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S3 licensed
Quote from skywatcher122 :that code is like !pmsg <message> <username> sounds like sending a cash

your code is the same as mine -.-
and im not using <msg> <username>
im doing the same as you.. !pm <username> <msg>

first read then talk
S3 licensed
Here it is guys...
what a pitty that no other coder post codes.. like this easy things..

case "!pmsg":
                    if (
StrMsg.Length 2)
string Message Msg.Remove(0StrMsg[1].Length);
bool SendComplete false;

                        foreach (
clsConnection Conn in Connections)
                            if (
                                if (
Connections[GetConnIdx(MSO.UCID)].Username == StrMsg[1])
InSim.Send_MTC_MessageToConnection("^3>^7 You cant can send a pm to yourself!"MSO.UCID0);

SendComplete true;
InSim.Send_MTC_MessageToConnection("Private Message :"MSO.UCID0);
InSim.Send_MTC_MessageToConnection("To " Conn.PlayerName MSO.UCID0);

InSim.Send_MTC_MessageToConnection("^7 " MessageMSO.UCID0);
InSim.Send_MTC_MessageToConnection("Private Message :"Conn.UniqueID0);
InSim.Send_MTC_MessageToConnection("From " Connections[GetConnIdx(MSO.UCID)].PlayerNameConn.UniqueID0);

InSim.Send_MTC_MessageToConnection("^^7 " MessageConn.UniqueID0);


InSim.Send_MTC_MessageToConnection("^3>^7 Invalid message or username."MSO.UCID0);

S3 licensed
WTF is that.. and totaly wrong topic...

Reported you...
S3 licensed
Woho... great program..
cant either start it with my Internet Security "Kaspersky Lab"
it crash's the program and then it shuts down
S3 licensed
Dear Franky,

Ive got an big problem with my 500servers account

I still cant login for 2weeks
and cant let send Password back to e-mail (Forgot Password button)

It says Invalid Username.

for more questions write me an pm!

PS: PM Sent to you!
S3 licensed
useless post @ marcel1. so useless....

@ Tomruis
if you want to announce an Team do that in an right Post format
and LEARN ENGLISH and learn how to write words....

regards Heiko1
S3 licensed
yea erm thanks for responding =)

it was still there in Z patch if im not wrong
but at Z10, Z16 it was still there.

Regards Heiko1
Ai driver on drag -FAIL
S3 licensed
Hey guys ive just noticed an epic fail from the Ai drivers at 8 Lane Drag and on normal Drag Strip

heres the Replay

How to:

Start a race without Ai
finish the race
then add ai with "/ai" command and watch him/her how it fails.
S3 licensed
And the mod isnt from you its from an unserious mod site...
Little (Viewing Bug)
S3 licensed
Hey guys ive noticed that on every forum section/topic is an (Viewing: x) text

but only not on the

threads maybe im wrong because theres nobody or its realy an bug
S3 licensed
if im wrong or it just was lag

correct me and yea delete post or do what ever you want
Cheaters back WITH CPW update!
S3 licensed
Dear lfs community

cought again an hacker or cheater on LFS
you can see him in this replay with his BF1

moving without any rpm gain or gear set...

Allready reportet to lfs devs!
S3 licensed
Happy birthday Scawen!!!
S3 licensed
yep its includet here it is

private void VER_InSimVersionInformation(Packets.IS_VER VER)
if (VER.Product == "S1")
Version = "S1";
if (VER.Product == "S2")
Version = "S2";
if (VER.Product == "Demo")
Version = "Demo";

main buffer:
string Version;

Hope it helps you

Regards Heiko1
S3 licensed
I want the good old times back...
Servertype (Demo|S1|S2)
selection button...

but yea most of servers are demo.

Perfect post time
S3 licensed
Heya here some help
hope so far that it helps

case "!track":

if ( Connections[GetConnIdx(MSO.UCID)].IsAdmin == 1)
if (StrMsg.Length > 0)
if (StrMsg[1].Contains("-"))
InSim.Send_MTC_MessageToConnection("^1InSim:^7 Unknown Command", MSO.UCID, 0);
InSim.Send_MST_Message("/msg ^6- ^7Changed the track to ^6- ^7" + (StrMsg[1]));
InSim.Send_MST_Message("/track " + (StrMsg[1]));

InSim.Send_MTC_MessageToConnection("^1InSim:^7 Go to race menu!", MSO.UCID, 0);
else InSim.Send_MTC_MessageToConnection("^1InSim:^7 Command not Authorized!", MSO.UCID, 0);

Hope that will help you

Regards Heiko1
S3 licensed
NOT cleandet up
i just hate it to have much icons on desktop
because of the XRT Beauty
S3 licensed
Heya Beaver...

same as povo said.. your dont got much own ideas but as far.. its an realy good server!

S3 licensed
but whats up if.. mh okey ur right
S3 licensed
Okey got it now.

but would it not be better if we gett some better Server.cfg editor?
one from "LFS" ? and not the windows note pad
S3 licensed
And didnt found anything on Serverlist
Thats weird :/
But i see no other server with an Tag like /xyz in it.
maybe im to dumb or lfs cant handle this characters
Last edited by Heiko1, .
[URGEND] Can create server without name! [not a bug]
S3 licensed
Hey guys,
ive still noticed that bug while i was searching my server with this
tag: /!\ Race1
so.. i didnt found it..
so ive added this tag in server.cfg file


so then ive watched again the server list and refreshed it..
after that it showed up an server without name
Private as mine.

So ive typed in my adminpassword and i could connect so it was to 100% my server.

And is it normal that i cant create an server with this signs: "/!\" ?

As you can see it im still in this server
Online at:
S3 licensed
I still like "love" LFS
great gameplay and never saw such an great Multiplayer Racing Simulator

The best is:

Im driving with it now for almost 4years and yesterday ive noticed that i have mannaged it to get like 75% of Track/Car combos

i never drove with every car on every track (realistic combos) not bf1 on rallytrack.

But...that i dont make it to long

Its an Great Racing Simulator
and i know my english isnt best
S3 licensed
heya it was me and my brother
Heiko1 & Marco1