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S2 licensed
Either you're a journalist in disguise, or you forgot to provide a link/credit to wherever you copied & pasted that from.
S2 licensed
I live just off a busy route out of town, and my road itself is used as a cut-through by cars and pedestrians.

Kev sounds like a top bloke, but unfortunately, my tolerance levels are far lower. Mainly as a result of one of the two groups that most people fall into when they're drunk.

There's "nice" drunks, who may be rolling back from the pub at 12/1/2am chatting, laughing, giggling, having a good time. This isn't a bad noise, it's the sound of people enjoying themselves and makes the place feel lively and vibrant.

Then there's the other group, which for convenience I will call "f*ckwit tossers". These are the people, more usually guys than women, who think nothing of yelling and shouting as loud as possible at 2am. It's not laughing, it's not a happy, loud conversation, it's plain yelling. Shouting. Abusive. Aggressive. Unnecessary. Then there's the f*ckwit tossers who once decided to have a half hour long playfight on the pavement right outside mine at 1am. Then there's the f*ckwit tossers who drive taxis, as they drop someone off in my street at 2am and sit there outside my place with a noisy diesel engine clattering for the next 15 minutes while they count their takings for the night.

Then there's other sorts, which for convenience I will simply label as "criminals". Like the guy who was openly stealing copper wire out the pavements while the council was half way through replacing lamp posts (although given the speed which with the area was swarming with police after I dialled 999, I'd be amazed if his bravado paid off). Or the clearly dodgy men who turn up in a white van in the middle of the night, scoping out one of the business properties over the road. Or the charming souls who take a piss against the gates of my property until I invite them f*ck off. Or the f*cking taggers that come through the street in the night, daubing walls and parked vans with their paint. Or the probable junkie that took three goes to break into a VW Toureg parked on the street with a posh dash-mounted mobile phone. I reported it a day later after it had rained heavily overnight and filled the Toureg with water, as I had a pretty good idea who it belonged to, and I was in no rush to do this particular company any favours.

All of which combined means I'm not very nice towards passers-by, and rather than use booze and cigarettes, would sooner turn to an M-16 and petrol bombs.
Last edited by STROBE, .
S2 licensed
Quote from mcintyrej :...the Sigma 70-300? ...need to be sharp and good.

Buy a better lens.

Sorry that isn't too helpful, but I have a Sigma 70-300 and although it's nice and cheap, it's not a great lens for pixel-peeping sharpness across the whole frame. As Don says, you need to be stopped down quite a bit, and I also find mine is slow to focus. So you need good light and a static or slow-moving subject. I also find mine to be low in contrast. I used to think of it as an axcellent lens, and it is good for it's price, but now that I upgraded my general zoom earlier this year, my telezoom Sigma is really showing it's weaknesses and so is now first on the list for eventual replacement, when I can afford it.
S2 licensed
Quote from Dac :spelling on this forum is imense lol

Isn't it just?

Especially considering that it's perfectly possible the OP's primary language isn't English...
Last edited by STROBE, .
Provisional results: Round 2 Westhill Intl
S2 licensed
Provisional results for Round Two of the FZ50 GT3 Cup

After scrutineering has been completed and all setups were found to be valid, these are the provisional results for Round Two at Westhill International.

Please note that these are provisional due to an ongoing discussion into an incident in Race 2. No decision has yet to be made on the outcome of this.

Race 1
1. M Beattie (20:52.10)
2. D. Kesper (+11.69)
3. C. Meyer (+29.33)
4. D. Adelin (+1:02.48)
5. I. Abbs (+1:06.34)

Race 2
1. M Beattie (21:01.56)
2. D. Kesper (+27.51)
3. D. Adelin (+45.06)
4. M. Schulz (+50.03)
5. C. Meyer (+1 lap)

Provisional Points from Races 1 & 2 of Round 2:
1. M. Beattie (43)
2. D. Kesper (36)
3. D. Adelin (30)
4. C. Meyer (28)
5. M. Schulz (14)
6. I. Abbs (12)
S2 licensed
We're just waiting for completed verification of the setups from the scrutineering. hurry up Tys!

S2 licensed
I think F1 just lost what little credibility it had left. :-/ ... t/formula_one/7602830.stm
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :This is also epic.

Lmao! Excellent!
S2 licensed
Quote from Migz :Becuase that doesnt render the camera useless, its only the lens, he can most likely buy a new one and even so he doesnt need to, the chip hasnt damaged anything vital.

You don't say...
S2 licensed
Quote from flymike91 :so we shouldn't include muscle cars because people might drift them?

I'm struggling to find where I said they shouldn't be included.
S2 licensed
I just remembered another photo I took, some time after the karting had finished. It wasn't taken with my usual camera, as my phone was the only thing I had with me. However, please admire... Ben's throne!
S2 licensed
Quote from danthebangerboy :trouble is im having trouble with the tight corners. I either get massive understeer, until the tyres get hot,

Having watched the replay, I think you might find it useful to try braking for the corners.

Nothing to do with the setup. You're just entering way too fast, applying way too much lock in an effort to get it to turn, and torturing the tyres in the process.
S2 licensed
All time favourite: Sasha - Xpander.

Obviously, it sounds shit on youtube. But the CD or vinyl version through my floorstanders makes the hairs stand up on the back of my neck as it rolls around the soundscape. This youtube clip is also slightly curtailed. The full length version I have is over 11 minutes long.

Other favourite, which also happens to be a progressive, long, haunting epic tune is Stage One - Space Manoeuvres (unfortunately the youtube clip appears to be taken from a mix cd, so it doesn't have the appropriate buildup)
S2 licensed
Quote from Luke.S :If I was rich i would buy the gtr jeremy took to that track

You want to buy a GTR that's been shagged and abused by the press, rather than a mint one clean off the production line?

Have to agree with Becky that the lack of gear lever is no big deal. I think the GTR is mighty impressive, as long as you know it's not a "pure driver's car". Never has been, never will be, isn't trying to be. But it does seem to be devastatingly quick, and easy to drive fast.

Looks good in black, too.
S2 licensed
Maybe once chassis flex is modelled in LFS, then classic muscle will become more worthwhile.

I can see the appeal of it though, and don't understand what the issue is over the crap handling. As long as everyone's muscle car handles equally craply, then it's all good.

I'm sure it'd come as a complete culture shock to race huge old barges like this, compared to the lightweight, relatively nimble cars we have now, but it'd be terrific fun.

Unfortunately I expect that any dream of racing muscle cars will remain just that - a dream. We already have a challenging set of cars in the LRF, and the only thing the community uses them for on public pick-up servers is drifting. With LFS's drift-friendly tyres, I suspect that any muscle car would also only see widespread use for drifting, despite all the talk in this thread of racing them.
S2 licensed
On a different note, I raced online last night for the first time in months.

I can sympathise exactly with how many people are feeling that have posted in this topic so far. I've gone through "bored" phases of LFS two or three times, the current one being the longest.

But last night I got back into racing, and LFS still had the magic - even driving a car I don't like (XFG) around a track I don't like (SO5). Its just that, as has been discussed to death in the past, it needs the occasional injection of new or updated content to keep things feeling fresh and appealing. However, the practical solution is to accept that there will be phases of being bored of LFS, and do something in the meantime until you feel like getting back into LFS again.
S2 licensed
Quote from JamesF1 :And the 'quality content' rating of the OT forum suffers yet another blow...

Quote from mcintyrej :At least he wants to create discussion rather than just reply with "useless thread" to every post someone makes.

Oh c'mon, James has a point. So he found a fiver - wow! Five whole pounds! - and just has to come rushing to the forum to tell everyone about it?

Sure, the answer is not to open the thread, but with a title such as "Just found a fiver", you can't help yourself whilst thinking, "surely dear to god nobody actually feels the need to share the fact they found a fiver? It can't really be about that, can it?"

What next? Posting a topic about borrowing a keyboard from work? Oh, wait...

Somehow I think that if we all started posting such banal, irrelevant aspects of our daily life, then really would be defined in the OED as "noun; (i) the official message board of Live For Speed, an online racing simulator; (ii) bebo for car enthusiasts, where members revel in exchanging poor quality messages lacking in value or worthiness."

Then again, maybe it's half way there already. Shall I post about what I had for breakfast, or how my back left tyre has a slow puncture, or what I did on my day off work yesterday?

Nope, thought not.
Last edited by STROBE, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Lateralus :It has value, and will have value outlasting any country. The US dollar has lost half of its value in the last eight years, while the price is gold is very steady.

Exactly. When the shit hits the fan and our financial markets are in disarray, people go back to precious metals for wealth.

And our dipshit government sold off half of Britain's gold reserves right when the gold market was bottoming out, too.
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :If you think city link are bad, you wanna try getting a parcel delivery by Home Delivery Network

Seconded. CityLink are a shining beacon of delivery excellence compared to the shower of inbred useless bastards that run and drive for HDNL.

I now also refuse to order anything from Amazon that doesn't fir through my letter box by Royal Mail, because otherwise my chances of receiving it in a timely fashion are slim to nil.
S2 licensed
The Demo/S1/S2 switch has been removed, yes. The idea is to integrate the different communities on the track. Your friends' demo server will automatically show up amongst the lists of S2 servers.
S2 licensed
I disagree with hiding the licence status - I don't think it has anything to do with whether it says "Demo" or "S1" or "S2".

It has a lot more to do with what lies an inch or two to the right - the quality of the post itself.

Some demoers take a lot of flak because of the crap that they post.

Some S2ers take a lot of flak because of the crap that they post.

Some demoers are rude, abusive, and promote illegal use of the game outside the EULA.

Some S2ers are rude, abusive, and promote illegal use of the game outside the EULA.

Waffling on about discrimination and inequality sounds like a liberal lefty excuse for pretending that we're all equal. We're not - some of us have bought the product, some haven't. That doesn't give any of us the right to not be civil to each other, but respect is a two way thing. Those that show respect and appreciation for what we have here (i.e. the LFS community) will naturally receive it. Those who don't, won't.

So whilst some licenced users may attack demoers, and some demoers may post utter shite, the problem is with those users, not the licence display system.
Season opener: Round 2, 2nd September
S2 licensed
Hello racers!

(Always wanted to say that. )

As the FZ50 GT3 cup is starting next week, I've tidied up the forum somewhat in the hope of making the necessary information more readily available, and also to encourage activity.

As there are still plenty open spots, you are welcome to join the league. Please note that I'll be checking the entry and reserve lists in due course, I'm not sure if Leprekaun updated them before his absence.

Following the feedback from the test and first event, given Leprekaun's absence with the skin kits, I'll be focussing less on whether all your wingmirrors are pretty colours, and more on establishing a clear, natural and organised procedure at the events, starting next Tuesday (2nd Sept).

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask here or create a separate topic for your query.
Last edited by STROBE, .
All you need to know
S2 licensed
This is a collection of useful information about the FZ50 GT3 cup from the various individual topics.


Event starts at 6PM GMT/UTC.
That is until 26th October, 7PM London (UTC+1), 8PM Paris (UTC+2), 2PM New York (UTC-4)
After 26th October, 6pm London (UTC), 7PM Paris (UTC+1), 2PM New York (UTC-4)
After 2nd November, 6pm London (UTC), 7PM Paris (UTC+1), 1PM New York (UTC-5)

Race Calendar

(Round 1. Pre-season event, already completed)

Round 2. September 2nd / Westhill International / 13 Laps

Round 3. September 16th/ Kyoto National / 14 Laps

Round 4. October 2nd / Kyoto GP / 9 Laps

Round 5. October 16th / Fern Bay Black / 11 Laps

Round 6. October 30th / South City Long / 18 Laps

Round 7. November 6th / Aston GP / 8 Laps

Round 8. November 6th / Aston North / 13 Laps

Points & Championship


1st. 1 pt.

Points system:

1st. 20 pts.

2nd. 18 pts.

3rd. 16 pts.

4th. 14 pts.

5th. 12 pts.

6th. 10 pts.

7th. 9 pts.

8th. 8 pts.

9th. 7 pts.

10th. 6 pts.

11th. 5 pts.

12th. 4 pts.

13th. 3 pts.

14th. 2 pts.

15th. 1 pt.

Winning streak points system:

1st x 2: +2 extra points

1st x 3: +3 extra points

1st x 4: +4 extra points

1st x 5: +5 extra points

1st x >5: +5 extra points

Detailed explanation: The winning streak system is to reward drivers for winning two or more races consecutively. However, not to allow a driver to run away with the championship, the winning streak system will max out at 5 wins (so 6 wins or more, you still only get +5 extra points)


For a description of the allowed settings and a base setup, see this thread.


A full description of the current rules can be found in this separate topic

Other links:

The following links are information better kept in separate threads.

Registrants / current entries

Reserves list

Submitted skins & skin approval
Last edited by STROBE, . Reason : fixed round numbers
S2 licensed
Quote from N I K I :Devs can you give us CMX version of VWS now, like it was with FBM, so we at least can have fun with it that way

I would put a large wager on the answer being, "no". Historicaly the devs have released the CMX viewer a few days before the LFS patch itself, no earlier.