The online racing simulator
It sucks...
(89 posts, started )
#76 - Gunn
Quote from wheel4hummer :I wish I could get an S2 liscense. It sucks when you have the money, but your parents say "I don't trust paypal", and, when today I asked if I could send a money order, my mom says "You still want that game? We said no." illepall I will find a way though. (WIthout cracking, I will get an actual liscense somehow)

Dear Mrs 4Hummer,
Your son, Wheel, has been a member of our online racing community for almost a year and in that time I think it is only fair to say that he has grown a little bit taller. He has iterated to our well-dressed and impeccably-behaved community on more than one occasion that he does not have parental consent to purchase a Live For Speed S2 Alpha Online Racing License via the popular Paypal system. In casual passing one may get the feeling that he perhaps feels less fullfilled than he otherwise might if circumstances were more in his favour in regards to becoming a fully fledged member of our community, many of whom are very attractive physically which is always nice to know as I'm sure you will agree.

While there is always a risk that young Wheel's grades will suffer from the time he spends tearing around virtual racetracks online, he will meet a diverse range of people from across the globe, many of whom have jobs or at least know somebody who actually does.
Some kids play games of death and hatred, some kids lie under bridges with a needle in their arm and even worse, some kids play arcade racing games or ones with a small letter at the front of their name! Oh the injustice! If only young - insert name here - could be released from the shackles of mediocrity and be given the freedom to express his rapidly evolving soul at blistering speeds and against all odds in the ultimate challenge of man and virtual machine all in the relative safety and comfort of his own home.....the parents that could do that for their beloved offspring would be honoured for eternity in the hallowed halls of virtual boyracerdom.

However, there is a profitable angle here whereby you as a parent exploit said offspring by demanding the completion of several dozen mundane chores over an indefinite period of time or until such a time as the offspring's interest has waned, whereby you claim ultimate victory and get to extract even more rediculous demands from your hapless child's hide for many glorious years to come! I went roller skating for years, and in exchange my parents got a fully landscaped yard and endless refills of very bad coffee! I still walk with a limp to this day, Mother is a bit odd and we haven't seen Dad since St Patricks's day, but in fairness I think all parties are happy with the outcome!

So please Mrs 4Hummer, for the peace and tranquility of the award-winning Live For Speed Community please find a way to help a young racer realise his dream.........

*fades to future scene*

"Wheel! No Live For Speed until you've finished your chores!.....and massaged my feet, washed the dishes, fed the dog, awww the baby's thrown up again... get that won't you Wheel....?"

Love from Gunn

p.s. The holiday's going great! The underwater mountainbiking was particularly unique but ended rather quickly. Hi to Bob and Meredith, hope to see you all again soon at the big pie and beer festival!
Quote from DownShift :
ya wen i finely got a job (sucks more than you will EVER know in the US right now)

Quote :
sorry to any one on page 2, stop reading on 1. just got ticked off with how eazy ppl think it is to come by money in the US wen your his age...

You know, it is much easier to find a job when you know how to read and write. And don't whine like a little bitch. There are hundreds of people on this forum posting in a second or third language with far more eloquence than you do in your first.

When I was 12, a US dollar bought considerably more than it does today. I bought myself a $2000 PC after earning money providing on-site tech support for various people who were referred to me. A strong lesson in the power of word of mouth advertising. I saved that money in about a year.

And then we have Americans who do speak English that somehow think our current debt problem is largely due to World War II, which really couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, we made out like bandits on that deal. Not only financially, but technologically as well. I know that most Americans find history intolerably boring, but perhaps you should google "Redstone Rocket" and learn something interesting.
Quote from Kris-Is-Awesome :<- S2 Buddy.

Alright Kris!! now we can change this thread to "This Rules!"
Quote from rickylix :Alright Kris!! now we can change this thread to "This Rules!"

It does!
LOL @ Gunn

You feeling alright Gunn?

Quote :Around here there are no job oppertunities, and even so, I am too into school, trying to get into a good college. I never have any cash.

One year before I left school the big world wide 80's depression hit. I got a job on top of school, in fact I got more than one, and I barely ever saw a penny of my wages on helping out my folks, and then one of the firms went bust with a backlog of wages.

I work in a male dominated industry, I have not been given jobs because "you wont fit in because you dont like football" (not that they asked). Yet I still have a job.

I see refugee's who barely speak English holding down a job.

There's no such thing as no opportunities.

If you want it. Earn it.

That's capitalism baby...
nice post Gunn, although if he shows his mother that you might actually dissuade her!
Quote from BWX232 :This is the beer that falls from the sky at MY house though..

A little off the thread topic, but hey, it's beer!

I used to be an uneducated snob towards US beers until I actually started travelling to the US.

Yuengling is great (It was my favourite beer when I lived in NJ), but I never see it here in MA

Up here Sam Adams is everywhere, but there's many more (little known) micro breweries in the North East US that I prefer. My current favourite is Wachusett


Drink up!
Way to go Kris , Congrats.
Quote from Rob76 :
Up here Sam Adams is everywhere, but there's many more (little known) micro breweries in the North East US that I prefer. My current favourite is Wachusett


I'll have to try that. Not a "micro" brew per se, but do you like any of Magic Hat's beers? They are out of Burlington VT. In a similar vein I enjoy some of the brews from Unibroue up in Quebec, available pretty widely through the US now at good beer stores.

There are a bunch of decent micros in my area of Upstate NY. Good stuff for sure.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote from thisnameistaken :
Of course it didn't match up to the Theakston's pint's 5.7% ABV, but if it did Americans wouldn't be able to drink it so what would be the point?

Hah. I rarely have more than a pint in a sitting, so high alcohol content beers don't bother me too much.

One of my favorites if I'm restless before dinner is here:
Nice post Skiingman!! I love La Fin Du Monde and Maudite!! good for special occasions..however, after going to Germany so many times, I'll always be a Warsteiner fan

It sucks...
(89 posts, started )