Yes. The forces don't balance out, as the sail also redirects the air back towards the fan, giving a net force in the direction the fan is blowing.
This exact mechanism is applied in jet engines. It's how (some) commercial airlines slow down, by putting a metal shield behind the jet engine redirecting the exhaust forward.
I really enjoy DSG. Drove with it in Golf R32 and the S3, and it's just awesome Sometimes you can miss the manual, but mostly you're just loving the DSG
G25 here too, reacts perfectly and I never turn the wheel more than around 100 degrees in either direction.. For me it didn't save the deadzones the first time I set them at 0, maybe try again And play with the linearity (mine's 7).
If I should give you one tip, it's that you shouldn't go the US SPG way I have an M7 Priest and it just seems that especially the Russian SPGs are much better. I'm hoping it changes further up..
Obviously some security measure that causes the front suspension to tighten up triggered by mistake..
The point of such a system? I can't think of one off the top of my head.
Edit: Another option, although it looks a bit weird IMO, is simply that the suspension collapsed. Maybe it just looks weird because that car is SO HEAVY. But both sides at the exact same time? :/
Edit 2: More speculation, air/hydraulic suspension failure could affect both sides at the same time.
Got a bit into it the last 2 days, I have an M7 Priest Artillery is much easier for me if the team is decent. Otherwise the others just rush and smash you in seconds.
It was a(n) (attempt to) joke about his statement. Stop taking it so seriously
Apparently I'm the only one who sees the humor in how the discussion went:
"Lol your car is slow"
"You call 380 hp slow?"
"Yes with a T66 it's slow"
"Well if I put part x into my car then +70 hp so my car isn't slow"
I mean that saying that the fuel system is limiting it to 380 hp, does not make the engine produce more than 380 hp Obviously an upgrade to SOME part of the engine, whether it's the fuel system or the intake flow or whatever else, will increase performance.
Saying "I can upgrade my car to be faster" doesn't mean anything when the claim is that "it's slow now".
It really is an unfounded thing to say though. They claim 380 hp isn't a lot from a T66'd engine, after which he says the fuel system is the limiting factor. That doesn't make 380 hp any more