The online racing simulator
Which Cheap Point&Shoot For The GF?
(66 posts, started )
#26 - Jakg
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :haha TVE , cumon Jak buying presents nearly a year early....

Errr, I think you mean 3-4 months late :X
See what Jakg does now? He ignores me, and replies to everything I not tells, that tells your true collors Jakg, you are a slave and your ladys little bitch
Man, you got to apreciate your balls, but obviously you don't use them.

Tor, you make me laugh every single day. ily.
#29 - Jakg
Quote from The Very End :See what Jakg does now? He ignores me, and replies to everything I not tells, that tells your true collors Jakg, you are a slave and your ladys little bitch
Man, you got to apreciate your balls, but obviously you don't use them.


I thought you'd misunderstood and might just realise in a minute - I sent her a link to the camera (because I was guessing what she'd like the look of) and asked her opinion (before i'd bought it - she knew I was planning on getting a camera) and she said the buttons on the back looked a bit weird - it may seem a little annoying to me but i'm equally fussy in return (don't even get me started on watches :X). I asked her opinion, because I wanted to know if she liked it - i'm sure if I just gave it to her she'd think it rocked but I want to get her the thing she will love because i'm nice (and because hopefully she will fall in love with something cheap :X)

EDIT - I just checked. They are still between my legs, both of them...
The Canon PowerShot A590 is basically the only half-decent cheap PnS camera you can buy ATM if you're not too much concerned about slow flash recycle time, AA batteries (some love em others hate em) and the fact it's hardly the smallest camera on the market.

Well actually the A470 is a little cheaper but IMO it's not worth the savings.

The A590 is around 100€ new, the '470 70-75€ hope that fits in your price bracket.

PS: both should have an 'easy' mode where the only thing you can tamper with is flash. A590 is also PASM just in case.
Wrong direction Jakg! TVE speaks for the first time the truth!

You don't want to know how my relation goes with my girlfriend!
He just needs some Stella and he'll be right
Rofl! Best thread ever.

Jakg, your lady is a pain in the ass, and she sounds like one of these that uses you. Yeah, U-S-E-S you you heared right. I don't want to think about what kinky stuff she makes you do when your in bed
Or maybe she just a turd, who knows?
I mean, the button is wrong on the camera, "WHAT DA **** are you smoking you (insert suitable woman discriminating word here) " , theres nothing wrong with those buttons IMO, and when going for a cheap point & shoot cam I don't think it gets any better than that either.

Jakg, your such a tool.
((SaM)) DELETED by (SaM)
I love this guy. Somebody get him a talkshow or something.

My girlfriend never ever tried anything even close to that. If I got her an IKEA shoppingbag for her birthday, she'd be the happiest girl alive because that's what true love is.

A blue IKEA bag.
Yeah, you hear that Jakg? She only likes your (tho they seems reduced) balls. Today you'll speak some sence into her, if not you'll fuuk her bigtime and leave, then she get no camera at all.
Jakg, your a pretty nice guy, how the hell did you end up with a monster like that?
Oh I forgot, she's only 15-16 right? Well, then they are bitches of nature and nothing you can do.

I suggest you to don't buy her a camera at all, just give her a gift card, then she can buy whatever the fuk she find suitable, because my friend, whatever shit you'll buy that little monster of yours she'll never be happy. Better off to let her buy what she wants instead of wasting time, money and effort on some half asses gift she's not going to use since the "BUHU BUTTON IS WRONG, JAKG YOU ARE LIKE THE WORST BOYFRIEND EVEEEEEEER!!" .
#38 - Osco
Quote from The Very End :Yeah, you hear that Jakg? She only likes your (tho they seems reduced) balls. Today you'll speak some sence into her, if not you'll fuuk her bigtime and leave, then she get no camera at all.
Jakg, your a pretty nice guy, how the hell did you end up with a monster like that?
Oh I forgot, she's only 15-16 right? Well, then they are bitches of nature and nothing you can do.

I suggest you to don't buy her a camera at all, just give her a gift card, then she can buy whatever the fuk she find suitable, because my friend, whatever shit you'll buy that little monster of yours she'll never be happy. Better off to let her buy what she wants instead of wasting time, money and effort on some half asses gift she's not going to use since the "BUHU BUTTON IS WRONG, JAKG YOU ARE LIKE THE WORST BOYFRIEND EVEEEEEEER!!" .

remind me to buy you a beer at the dutch kartmeet. I wet myself laughing while reading your contributions to this thread
Dude, for my and others sake, don't buy me even more beer than what I am going to shuffle into myself. Oh man, last time I was drunk I fell asleep half-way on the kitchen table just in my boxer shorts (there is pictures and NO you canot have them). Why, what ..or how I don't know, since I don't remember anything.

Guess it was fun tho!

Point is, give me beer and I'll sure make entertainment, but allways to the point where I'll regret it later, when I have to untag xxx-number of pictures on facebook.

But Jakg, I am serious about that gift card. If you canot find anything "good enough" for your little pocket monster, she's better off buying something she feels is suitable. But mark my words, as in last comment too, it's a waste of god money. Just rent a movie, a pizza with coke, some nice rounds of sex and she'll be happy.
But then, I forgot, with your reduced ballcollection I highly doubt that will be enough. .. Hmmm, damn Jakg, you making me think here.. Take her out on a tivoly / theme park or something. 60 bucks get you a great experience and good memories, then that little monster canot complain.
Quote from Jakg :GRRRRRR.

Apparently she doesn't like the way they are laid out

Why is she so hard to shop for :X

Cheers for the link James.

Women.... I once I asked my niece when she was about 6 what car she'd like to have when she's older, her answer; red :doh:

Still have few years still to get the 'stupid girl' out of her...
Quote from zeugnimod :TVE!

Possible Meanings Rank
Thames Valley Energy ****
The Virtual Equestrian ****
Technical and Vocational Education ****
Transrapid Versuchsanlage Emsland ****
Total Variation Explained ***
Top Victory Electronics ***
Township and Village Enterprises ***
Terabyte Volume Engine ***
Traffic Virus Ebooks ***
TV the Economist ***
Technological and Vocational Education ***
Tilburgs Vocaal Ensemble ***
Trinity Valley Exposition ***
Township Village Enterprises ***
Tre Vista Estate ***
Transeuropa Video Entertainment ***
Town and Village Enterprises ***
Tickford Vehicle Engineering ***
Total Vertical Error **
Television for the Environment **
tendinous venous envelope **
Torino Vocal Ensemble **
total vascular exclusion **
transcatheter vascular embolization **
Trichoderma viride enzymes **
tricuspid valve endocarditis **
Thomson Venture Economics **
Total Vector Error **
Test Vehicle Engine **
the ventilation threshold **
the ventilatory threshold **
Terence Van Elslander **
Town village enterprises **
Thrombotic Vascular Events **
The Voyager Encounters **
Trans Vaal Electric **
Training as Vehicle to Employment **
The Value Exchange **
Tank Vessel Exam **
Technology Validation Experiment **
Tri Valley Explorers *
Tus Videos 2 En *
Technology Venture and Entrepreneurship *
texture of velocity *
The Vancouver Echo *
The Virtual Earth *
The Virtual Earthquake *
The Virtual Eatery *
The Virtual Emu *
The Virtual Entrepreneur *
The Voice that the Earth *
****** TVE Televisión Española (Spanish national broadcasting television)
***** TVE Television Trust for the Environment
*** TVE Township and Village Enterprise (China)
*** TVE Town and Village Enterprise
* TVE Technical Validation Experiment
* TVE Time-Varying Encoder
* TVE transvaginal echography

Look at the very end of that list.
"transvaginal echography"

Describes Tor to a T.... VE.
Quote from zeugnimod :Look at the very end of that list.

[1] [2] = or an ultrasound. Darwindamn doctors with their handwriting and acronyms.

ed: Hmm... TVE.... The Very End

Might this be another case of SIS?
#47 - th84
'Pocket monster'


Picky girls are the worse....I'd trade girls with you if it wouldn't land me in prison.

If it were me I'd buy her something I knew she wouldn't like.. just for shits and giggles.
For fuks sake you retard cum hoarders, specially S14 and TH84!!
Totally ruining my point to try salvate poor Jakg from a life of missery and bad sex.

And it's The Very End, or say my real name I don't botter, well I do so just say The Very End, and not thing of a freaking TV antenna or what other shit that might just pop into your infested minds.

Th84, what I creamed yesterday probally had more IQ than you have.

Now Jakg, tell us, how did it whent? You still going to fool yourselfe buying that little pocket monster of yours a camera?

I was beeing sarcastig, actually I would like to fingre Th84 with all my fingers
It was funny for the first posts of yours TVE, now its annoying.
So she wants you to buy her a camera and after you did alot of stuf for her she'l dump you mark my words.

From what ive read in this thread i think she's that kind of girl so don't be an idiot and brake up and never listen to what al those whiny ass girls in those no i just broke up becaus i was shity and now he wont buy stuf for me anyomre songs sing.

So on topic morer slightly buy no camera ever for her...

Which Cheap Point&Shoot For The GF?
(66 posts, started )