The online racing simulator
You just can't kill a Toyota pickup.
(33 posts, started )
Quote from DragonCommando :I wonder if any of you have seen what they did to a Honda cub 50 scooter on another show.

those things are indestructible too...mind you there are so many millions of them about its not hard to get spare parts
we have Toyota Hilux 2006 model, and it can take ALOT damage for sure
The challenges in Top Gear are scripted, so it's possible this about the toyota pick up is too. But it's great entertainment
#29 - 5haz
Clarkson admits in his books that parts of Top Gear are scripted and staged, but so what, stop being so anally retentive.
Why does we allways ends up in discussion where it's a question about fake(nes?) or not.
Why canot people just see the entertaining and fun part about it. Many jokes, photoshopped immages, programs and such are purely made out for entertaining part, not to be realistic.
If it's funny, why even dvelve on if it's fake / realistic or not, just sit back and enjoy the ride, in this situation it was a program and great fun it was.

Also posting comments "it's old" is about the same, why even botter to open your mouth if that's all you are going to say. TheIrishN00b, I don't know if you are trying to be funny or just taking the piss, but please, for love of everything holy and peace on this forum, go somewhere else if you just are to stir up the situation in every post you make.
(mrodgers) DELETED by mrodgers
Quote from mrodgers :You've ran your newer bike using cooking oil in the crankcase?

Did I mention it was USED cooking oil?

I woulden't go that far with a new bike, its not worth the repair cost if it killed it. Which it most likely would.

I don't actualy own a newer bike myself because all my friend's newer bikes fail or completely die on them in a very consistent pattern. My bike going through the same kind of use, has never had a failure.
Quote from 5haz :Clarkson admits in his books that parts of Top Gear are scripted and staged, but so what, stop being so anally retentive.

in other news, bears do defecate in the woods, and the pope has admitted Catholic tendencies
Quote from DragonCommando :I wonder if any of you have seen what they did to a Honda cub 50 scooter on another show.

It was basicaly the same thing, exept that they even put cooking oil in the crank case and ran it like that. The engine ran no matter what they did to it and would not stop. A newer bike, and I know this from experiance, will not take that kind of abuse.

my 77' Honda XR75 mini crosser, and my 81' Honda XL125s dual sport are still faster and far more durable than modern offerings of the same engine size, infact my 75 is faster than a modern 100. I can run them through hell if I want to, although I won't. Infact, the previous owners of both bikes put them through motorcycle hell, and they still start and run like new to this day.

Pretty much this thread was started for two reasons, to show that video to people who may have not seen it, which is mostly people like myself who don't get that show on our cable. And to get a coversation going about the declining quality of vehicles made today. It's actualy achieving both things I intended.

the honda 50 is the first vehicle made by honda, made to last, EVERYONE knows that.

You just can't kill a Toyota pickup.
(33 posts, started )