I'm no fan of crunch either, but my point - my original point - before it was lost in the details of my job which i'm not supposed to talk about anyway (if I do, I dont have to kill you - I just have to pay a massive great big fine, so it's easier just to kill you) is that the way to get promotion is to stand out at work - not to expect it as a reward for long service, which was the suggestion made by the white supremacist I was responding too.

Quote :Thing is thats real life, not some stupid PR stunt

And that's why I just called you a white supremacist! We're talking about the American Republican political party here, they have no correlation with real life!
Yes but your missing the fact that she was not promoted for standing out at work above others. Well correction yes she was but not because of her work but because of her gender.
Quote from 5haz :What if by chance it was absolutely coincidental?

unlikely.... first of all it looks exactly like the kind of thinking im talking about (including the pointles white line graphics)
and most importantly if anyone with half a brain had worked on that picture the guy on the right wouldnt have his arm in front of the face of the woman behind him and her face in turn wouldnt block the view on the entire face of the guy behind her

Quote from wsinda :So? It's a promotional picture. It's got nothing to do with the actual work in that company. The people in the pic probably work for a modeling agency. The sole aim is to create a "feelgood" effect among the audience. (With folks like andybarsblade it fails miserably, but it's the average that counts.)

which is exactly what i said? except the only feelgood effect it has on me is making me laugh about it not with it
that picture looks like it came right out of a dilbert strip on marketing
Quote from Becky Rose :I work in software, we have this thing called "crunch"

Which is complete bullshit and totally unacceptable. If you tolerate this, etc.

**** "crunch". It isn't a given, it isn't normal, it shouldn't happen. **** them. Say no.
Quote from Shotglass :unlikely.... first of all it looks exactly like the kind of thinking im talking about (including the pointles white line graphics)
and most importantly if anyone with half a brain had worked on that picture the guy on the right wouldnt have his arm in front of the face of the woman behind him and her face in turn wouldnt block the view on the entire face of the guy behind her

Still, we can ignore these things and get on with our every day lives, pictures (bordering on propaganda i guess), like these still do NOT justify hating and preaching hate and tarring all foreign people with the same brush though.
Quote from 5haz :pictures (bordering on propaganda i guess), like these still do NOT justify hating and preaching hate and tarring all foreign people with the same brush though.

that rather depends on whether or not they work in marketing
Kev, I really do have a very nice life, seriously you should see my palace I dont need protecting from having to work hard ocassionally considering I just utterly took the *#$% last week with how much work I didnt deliver on, next week i'll work my socks off again because I feel fresher and ready for it, because I love what I do, and because the company could use the extra boost.

Quote :that rather depends on whether or not they work in marketing

It's not bigotted to believe all people who work in marketting are liars. It's part of the job description, honest people either work in development or an after-sales department!
Someone suggested I worked in marketing once, and they seemed confused as to why I took offense to that.
Quote from andybarsblade :Thing is thats real life, not some stupid PR stunt

How is a Republican press conference not a stupid PR stunt?

(Ah, I see, it's a cunning PR stunt.)

Can i just say a big LOL to the british press about the riots in Athens
what happened there? and why did you resurrect a thread that deserves to be buried forever?
its a shame i only found out about this thread yesterday.
i skimmed across the first 7 pages and will try and read the rest when i have time.
one thing that stood out to me is, how our so vocal Tristancliffe, after
making his opinions public, was suddenly not so vocal when he didn't see much support. he only surfaced again when andybarsblde(who can be excused 'cos he reads the daily mail and lives in derbyshire) posted his thoughts on here.
brilliant words becky rose.
i can tell you the crime rate is higher with asylum seekers and some types of immigrants, but this is due to the fact that they enter the country through illegal channels and are therefore already in a system outside the law.
also the lower down the social ladder you happen to be the more likely you are to commit a crime. its a social economic fact.
look at "white" council estates for example, asylum seekers and some other types of immigrants(there are many different kinds, legal or not)
just happen to be on the lower runs of the ladder for obvious reasons.
my wife works with Young Black Ethnic Minorities and asylum seekers and tells me about some of the horrific cases she has to deal with.
about 16 yr old girls dumped at a roadside, not even knowing what country of origin the came from, raped by solders, parents dead, pregnant and ill.
she has to find accommodation for them, get them to doctors, liaise with immigration and get them into some form of education until their case is heared. I'm not stating the odd isolated case here.
andy, tom and tristan, whats your take (or the bnp's) on those cases?
and as regards to economical immigrants; they are the ones to thank for that your veg and manual labour is cheap and still affordable.
you don't see many unemployed of "the great british white underclass"
looking for jobs picking your strawberries and carrots.
most of the immigrant labourers and trades are far better trained and hard working than the british. trust me on that, i work with them at times, and
many employers would rather employ a "foreigner" for those exact reasons.
there are no apprentice ships anymore, its hopeless finding young british people with any skill whatsoever.
immigration is a fact of today, always was, always will be.
and anyway, whats so great about great britain?
the greatness went along with the empire, now you reap the harvests for your imperialism.
The british industry is a service industry now, or even worse; servicing the service industry.
a bit like fluffing a fluffer.
Quote from patrese :
i skimmed across the first 7 pages and will try and read the rest when i have time.

if you want to waste a couple of hours of you life I'd do that, otherwise I wouldn't bother
Breaking news
"Immigrants will have to earn the right to claim benefits under new proposals, it has been reported.

Immigration minister Phil Woolas said newcomers to the UK will have to prove they are here to work.

In an interview with The Sun, he said: "Entitlement to benefits should be for citizens of our country, not other people.

"If you are a citizen you have earned the right to benefits. People must show they are here to work."

Whats laughable and imho is what is driving people to support far right parties , is that they didn't this this might be an idea BEFORE we let em in ?
i won't waste 2 hrs of my time then, thanks.
people seem to forget that there are many different types of immigrants
by far the most of them are "desireable" and bring different skills to the country or fill gaps where there aren't enough, like nurses for example.
asylum seekers are a completely differnet entity altogether and have a right to seek asylum in any safe country, and it's our duty to accept them.
its worth to remember the countries with the most asylum seekers are develpoing countries themselfs, like Pakistan, nearest to the conflict zones.
all that said, i'm totally against pandering to immigrants religious "needs",
state funded religious schools (christian included), hijabs in public places
but thats a completely different matter.

calling all hackers out there: whilest a great deal was made of the BNP list being publicised, a splinter group of them called combat18 is still
running a website called redwatch (i wont post the link) plublishing names, addresses, photographs and private details of leftwing demonstrants. shocking
please bring it down
Quote from patrese :
asylum seekers are a completely differnet entity altogether and have a right to seek asylum in any safe country, and it's our duty to accept them.

They are meant to stop in the first 'safe country' they get to.

Our 'European Friends' pretend they haven't noticed them and forward them on to us.
Funny how my thread about how California voted to ban homosexuality being taught was closed - because 'nothing good can come of it' - and there was no where near as much drama as this one, and yet it's still open. :hide:

IIRC it was the foul language that made the mods close the thread.
And there's no foul language here?

@ pat

I understand that we have a skills shortage , but filling that gap from outside the country seems to me crazy .. Better long term solution is to provide better training for the native poplulation ?

Maybe for example Nurses , if the government paid a little more than the frankly pitiful amount they offer at the moment , then call me crazy , but would this not lead to more nurses ?

We have all heard how immigrant workers work so hard and are so bloody whiter than white , this is only because they are used to far worse pay and conditions , I think the novelty will wear off ....

Asylum seekers ..genuine ones yup fully agree as a developed 1st world country yeah we have a duty
Victor was pretty annoyed with me in the prop 8 thread, and highlighted several posts for which he hadn't understood the context, I didn't bother to argue it, and am pleased he deleted his own snotty post. There really wasn't anything further positive to come of that debate.
And so, by your reasoning Becky (which is more than fair enough, I may add), how is this thread allowed to remain open? In my eyes it should have been closed on page 10 or something. It was obvious it was going to turn into a nasty thread - so how come this thread's been almost completely ignored in terms of moderation, apart from 5haz's ban and a few posts from our dear SamH?
Why do you perceive it as a nasty thread? Because people are swearing their heads off, making threats, or just disagree with your entire world view?

BNP membership data leaked - whoops!
(982 posts, started )