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S3 licensed
You are either hamilton fanboy or rosberg fanboy.
S3 licensed
I think I'd be really surprised if kunos really releases 1.0 today. I think the netcode and all of its other functionality needs at least half year of development before I'd dare to call it 1.0. It is just a number but it can set a dangerous and not so good precedent imho. I'd like to see more refined physics before 1.0. Solid axle support would be nice for lots of interesting cars. Flatspots would be nice as well as lot of the other things like damage, pitstops, anticheat for online, proper online mode without this "mess of two differently broken online experiences". And they also have the new sound engine coming. I'd imagine that would be top of their list for single reason that they don't need to do the sounds twice for any new cars. Not to mention all the buttons in the gui that do nothing atm. like the career mode and the gui button...
S3 licensed
Is the enduracers mod really good in tire physics wise? I remember reading that it has the same basic problem with too much grip drop off at high slip angles?
S3 licensed
Onboard videos from this season, each 30min long: ... rix_onboard_videos_canal/
Editing could be a bit better but they are still nice.
S3 licensed
How many do you get right: ... ars-Name-that-engine.html
(engine sound quizz)
Lambo and aston martin wrong...
Last edited by Hyperactive, .
S3 licensed
Quote from BWX232 :Oh, yeah, every single mod that I had on my rF install.. I think 15 GB worth, after playing for something like 3 years. Yeah I am sure every single mod was broken. Now miraculously there are three mods that make rF physics and FF perfect.

Go fly a kite.

After this gem I think it is safe to safe there is nothing I can gain from this
S3 licensed
Unless either tristan or bwx232 tried rf properly with some proper mod (historix with realfeel, corvette, nsx, supra) it is not even possible to take their arguments seriously. It's like trying the first lfs version from 2002 and saying s2 in its current form sucks donkeyballs because the longnitudal grip is completely wrong and the menus look like something 5 year-old would shat on the floor if s/he ate full pack of crayons.

If they tried rf with proper mods with not-broken physics then ok (there aren't many). We agree to disagree. If not then obviously it is not going to be worth the effort.
S3 licensed
Whatever. I can't change your religion with facts.
S3 licensed
The overlap approach is imho too vague and too maybe a bit too restrictive as well as a tool to decide fault. Just because someone has the overlap momentarily does not mean he actually was in a position to pass. At what point is the overlap measured and how does once achieved overlap effect the rest of the turn? In spa rosberg had a lot of overlap going into the corner but did not have almost any of it at mid turn anymore. On corner exit he was basically behind hamilton apart from his front wing.

The thing is if you measure overlap from corner entry then late braking may automatically become dive bombing (despite being legal passing move otherwise) because at the initial braking point the cars are not side by side. If you measure overlap at mid turn then how do you deal with switchbacks? And if the overlap only matters in corner exits then it is a moot point anyways because if you are side by side on corner exit the move is basically done already. Unless you only want to prevent drivers pushing others off the road on corner entry. But that would be a good start. It is kinda crazy that on corner exits being fully alongside means the driver inside can still legally push you off the road (most of the time) but doing the same thing on corner entry is forbidden.

If we want to reduce the collisions I think this challenge based approach that I just invented could work little better (being my idea...:tilt. If the drivers are close enough so that they can not freely run any line they want then both of them need to leave room at all times. Basically if a position is being challenged you can not take a line that causes a collision if the other driver doesn't back off even if the other drive only has his front wing next to you. In a way this is a bit like the nascar rule where any overlap is sufficient (at least early in the race).

This rule would effectively prevent drivers from running other drivers off the track on corner exits. It would make it easier to solve situations where two cars hit each other on the straightaway for example. But the most important thing this kind of rule prevents is the drivers saying he did not see the other guy. I think seeing is way overvalued when it comes to passing and defending. It is not about seeing where the other guy is. It is about knowing where he is. And equally about not knowing. Sometimes not seeing is not knowing but most of the time it isn't.

This rule would not eliminate defending either because it doesn't really change the wording of what defending is. Defending doesn't allow you to drive into other people. So in a way this rule would have similar goal. To prevent contact. But if you are ahead you can still choose any line you want as long as you are not weaving all over the place.

And most importantly it could improve the racing. Going around the outside is very difficult nowadays in F1 because the rules most of the time allow the car on the inside to drive the other car off the road on corner exits. If driver were expected to leave space then that would be automatic penalty. Instead of looking for the overlap we simply look whether two drivers were racing for position or not and were they close enough.

With this rule here are few examples. First obviously the robsberg/haemitlon/spa. Clearly the position was challenged by robsberg when going into the corner. So haemitlon should have left space according to this rule. This is the interpretation based on this rule and not the rules that are in effect now in f1.

Then haemitlon/moneynada/valencia. Hamilton should have left room for maldonado on corner exit.

No penalty as vettel left room on the outside.

In this clip maldonado does nothing wrong:

Vettel gets a penalty:

Massa gets penalty:

Perez gets penalty:
S3 licensed
The bestest sim is obviously gpl. Everything else is just waiting.
S3 licensed
Quote from BWX232 :Especially when one person just makes stuff up out of the blue.

Only person making stuff up out of the blue is you. Oh you poor victim!

Oh here is a list of things you said:
- Physics kind of suck though.
- They (physics) break down past a certain slip angle and always have
- I haven't played rF in years
- some things are impossible to fix w/ a mod

Here is list of things you clearly implied:
- rf physics engine is in some way fundamentally broken because cars spin around once they reach certain slip angle. It is not the data that goes in that is broken ("newer mods can't fix it") but the physics engine itself that is broken.

Here is the actual fact about your statements:
- they are all wrong. Except the one where you say you haven't played rf in years.

Clearly you have no idea what you are talking about. It is not 2006 anymore where all rf mods had slip curves for the tires that dropped basically to 0 at higher slip angles. That is and was an issue with bad data being used in the mods. I have given you a list of things to try in my earlier if you are actually interested in facts and seeing for yourself. But nope. Here I am just making stuff up*.

*If you just want an easy way just quote that last sentence so we can all see that you were just trolling all along and never wanted to be part of a discussion.
S3 licensed
Quote from Intrepid :Anyone can drive round the outside like an idiot. Doesn't mean the move is on.

If i lunged someone from 100 yards back and didnt brake there would be a point where i am 'side by side' before i smashed into them at 100mph.

Oh dear - case close -

If you want to start counting incidents in the drivers' history your lewis hamilton will never stand a chance
S3 licensed
Quote from Intrepid :Having a think...It wasnt just a racing incident because the move was never on. Not even a hint.

Not even a hint? Did you actually notice that they went into the corner side by side?
S3 licensed
Quote from BWX232 :I didn't say anything about LFS's physics, just that rF physics kind of suck (and I meant FF in that). They break down past a certain slip angle and always have, in any mod I have ever used.

Look at thread title. Anyways it does not make rfactor engine horrible if there are so many horrible mods for it. If you think rfactor engine is trash then try historix mod, niels' supra, corvette or nsx. Or try the demo of game stockcar and then come back to say the physics suck. The problem of ocy spins and unrecoverable slides past certain slip angle were caused simply by using bad unrealistic numbers for the tires.

Quote from BWX232 :I haven't played rF in years, but some things are impossible to fix w/ a mod.

Yes it is possible if the mod was the only thing that was broken in the first place...
S3 licensed ... mbedded&v=a6iO3TQjXp4
Trolling level over 9000

Also another find from jalopnik: ... mbedded&v=3P1QmCswql0
10 minutes onboard race video in porsche 962 in spa driven by jochen mass.
Last edited by Hyperactive, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Fordman :oh feckin great, more Jap RWD drive cars

Have they not listened to or read some of the threads...FWD....FWD !!!! we want more, but yet they go super car, or this RWD bollocks, that we have more than enough to throw a stick at.....

I thought AC was going to be a sim designed on "what the public, people " wanted and be balanced


Maybe ask for refund.
As for fwd cars I'd love to see 60s mini or some xfr/UFR type of car. Even integra type r would be nice. Although I'd probably enjoy any decent rwd car more.
Quote from DeadWolfBones :So I'm currently running a Core i5 2500K processor and an AMD HD 6950 video card. In AC, I'm getting occasional brief freezes and framerate fluctuations, even on original Kunos tracks and cars. I'm running with 2X AF/AA, very high detail, low shadow res, normal mirror res, normal smoke, and effects turned off.

So I think it's time for an upgrade.

Anyone got any tips as to which upgrade would offer the most bang for the buck? (I'm assuming GPU, but you never know.) I'd like to keep my overall upgrade budget under US $300.

I have 6950 (windows 8.1+ i5-4440) as well and I don't get freezes. Or I did once straight after some of the patches but I think it was either join lag or simply fps stutters when driving past the pits filled with high poly cobras. My freezes only happened online. Do you get the freezes offline too? Have you ran any unofficial ati tools to turn off the view frames forward thing?
S3 licensed
As far as conspiracy theories go I think I have invented a good one. What if caterhm broke lotterer's car on purpose so they could save some money by not running it more than 2 laps in the race?

Quote from Storm_Cloud :We only tend to see what we want to.

Well there is definitely lots of room for interpretation this season.
S3 licensed
Quote from BWX232 :Physics kind of suck though.

Historix/game stockcar disagrees. I'd go as far as saying that out of most sims nowadays lfs has the weakest physics engine. LFS is beaten to oblivion by the amount of physics features other sims like rf, rf2, ac or even iracing has (aero complexity, tires, suspension types etc.). Only things left with lfs' physics side is the visual tire deflection which is just a gimmick in the end. Maybe flatspots do count. But it is really unavoidable to be left so far behind when the last physics patch for lfs was released something like 2006-2007? I don't even remember anymore because it is so hilariously long time.

Simply comparing physics engines we have lfs and rfactor and then with the rfactor engine we also have game stockcar. There is no contest at all. LFS is a dying dinosaur and is beaten by the competition in every single area except few which have nothing to do with physics (insim server mods, easy of use online, lfsworld, skin downloads).

We are definitely living the golden age of sim racing now. Never before has there been so many good titles without obvious horrible pitfalls. Without any meaningful development for the past 6 years I think it is downright farcical to say lfs even belongs to the top group of sims anymore. Only thing it has left is curiosity value.
S3 licensed
I can understand supra but the celica? Seems a bit weird choise. Unless it is imsa celica in which case such awesome.
S3 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :Some onboards from the IMSA Tudor GT only race today:

At 0:45 Hitting that kerb a bit too hard. Scary moment.
S3 licensed
Quote from Storm_Cloud :Bitter all out war - just like the 80s, except the drivers don't have quite the gravitas of Prost, Senna, Mansell, Piquet. In fact, they're increasingly like a couple of kids arguing in the playground.

How so? I don't really see rosberg doing anything more than racing. Hamilton on the other hand seems to really like to use the press for trying to wind nico up but seems to be only getting himself winded up. If there is a whining and crying schoolkid in this fight it is lewis. I don't see nico making stories how he is hungrier or didn't have rich daddy or is in F1 based on merit while the other guy "would get into F1 no matter what"...

Quote from Storm_Cloud :As with the old internecine battles, nothing is resolved until one moves on. If Rosberg isn't punished by the team to Hamilton's satisfaction then I can see him moving. Isn't his contract up this year?

Well it should go both ways. Lewis first needs to stop squeezing rosberg off the road all the time and maybe then it is fair to say to rosberg to not go for a gap that isn't there. Because so far even if there has been a gap lewis has driven like it was only rosberg's responsibility to avoid contact.
S3 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :There's going to be Caterham CSR from the Cobra folks

It is probably going to be payware mod...
S3 licensed
If someone wants to do LX8 physics for ac I can do the car model