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S3 licensed
no consistent space in calender
S3 licensed
Hello again,

How would Tuesday night be for you all I was thinking from 19:30 GMT.

I know that some people will not be able to attend due to the time but I hope that some would be able to.
S3 licensed
Ye basically but for teams to view there own drivers like the simtools one. Not sure if that makes any sense.
S3 licensed
Quote from ricsi0324 :Session:Race
Cars:45, 54
Description: 45 put me to two wheel car demaged lose time

Quote from ricsi0324 :Session:Race
Cars:45, 54
Description: 45 spins the 54

Car #45 - 1 Lap Hold - avoidable incident

Quote from Mustangman759 :Session:race
Timecode:53:30 ish
Description: 54 spins the 45

Car #54 - Drive Through - Avoidable Contact

Quote from 100A :Session: Race
Lap: 3
Timecode: 4:30
Cars: 27 and 19
Description: In t1 19 goes inside and he turn's middle of corner towards us. We suffered major damage.

Car #19 - Drive Through - Avoidable Incident

Quote from FL4SH- :Session: race
Lap: 79
Timecode: 2h 11min
Cars: 04 and 03
Description:#03 drove up in the ass of #04 in the braking and #04 spun

Car #03 - Drive Through - Avoidable Contact

Quote from MoMo92i :Session: Race
Lap: 57
Timecode: 1h33:43
Cars: 01 and 03
Description: 03 trying to overtake 01 in T1. 01 failed to follow his line and hit 03 causing damage to both cars.

Will be investigated after session.
S3 licensed
Thats the default value on the tracker if it doesn't know what to do
S3 licensed
Grid updated.

Official Circuit Map here

Direct image only map here
Last edited by Jonathon.provost, .
S3 licensed
Official Qualifying Results:

Direct link here

Starting Grid:

Direct link here
Last edited by Jonathon.provost, .
S3 licensed
I should have the official grid out by tonight hopefully.
S3 licensed
Official results will be out before Tuesday
S3 licensed
Quote from Hahmo :
Session of Incident: Race
MPR Timecode -OR- UTC Time of Incident: 24:25:.54
Lap and Location of Incident: 15, Sector 3
Your Car Number: 02
Other Car(s) Involved: 10
Brief Description of Incident: Maddee goes to the outside entering the braking zone and turns in late leaving plenty of room. #10 outbrakes himself and Maddee has to take evasive action (eventually spinning himself) to avoid contact with 10 who is suddenly 3 car widths away from the apex.

Will be reviewed by another admin after the race

Quote from Eclipsed :Session of Incident: Race
MPR Timecode -OR- UTC Time of Incident: 3h19m
Lap and Location of Incident: 123 (of car 66) pitlane exit at speed limit ending point
Your Car Number: 66
Other Car(s) Involved: 59
Brief Description of Incident: 59 didn't do anything to avoid first contact while turning off speed limiter,which resulted in retirement of 66

#59 Stop & Go - Causing Avoidable Incident
#59 Continues to accelerate, trying to go 2 wide out of pit exit.
S3 licensed
Quote from Eclipsed :Session of Incident: Race
MPR Timecode -OR- UTC Time of Incident: 1h52:40
Lap and Location of Incident: 71 (of car 66) CS-7
Your Car Number: 66
Other Car(s) Involved: 67
Brief Description of Incident: After incident caused by my mistake on lap 70,67 takes revenge and intentionally hits and spins 66

Car 67 Hits the gas coming out of turn 7, contact with #67 causes #67 to spin. Car #67 Drive Through Penalty - Causing an Avoidable Incident
S3 licensed
Quote from vipex123 :Session of Incident: Race
MPR Timecode -OR- UTC Time of Incident: 24:25:.54
Lap and Location of Incident: 15, Sector 3
Your Car Number: 02
Other Car(s) Involved: 10
Brief Description of Incident: Maddee goes to the outside entering the braking zone and turns in late leaving plenty of room. #10 outbrakes himself and Maddee has to take evasive action (eventually spinning himself) to avoid contact with 10 who is suddenly 3 car widths away from the apex.

02 car began to spin before contact, Racing Incident

Quote from vipex123 :
Session of Incident: Race
MPR Timecode -OR- UTC Time of Incident: 48:54:00
Lap and Location of Incident: End of lap 31 start of lap 32.
Your Car Number: 02
Other Car(s) Involved: 10
Brief Description of Incident: 10 again does not leave sufficient room and turns left into Maddee when he is fully alongside, causing a collision that sends Maddee into the wall and causing substantial enough damage to warrant a repair in the pitstop.

Incident partly down to lag, Racing Incident
S3 licensed
All PMs sent out to confirmed teams. PMs will be sent asap to any more confirmed teams as they come.
S3 licensed
PM AMENDMENT Take the LAST 3 characters off the password, sorry for this
S3 licensed
PM's sent, If you haven't received one, please contact me. Thanks
S3 licensed
PMs sent.
If you haven't received one then please contact me ASAP.
S3 licensed
It appears so, I will talk to someone soon.

Here is the final instruction here

Passwords will be sent out tomorrow.
S3 licensed
Final instruction and PM's will be sent out soon.
S3 licensed
Sheet currently being updated, Server password removed.
S3 licensed
Added to my notes for the overview during gridding, thank you.
S3 licensed
Final Instruction published 24th Feb 2013 @12:45 AM
S3 licensed

We have changed our layout to resemble the 2007 ROC Layout.

Layout can be found here

Thank You
S3 licensed
It's not about that if the admins tell you do do something do it, or this will happen. Thats sort of the point of admins
S3 licensed
Quote from CodeLyoko1 :how many laps per race?

We may do some track changes so LFS count will be 5 but there will be 4 Green Flag. We will start from the pre made start line by LFS. Rules will be updated if we do change layout.