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S2 licensed
that fregbox is crazy!
My guitar is in pieces atm, putting new pots in but they didnt fit the new pickguard someone made me, they used a squier template and my old pickguard needs the holes for the pots drilled out a few mm.just havent got the drillbit. also have a very cheap amp someone gave me it was that bad least ive got my boss DS-2 to make up for a bit of the distortion effect.
S2 licensed
nice set of pedals. someone had some spare cash to aquire all that lot
S2 licensed
thing that gets me is moving the whole pit complex! that means moving the start/finish. its just not gonna feel right.
S2 licensed
compared to most stuff out there, they keep to the general rules! (apart from JEW's new album, what the heck happened there?!)
S2 licensed
link? guesing its a 512mb model (hopefully)
S2 licensed ... p;catid=56&subcat=912

hows about that for a new card got the tip off from ATC dadge when i was looking for cards.
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :EEEMMMMMOOOO

Only joking, Jimmy eat world and Rise against are good choices, not familiar with Alter Bridge (got a funny feeling GFresh sent me some.......) and I might try Less than jake, I only heard a handful of tracks and they seemed a bit "SKA'y" for my likes.

i would be offended, but at least JEW and RA are true emo, none of this modern self harming rubbish that isnt even related to emo and yes, LTJ is ska/punk, its fun!
Alter Bridge's newest album is faster/heavier (blackbird) their older album (one day remains) is more slow and melodic in a way. cant beat myles kennedy's vocals!
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen : Then after failing to sell for a fiver or even give away my 3 matching 21" CRT monitors and 2 old 17" monitors all in perfect condition, I had to load them in the car and drive down to the dump!

:weeping: if only i had known! im stuck on an ancient 15" CRT (might even be 13" no ruler nearby) so, if you got any more.......:rolleyes:
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :Try me, I am open to anything, I am no music snob

I am finding Mad Capsule Markets helps out at times on the runs

hmm ok then. well for slightly fun uplifting try some Less Than Jake.
erm. Jimmy Eat World - salt, sweat, sugar. and also get it faster. both about the right speed.
hmmm, something by Rise Against could be good. Usually gets me driving faster and if all else fails Alter Bridge have a few faster ones.
S2 licensed
i shant comment. i have stuff that may fit the bill, but you'd never like it
S2 licensed
Quote from The General Lee :Couple of new ones from me...Not to sure about the latest addition (see 2nd picture)
Tell me what you think?

TAKE IT OFF!!!! They should only allow you to buy them stickers after you've completed a lap of the nordschleife. So unless youre planning a trip to germany next week, remove it . Ill get one for mine in about 2 years time i hope
S2 licensed
tried using ur old card? checked how hot the cables are where the PSU plugs into the mobo? thats how my pc went, wouldnt boot more then 20seconds then turned off, turns out the psu and mobo had melted themselves togther and it was turning itself off due to the immense heat created.
S2 licensed
tried pressing the "wake" button?
S2 licensed
could be PSU. which graphics card did you get?

OT:just seen youre at loughborough uni, what course u taking? know someone whos there atm
S2 licensed
Just had a cup of tea to wake me up after i got out of bed.............yes, you read it right, i just got up
S2 licensed
The way i can think of explaining it is think of the graphics card as its own motherboard that can take DDR3.
So your motherboard taking DDR2 will not be affected by the graphics card motherboard which can take DDR3. In that sense its a bit like having two pc's in a LAN. PC 1 (graphics card) and PC 2 (your motherboard) dont need to have the same ram and CPU to run together in a network, just like your graphics card and motherboard dont need matching ram and processor. just the right sized slot
S2 licensed
Quote from nexis :All these years I race online with LFS I found out two interesting things among others.
1. Very slow development. We have to wait for years and years till some interesting development will happend

Something intresting i found...i saw people kept saying about this "years n years for a patch" business, so looked it up. cant remember the site now, but it had patches all the way back to S1......and they were all released in december or may. New patch every 6 months for the last 4 years isnt too bad in my opinion! especially when its one programmer working on the code itself.
S2 licensed
i think u mean higher lift or longer duriation, as higher degrees arent really possible
S2 licensed
i think you mean uprated its fun being annoying and picky
S2 licensed
Thanks for the replies, a few things to help clear peoples minds:

I have a £400 budget which is loaned from my sister as i have no job atm and need to build a new pc as mine has blown up. i have ~£120 left for a graphics card.
My monitor is an old 13"(or 15" cant remember) CRT that runs 1024x768 MAX. But i will be upgrading this some time next year, and may be able to borrow my sisters flat screen (which does higher res) in the meantime. the money i have left is SOLELY for a graphics card. Otherwise id have a cheap-ish new monitor whilst having to run an onboard ati x1200 chip
It seems the Nvidia 9600GT is winning so far. looking at benchmarks they come about the same (though its about 60-40 to the 9600GT) its also a touch cheaper.
seems the 9600gt is the one to go for, but ill wait till next week for you guys n girls to reason otherwise
S2 licensed
Quote from e2mustang :nice car
if you add a camshaft,a chip,maybe header,it will rock i think

Well id certainly hope he has a camshaft or that thing isnt going anywhere!
S2 licensed
right, so thats 1 vote for the 9600gt and two votes for cards out of consideration. thanks for the help guys will be buying the 9600 soon
S2 licensed
Quote from STROBE :Cheers guys. Sounds promising that I'll be able to pick some spots as I choose. Croft isn't exactly a massively developed circuit - see FlashEarth for the circuit. It's cool that google's satellite image was taken on race day - there's cars going round the track!

BTCC from the last few years it looks like (cant tel which year, maybe 2006 or 2007)
S2 licensed
from what i remember when i went to brands 10 years ago (i was 10 ) once you were in you could go wherever, walked from the main straight to a nice spot up by druids when i was there.
S2 licensed
jakg: Ill be getting round to a new monitor in a years time (or maybe i can manage to "borrow" my sisters one she bought) so id rather the card was up to high resolutions when the time comes, rather then buying an hd3850 and a montior then needing a more powerful card as soon as i get the 3850. The card has to last a while.