The online racing simulator
ur background is even more gay
Oh dear some people's desktops...

Btw thanks, I now have 2 new MSN addresses to whore.
ok the background is a photoshop i did . and the msn adresses , have fun
Quote from jwardy :ok the background is a photoshop i did . and the msn adresses , have fun

Dude you pedo? your 17 and debbie is 14-15...
Quote from anbiddulph :i opened it, missing your 3 posts...

I opened it to see what all the fuss was about.

"da Ring" is dark, does not need picture to describe.
Quote from piggy501 :I opened it to see what all the fuss was about.

"da Ring" is dark, does not need picture to describe.

Lol, numpty.
(jwardy) DELETED by jwardy
Quote from Takumi_lfs :Dude you pedo? your 17 and debbie is 14-15...

spose uve never heard of friends before ... , not all of your friends have to be your age
Quote from jwardy :spose uve never heard of friends before ... , not all of your friends have to be your age

Ignore him. He posts shite anyway.
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Ignore him. He posts shite anyway.


Edit : Why do people have such dirty minds anyway ?
'Cause people are immature? Just a guess.
Quote from jwardy :spose uve never heard of friends before ... , not all of your friends have to be your age

He doesn't understand the concept of friends, have you seen his hair? hahaha he looks like a German from the 80's
Quote from BlueFlame :He doesn't understand the concept of friends, have you seen his hair? hahaha he looks like a German from the 80's

He cutted his hair though
Now here are a few shots of cars just starting to get on the track in the morning.
10 bucks says the Merc supervan overtakes the opel speedster.
ok, now I have to double post because I have to attach something. Sorry about that. I don't know how to delete my las post either. Anyway, I took like 28 pictures and so far there was a crash. It was probably either bad enough to close the track, or after hours on the track. Enjoy the picture pack!
Quote from BlueFlame :He doesn't understand the concept of friends, have you seen his hair? hahaha he looks like a German from the 80's

What does my hair to do with my friends?

Like Tomba said I had a haircut a whiiiiiiile ago.

Oh the irony on the internet
Quote from Takumi_lfs :What does my hair to do with my friends?

Like Tomba said I had a haircut a whiiiiiiile ago.

Oh the irony on the internet

I had to lol at this one. Where does hair come in?
I remember a picture of Takumi, that's why he doesn't know the concept of friends, because his hair stopped people from talking to him. Why would your parents even allow you to walk around with that hair anyway?
Yeah his hair is a bit scary..
Quote from BlueFlame :I remember a picture of Takumi, that's why he doesn't know the concept of friends, because his hair stopped people from talking to him. Why would your parents even allow you to walk around with that hair anyway?

Wait, you mean that your parents wont let you style your hair like I do? Since your talking about me and my looks, why dont you look at yourself first. You dont even know me, And already talking shit about my friends(because of my hair?). This is called prejudging my friend.

Well, as for my hair (such a weird topic to talk about) I can style my hair into whatever I want but I told you that the rear already got shortend. You should really read more carefully.

Btw, your hair isnt the best neither. Take a haircut, your ears almost swims in the hair.
Quote from Takumi_lfs :Wait, you mean that your parents wont let you style your hair like I do? Since your talking about me and my looks, why dont you look at yourself first. You dont even know me, And already talking shit about my friends(because of my hair?). This is called prejudging my friend.

Well, as for my hair (such a weird topic to talk about) I can style my hair into whatever I want but I told you that the rear already got shortend. You should really read more carefully.

Btw, your hair isnt the best neither. Take a haircut, your ears almost swims in the hair.

Where I come from people with your hairstyle are classed as Gypsies.
Quote from BlueFlame :Where I come from people with your hairstyle are classed as Gypsies.

oh stop!
Quote from BlueFlame :Where I come from people with your hairstyle are classed as Gypsies.

haha you're cracking me up

Whats going on at da Ring?
(626 posts, started )