Well, what seems strange to me is that the rules state that all users should observe posted speed limits and yet the money system rewards fast driving. The faster you go, the more you get, so what do you expect people to do?
Personally, I tend to spend a lot of the time hotlapping in order to save up for the more expensive cars, but I keep an eye on the map and do my best to ensure that I'm not rounding a corner in the wrong lane and 99% of the time it all goes well. However, as has been said, a lot of people really don't give a sh*t. There were two idiots in CC #2 yesterday driving around in black UF1's and they were all over the place driving flat out and blatantly ignoring the rules dozens of times per lap. Every time I saw them lap me from the other direction they were cutting corners and in my lane. Sure, they were probably having a blast, but they weren't concerned with anyone else.
Last thing I wanna mention is that I'm also getting tired of people stopping in the middle of the road to chat, including on a NUMBER of occasions, the cops. If I'm approaching someone from behind and they're just cruising, I'll usually slow down and pass when it's safe, but that's not easy to do when the person suddenly slams on the brakes to finish typing their message. It's extremely annoying and has left me limping back to the pits many times. If you're going to type a message, check your map or mirrors, put on a turn signal and PULL OVER.
As people have said, a greater police presence helps control poor behavior and also makes crusing much more interesting. Do you guys need more cops? I'd be glad to join, it would be an absolute joy fining people that don't wanna play along and preserving the experience for those that do.