I guess the idea behind squid's sayings is that the title is possibly misleading. Yes the vid is a decent close battle (raw footage), but the title states the new series DSR is launching, which to a majority implies that you are posting some kind of promo for it. :P Anyways.
Pretty decent, though you showed more of the qualifying errors than the happy times. Still cool though. However you seemed to try to speak way too fast, making you sometime hard to understand, mumble, and stutter. Otherwise I liked the beginning visual effect.
I had a question regarding file quality/resolution. Most often, in HD videos we think of and see 720p and 1080p as regular HD resolutions. Does anyone still consider 480p as being a decent HD resolution?
I'm asking this because I testing stuff out for LFS video HD creation and I want to know if people still see 480p resolution as HD, or it would be best to attach the HD saying to 720p and up. (and filesize/quality troubles, lol)
The file will work, and basic elements will be okay, but there will be a few problems with the placement and alignement of a few things. Nothing as major as (ex) FO8 and BF1, but still. It will be far from perfect, but anyways.
Well, most video site have that in their Terms & Conditions and it's quite understandeable. Annoying, for sure, but still. There are plenty of vids with copyrighted material in them on YT, so meh.
Well, some of you might already have noticed that YouTube has decide to bump up quality and size on their website.
In addition to this, some folks were able to get 720p HD quality out of the new players if you add the &fmt=22 at the end of the URL. [example]
IMO, this is great news for the LFS community videos because it will allow us to present streaming videos in a much better resolution and quality to everyone. A lot of people complained in the past about YouTube, and a lot did not include streaming links because of the "streaming quality". Well, no more reasons now. I think it looks cool. It will definately fix the problem we had discussed in the pas of Vimeo and others removing LFS videos beacause of "games" [Link]. Yes, there might still be the problem of copyrighted music material, but that for you to deal with in the first place.