know.


To all [LLM] Members

Please ignore what other drivers from other teams say about us in this topic. They are this trying to raffel our feathers. Soon they will be taking back what they say about us because soon we will have our own servers for LFS. We already have a 50 slot Ventrilo server that can be used by any one that wishes to use it. Please Note that if you join our ventrilo server and start drama a Admin will ban you with no warning I will not have drama on my server.

Hostname or IP:
Port Number: 4402

And after we get our LFS server we will not allow any cheating in our servers for any reason. We will also not allow any Mods to cars in our server. If you cheat or show up witha Mod you will be kicked from the server and ask to fix the problem and if you show back up with the same problem again you will be ban from our servers.
Well I dont see what I or zeugi did relates to flaming . Its a joke and if you cant handle that well sorry to say its your problem. By the way, one of you lot dragged RSR in this not me. Just a joke man chill out . Its supposed to be fun coming to forums and race amongst each other .

You dont have to clarify what your rules are on your server. Using a mod or a hack will generally ban you from LFS anyways. All servers out there which are made for public use will ban instantly with mod or hack. Its your server so do what your like but chill out first before you start banning everybody entering your server.
Quote :They are this trying to raffel our feathers. Soon they will be taking back what they say about us because soon we will have our own servers for LFS. We already have a 50 slot Ventrilo server

:jawdrop::jawdrop: :hidesbehi:hidesbehi:hidesbehi

seriously though, is that supposed to make anyone scared of LLM? having a team server and ventrilo doesn't make you any better than you were last month...
Basically guys can we keep this thread positive, I don't see why people need to bash our team. We are a very clean team and don't want any trouble but you guys are in here chatting like its a formal argument thread. This is my team thread where we inform people about our team! No need for you guys to say we suck so SHUT THE %&@* up!

PS: NubNub and the guy who posted above him please keep those type of posts out. We have 6 pages and i was hoping to keep this to an announcment and discussion in A POSITIVE way...
good luck!
(niels1) DELETED by niels1
(Mustangman759) DELETED by Mustangman759 : NOT REASONABLE
Quote from bunder9999 ::jawdrop::jawdrop: :hidesbehi:hidesbehi:hidesbehi

seriously though, is that supposed to make anyone scared of LLM? having a team server and ventrilo doesn't make you any better than you were last month...

neither does you hiding yer ugly face behind a couch
Quote from Mustangman759 :neither does you hiding yer ugly face behind a couch

C'mon man, what the hell are you doing?? First you guys get upset because guys post stuff in your team thread, now your doing the exact samething. Of all things I think you and BMX should growup a bit more and act more mature.. I'm to the point that I don't even wanna stop by your team thread and read it anymore!

SpeedSims Racing!
Mustang you need to stop like BMX said or you are looking not to get the admin password to the servers.

Quote from Bmxtwins :Mustang stop using our thread for your stupidity...

The Flaming in this Topic needs to stop please.

Quote from bunder9999 ::jawdrop::jawdrop: :hidesbehi:hidesbehi:hidesbehi

seriously though, is that supposed to make anyone scared of LLM? having a team server and ventrilo doesn't make you any better than you were last month...

No its not its this to inform everyone that we will have our own servers soon (by like the end of the month).

So please Keep the rest of this Topic Clean with no flaming and mustang this is your last warning next is lost of admin rights in servers including our Vent.


All LLM members need to get on Ventrilo so you can get registered to the server.
Ok then,

This is a Callout to all LLM members that are currently active... There is some verrry good news, LLM has been accepted for GTAL, now, I currently have myself, jake and keith signed up... however... I may sign more people up to our team should I want to. And I do, especially as there are some 6 and one 12 hour event. Also, keith, Myself or Jake may not be able to make certain meetings, therefore... other drivers are necessary. Now, call me competitive but We are in it to be the best of the rest behind more professional teams like CORE and TDRT. So, I propose to have an LLM team meet running GT2 FZR's (as that is the car we will be running) in the near future, preferably end of october or early november... All I ask is that you get into teams of 2. The race will probably be 60 mins at around 7:30 or 8pm GMT on a Friday. As myself, jake and keith are already registered, we will be acting as race officials and saftey cars in the event so as to 'give the feel' of and actual GTAL event... please, post if you are interested at all. We will also happily accept a few other racers outside of LLM in, should they want to.

thanks all,


P.S: keith has just withdrawn, meaning that we WILL need another permanent driver... PM me if interested!!!
Count me in depending on time.
Preview of LLM GTAL SKIN. Oscar what # goes on the car? Or how many people need a skin .
Forgot to attach:
Attached images
BMX, I am awaiting the GTAL skin pack, as soon as I get It I will think about skins, skins which will have the names of drivers on so may change on a monthly basis... later today I will PM all LLM members and a few others to gather a bit of a crowd for the LLM race meet, BMX, should you be in, Mukaz too has pmed me so I suggest that you twin up with him to make a team.


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Last Lap Motorsports... is getting bigger
(210 posts, closed, started )