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Well, yesterday we gave some work to the system and I think it works fine

Some people complains about lagging, but we need to find out if that's server problem or people connection problem.

We're already gathering feedback to find the correct configuration and I have some doubts:

- The wrong driving option: When it starts counting? When LFS shows you the message? One racer told that he was spectated while recovering from a spin. We have the next config:


Now that I think about it, maybe he was espectated by CrashCheckDelay=1

- About the lagging: It's the LagTotal resetted at race restarting or something? We use to have long sessions of practice and one hour race every monday, so maybe LagTotal=10 it's very low... We've to test all this things

Now an idea. We'll have two main configurations, one for weekly practice and another one for monday racing. So would it be possible to implement a way of having two options for some parameters? That way you'll not need to open the config files to switch those parameters, only invoking some command as !config=1 and !config=2 and Airio will look for parameters with two values labeled 1 and 2 and loading the correct value for those ones

Anyway... people is enjoyning it a lot, when we have it configured properly it would be amazing
Last edited by RocksGt, .
S2 licensed

We're getting this error:

09.02.11 19:34:17 AIR ERROR: Requested value 'NONE' was not found.
at System.Enum.Parse(Type enumType, String value, Boolean ignoreCase)
at LiveForSpeed.InSim.Airio.Airio.ReadTrackCarConfig() in c:\Development Files\LFS_Airio2\TrackCar.cs:line 268
at LiveForSpeed.InSim.Airio.Airio.Main() in c:\Development Files\LFS_Airio2\Main.cs:line 131

I don't know what setting I set incorrectly, if you can tell me something I'd appreciate it

S2 licensed
Quote from samjh :The Renault looks pretty good at that angle

S2 licensed
S2 licensed
In a server-side InSim, is there a way to get the host name?

What I'm trying to do is connect to several servers, and mantain a Map of JInSimClient identified by the host name, so when I receive a packet from LFS I can link the host from where the packet is sent

Maybe this could be done by the connectionId or something like that, but the responses don't include a field like that I think

So the idea is to override the public void packetReceived(InSimResponse response) method in my Client (the one that implements the JInsimClient) and call to my packetProcessor linking the hostName (or some identifier) to get access to the correct client (send messages back to the server, buttons, etc...)

If you can get me a tip it would be very nice

******** SOLVED **********

Finally I've used an Integer as clientId

Each Client (extended JInsimClient) has a clientId. In the main class I read the config file with the host list and I link each client with an Id (starting at 1). Then I keep a static Map<Integer, Client> at the requestProcessor, so when a packet is received each client do this:

public void packetReceived(InSimResponse response) {

RequestProcessor.getInstance().process(response, clientId);


So I can get the client from the Map if the process of that packet Type require it

Anyway... I think I need to override some methods as the setVisible of Button cause it calls to JInsimClient.getInstance() and in my environment I have several JInsimClients objects...

I don't know if the JInSim have a better method to deal with an multi server app
Last edited by RocksGt, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Micha :This is Art!

@unokeva: Do you know Chris Cunningham? Your video reminds me of his work.
May I see some more stuff from you? Not LFS related? Minute 3:50

unokeva: Great Respect
S2 licensed
Quote from Dygear :There is a central resource, where all information can be found. All of the other langues really lack this (Althought, you know I would LOVE to be proved wrong, but if you do, share with links to these so called resources.)

These two are my main programming languages right now, but almost every language have a good documentation
S2 licensed
Quote from Brilwing :I also have multiple hosts running on one machine and this should not be a problem at all. When you have one host running on port 29999 and the other on 29998, and you specify 29999 as port in jinsim, all should be working fine an the communication should all run on the port 29999.

You do not need the udp port for the insim communication, only when you use outgauge and outsim then the udp port is needed as far as i remember.

I think the problem is that ports that I want to use in InSim are not open on the firewall / router of the server :doh:

I've asked the server owner to open that ports and today (maybe tomorrow) will test if it's working

Again, thanks a lot for the support
S2 licensed
More problems

The server I'm trying to connect to is on a host where more servers are running, all with the same IP and each one on a different port.

I can connect to the server passing that port as the InSim port, I mean:

public JInSimClient(String name, String hostname, int port, String adminPassword)

hostname: The IP
port: the port where that actual server is listening

But then it seems I can get no data as the InSim port is another one

I've seen that the Client class have an udpPort, but no way of getting it working...

I've tried (stupid I think but meh... need to try ) passing IPort as hostname, but didn't work

Any help?
S2 licensed
Quote from Brilwing :AFAIK you cannot resolve the IP using the master server, so you need to know the IP adress or the hostname.
You can also use the insim relay. Here you can connect using the server name. You will get all InSim data through the relay, but sending insim request packets is limited. (see in the jinsim source code)
JInSim also contains an example how to connect to a host via the insim relay.

Yes, I have looked at it already, but the servers I want to connect to are not in the relay system

Well, I'll put the IP's in a parameters file and let's hope there will be no need to change it usually
S2 licensed
I keep working on my little app

One more doubt... Is there any way to connect to a server by his name. I mean, now I'm connecting by the server IP but it would be much better if I could connect using only the server name. Maybe connecting to the Master Server and asking him to resolve the IP by the name?

Thanks a lot, and very good job with JInSim, the more I work with it the more I apreciate the effort you put on it
Last edited by RocksGt, .
S2 licensed
Quote from xaotik :Well let's just hope it's only BMW doing what they know best - remember this?

S2 licensed
Is this the first RWD from Audi?

Looks great... I hope they don't make a diesel version to race eventually
S2 licensed
Quote from TagForce :Let me run this by you once more...

They do not, I repeat NOT, hate him because he's black... They hate him because he beat their beloved Alonso. They just use his skin color to single him out, because that's the easiest thing to recognise him by. If they hated Kimi they'd all be wearing huge beerglasses on their heads and telling him he's a drunk...

That is racist only in the mind of narrowminded overly PC people.


I would say that racism in Spain it's not common, at least not against black people. Maybe a little racism in some regions against gypsies (as them being involved on drug selling and stealing), but more about their way of life than just their skin color...

In soccer there exist some fan groups that are really racist and their members are neo skins and fascist. Sadly they're supported by the teams in most of the ocassions... but that's another issue... they are just a few hundreds compared with the millions following soccer in Spain

About the photos of Pekin and the blacked people at Barcelona... well I think no one at Spain think of that as racism, mainly because we have not the racism as an daily isuue... just making some fun (beeing the blacked people some bad taste humour in my opinion )
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :I always thought Alonso lived in Oxford and worked with the chassis guys, but maybe he also pops over to Viry-Chatillon to work on their engines too. Presumably Renault employ those hundreds of people to manufacture the parts so Alonso doesn't have to do that, giving him more time to concentrate on designing everything.

What I mean is that he knows how to communicate the reasons why the car is not as fast as the others to their engineers, who, obviously, are the ones who work on the improvements
S2 licensed
Quote from StableX :I think if Renault can get a competitive car for next season, an Alonso/Hamilton fight would be brilliant!

And I'm sure the Renault can improve a lot until the next year

I think Alonso have something that many other drivers do not, and it's an ability to develop and set his car... I don't think it's a coincidence that Renault have improved so much since the begining of the championship (something that they didn't last year when Alonso was at McLaren)

Hope next year with slicks and less aero all the cars will be more balanced and that can bring epic fights between Hamilton, Massa, Raikkonen, Alonso, Vettel, Kubika and maybe another surprising driver
S2 licensed
Quote from AMB :That's really harsh even though i'm a Hamilton fan....

If someone was filming me now my face could be in that gif without a problem

Anyway... grats to Hamilton, and glad to see probably the best last laps of a championship ever, really exciting
S2 licensed
Quote from aoun :NO NO NO, you need to screen the bit where the Ferrari worker explains Massa isn't Champ.

S2 licensed
Thanks for the responses, they solved most of my doubts

Another question... can a single program connect to several LFS-Servers and listen to all of their responses or may I run one execution of my app for each of the servers I want to receive data from?
S2 licensed
Quote from Brilwing :I'm not sure when it is send when you are hotlapping. At an multiplayer race the NewConnectionResponse is send when a player connects (here you get the connection id). When the player leave the pits or the race is restarted, the NewPlayerResponse is send.
I think that the NewPlayerResonse is also send when you start hotlapping, but I have not tested it.

Just output all responses then you'll see what responses are send:

public void packetReceived(InSimResponse response) {

Nice, thanks a lot!

Then I supposed I may have a Map of the players connected (I'm seriously thinking of having a PlayerVO just for making things easier ) and then searching on that map with the id to retrieve the PlayerVO containing all the data of the Player.
Then mantaining that Map when a player connects and when a player leaves the server

Another question (that I've didn't test it yet) it's about buttons... I'm showing split times on buttons, but I don't know how this could work on a multiplayer environment... may I set the button to a playerID for only that player sees the button of his split time and none of the others players?
S2 licensed
Quote from flymike91 :I am worried that there will be teachers in CA who will try to influence their students into feeling a particular way about homosexuality. I see it everyday in my school. We only watch liberal documentaries; We were forced to attend a anti-global warming rally; The school gives money to the gay-straight alliance to hold events but not to the Young Republicans, who have the same number of members; Teachers discourage students from applying to conservative colleges, yet heap praise upon less prestigious liberal arts colleges; We only have liberal speakers visit the school, so I was denied for trying to schedule a local conservative to speak to our class, etc.

That is called education. You might be thankful for that
Quote from flymike91 :Because of the left-leaning tendencies of CA teachers, I worry that some students who ask the teacher about conflicting feelings they are having will be convinced that they are gay when that may not be the case.

As many gay children that were told that they were ill for liking people of the same sex. If you're straight you'll not end sleeping with a person of your sex because your teacher told you that you're in fact gay, that doesn't make sense at all
S2 licensed
Quote from Brilwing :With the NewPlayerResponse you get the playername, car name, plate, skin etc.

public void packetReceived(InSimResponse response) {
if (response instanceof NewConnectionResponse) {
// here you get the connection id
} else if (response instanceof NewPlayerResponse) {
// here you get the player id and the player name etc.

hmmm I've tried that, but maybe I've made something wrong
That packet NewPlayerResponse when is supposed to be sent? When a player connects to server? I'm testing my little app via HotLap... then, when I restart a HL that packet is sent again?

The app I'm trying to make is a kind of LFS-Lapper... but I'm going slowly so while I learn the basics I'm just testing with HL's on local, not on a server with several players

P.S: Don't know if this is the correct thread to comment this type of things, maybe I should open another thread requesting help on the problems I find during my develop and kee this one only for the library per se
S2 licensed

I'm a completly n00b on InSim and I'm starting with this library as I'm a bit familiar with Java (at least more than I'm with C :nod

I'm trying to get some info of time splits and time laps and I'm missing some info.
I've been able (thanks for that nice examples ) to get a button showing split times, but I would like to show the name (the LFS-World nick) of the player too. I'm capturing the SplitTimeResponse and I see that it have a playerId field, but I don't know how to get the rest of info about that Player... I think I miss a Player VO class or something

If you can tell me how to get all the info about one player via this PlayerId field I would be very pleased

Thanks a lot in advance and sorry for my crappy english
S2 licensed
Quote from flymike91 :I feel it is an alternative lifestyle and it takes a mature mind to understand the issue. The problem is, young people from kindergarten to about 9th grade are not old enough to discuss homosexuality in school, but should instead learn it from their parents.


You're about to be the first person that I add to my ignore list in all the forums I've ever been at.

On topic I have nothing to say more than a big +1 to Becky's words (except the autobiographic part :nol2.