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S2 licensed
Ok... well thanks! Puzzles me that I was unsure about these but then again usually the ones I love are liked by no-one.
S2 licensed
Quote from Kelvjy :That's really cool Spankmeyer

Thanks! Here's more.

S2 licensed
Shot a blue series with my friend on Saturday evening. Came empty handed and improvised on the spot with minimal gear. Technical stuff at my Flickr if anyone's interested.

S2 licensed
After signing four EULAs, downloading stupid amount of patches, installing browser addons (which nobody certifies for being secure or anything shit like that), not seeing any server pings if I refresh the list more than once, clicking through servers that have room only to be slapped on the wrist and told they're full instead, stuck on connecting to a server and crashing once while trying to load a level I finally got to play only to be raped by some dude for 6-7 times while trying to set graphic options in-game I think this game really is not for me.

I'm too old or something.

Back to BF2: Project Reality or ARMA2 Insurgency.

EDIT: And while I was writing this (waiting for new round to start) I found a lovely notification waiting for me.

Go to hell BF3.

EDIT2: Also useful error messages.


And it crashed in-game when I finally got in. Wow.
Last edited by spankmeyer, .
S2 licensed
Quote from e2mustang :is my computer fkin crazy or is there really an 11 gb update?

Trying to install the retail version just now. It came on 2 DVD's and Origin starts to download 11 gigs of... something?
S2 licensed
KILLER stuff Don and nice sceneries Majod. The straws in the first are maybe a tad distracting but good overall.

Meanwhile in Finland.

S2 licensed
I'd say it's better this way than having lions, tigers and bears kill escaped US police.
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :combine that with a tampon and it would be the ultimate womans accessory.

Don't want to be pessimistic but a rape turning into a murder isn't a very far fetched idea if that's being used. Rapists are already sickos to begin with.
S2 licensed

More or less unplanned promos for the hoop artist and friend. Shot on last Saturday on a chilly morning.
S2 licensed
At first I was like 'yeah another Pepsi & Mentos vid gotta get my physics troll hat on' but then I was like...

S2 licensed
Finns are proud of our northern lights, beating Swedes in ice-hockey, bears and naturally all cave-related action.

See the ultimate worm-on-worm-cave-deatchmatch-game-shooter that is Liero. For added tension in split-screen gaming attach a large piece of cardboard in the middle of the screen between the players.
S2 licensed
Quote from AJS :funny man really funny...

maybe its your fantasy to date guys

and no i also got my car back

Apparently can't say the same about your sense of humor.
S2 licensed
Some more of client work. Shot before and during sunrise. Just natural light.

Legendary Finnish Computer Supremacy Thread
S2 licensed

I am here to represent some of the Finnish computer culture cult classics and plain oddities that could not have been created anywhere else except in the dark woods of ours.

Here's a picture of a bear.

On your right you'll see probably one of the most famous demos ever, the Holy Grail of Assembly, Future Crew's 'Second Reality' from 1993.

But the real kicker is the making of video that quite nicely illustrates what kind of sacrifices (drinking orange juice from a carton, the clothing, oh the clothing and window drapes) brave Finnish programmers and musicians had to make to create such art in the dawn of personal computers and energy drinks. RESPECT!

And on your left you can see the a classic yet controversial cult video game classic 'Invataksi' ('Handicap Taxi') by Åkesoft.

Please note the detailed audio experience and configurable options and MS Paint bitmap art. Due to limited computing power, DX11 support was not available and the customers spoke (even through PC speaker if you choose so) the place they want to visit and it is your job as a handicap taxi driver to interpret their wishes and get the monies.

Stay tuned for the next episode!
S2 licensed
Quote from Uke :The question is, what game did you play? The maps really feel rather small.

I double approve this double post.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :wat

What game did you play?

The larger maps are very small compared to BF2. I approve this message.
Autumn walk upload vomit bomb
S2 licensed
Sorry, not super inspirational work.

S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Can't remember de_dust is that ****ing big to be honest...

Kill cam is an option that can be turned on/off in the server IIRC.

The area might look big from the jet but the the infantry combat looks (again) concentrated on like a just a 100m x 100m area in the middle.

Guessing from the beta Caspian Border and that gameplay vid is that we've seen that the biggest maps are just deathmatch styled gameplay and tuned to the max for the hyperactive ADD crowd. Makes me sad the long(ish) distances of BF2 are not present in BF3 because of a design choice and not a hardware limitation, which makes it even worse.
S2 licensed

"This is one of the larger maps."

And, sigh, it's the size of a de_dust instead of like what we had in BF2.

And the kill cam is still enabled.

Not impressed at all.
S2 licensed
This is at the moment quite a minor critique but one thing that bugs me with Caspian Border is that is actually very small map and objectives are cramped in the middle with no pacing or flow.

Compared to regular BF2 maps like Karkand and Wake that had noticeable steps of progress or zones that would tip the scales in favor of winning or losing, the Caspian Border is just one minute run from home base and then constant herp derp hurr durr pointless run-shoot-die between the main objectives that switch ownership about ten times per round.

That combined with the stupid, stupid, stupid squad respawn system that creates steady stream of lone enemies jumping from the bushes.

Hopefully we get BIG maps in the retail version that force people to think about transportation and setting up forward operations or anything that resembles some tactical depth as so far the gameplay is a bit shit to be honest.
Last edited by spankmeyer, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :WHAT was amazing lol Honestly.. Talk about wasted potential, that Nascar was driven longer in the trailer... Could've been mind blowingly good, a badass stunt driver, music, there were all the right ingredients for a fantastic film but they somehow managed to totally fu*k it up.

I loved the pacing, direction and the overall slow burning feel of it. The camera work was second to none.

It would have been utterly stupid as a Michael Bay movie or Fast and the Furious kinda snooze fest.
S2 licensed
Drive was amazing. Thanks for the recommendation!
S2 licensed
Quote from -NightFly- :This beta is meant to fix and test issues + give a peek for the final product perhaps, not for you to have awesome gametime. That's the way i look at things

Yes, yes but what I was saying is that if the beta is based on what, month or two old build, it's quite a superhuman effort to fix anything or make large revisions in that timeframe with a game of this magnitude when you have to ship the gold master for printing.

That's what I mean that I would not be surprised at all if the release version turns out to be just as buggy as the beta.
S2 licensed
I'm fine if someone else is having a great time with the beta. Not throwing hissy fits about EA this and Dice that but so far the experience has not been very good one for me personally. Still going to install the retail and test it out but I'll be mega-surprised if the beta isn't close to 99% of the shipped product. Month or two is very little time to fix anything in a game of this size.
S2 licensed
Still don't understand why there's no area map and proper squad menu. It feels and plays like Dice had zero interest to actually improve core aspects of BF2 and just dicked around with the engine and bolted random, wrong and unthinked features in like no tomorrow.

My personal Bullet Point List of Pain is growing by the minute the with this game.

Oh well, EA got my pre-order money so it's a meh-meh situation.