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S2 licensed
just doing that now.

downloading the drivers.......

it said that i need netframework 2.0

then it said i do not have any compatible hardware.

downloaded .net 2.0... it sais i need to have windows installer 3.0 or above lol

done all the downloads, now it just sais that it cannot find any drivers that are compatible with my hardware.

perhaps im downloading the wrong drivers.

whats the best way of finding out what card i have?
Last edited by daveb948576, .
S2 licensed
here is the error message when im trying to install the drivers

S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :SpeedFan will tell you the temperatures.

Exactly WHICH GFX card is it (ie a 6600GT or x1300)

S2 licensed
i do have trouble when installing the gfx card drivers. i downloaded the latest ones and i get an error when installing them.

it tells me that a required DLL is missing.
Last edited by daveb948576, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :What PSU do you have? What are your components? Does it do this in any other games? What is the temperature of the CPU and GFX card?

i have no idea on what psu im using.

i have an asrock 939dual-vsta ... el=939Dual-VSTA&s=939

i am using an amd athlon cpu i think its the 3200 single core model.

i have 1.12gb of ram

128mb pci-e gfx card

i havent tried any other games as i have no reason to install any other ones

i have no software to tell me the temps.
upgraded now i cant play.
S2 licensed
i have added some memory and a new graphics card and also a new harddrive but when i go to play the game all is fine until i enter a race and the car is put on the start grid. the game freezes and my pc restarts.

whats wrong?
S2 licensed
my test results.

Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:

Request timed out.
Reply from bytes=32 time=376ms TTL=54
Reply from bytes=32 time=366ms TTL=54
Reply from bytes=32 time=355ms TTL=54

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 3, Lost = 1 (25% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 355ms, Maximum = 376ms, Average = 365ms

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 * 496 ms 649 ms
2 447 ms 639 ms 639 ms
3 458 ms 659 ms 689 ms
4 444 ms 619 ms 579 ms
5 604 ms 609 ms 669 ms
6 538 ms 659 ms 579 ms []
7 460 ms 599 ms 599 ms []
8 408 ms 549 ms 599 ms []
9 445 ms 609 ms 569 ms

Trace complete.

i get the error messege "error while waiting for reply"

im connected to the internet through a mobile phone and it was wroking fine last night.
S2 licensed
Quote from Hankstar :RIP LFS? *sigh* :doh:
Look harder, kiddo.

kiddo? :ices_rofl
this is not a rant and rave thread :D
S2 licensed
I have just been online for the first time in a year.

Could someone tell me where the fun has gone? lfs is just not the same anymore

R.I.P lfs :moped:
S2 licensed
where is everyone tonight?

can i come and race with you guys?
S2 licensed
i have my login details for this site i'll give it a try on the main site when it lets me again in 15 minutes lol

i've done it. thanks peeps.

maybe not

my new password is not unlocking the game

done it

tip: listen to the girlfriend :headbang:
S2 licensed
how am i supposed to email victor if this is what comes up when i try to email him ... php?do=mailmember&u=1
S2 licensed
i dont have the password to log into the lfs main site either

do i have to email the devs of this forum or the main site?
aaaggghhh forgot password to unlock lfs :(
S2 licensed
im 100% geniune!

i have forgot my password to unlock lfs s2 and i have moved house and changed the email address i used over a year ago

how do i retrieve my password now?

S2 licensed
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :I do that for the sub in our games room. As we have wood floor in there, it shakes ALOT and makes it sound horrible so i nicked 20 of those little rubber circles that you usully find on the bottom of speaker stands, and then stuck them underneath the sub. It only lift's the sub about 2mm off the floor, but it helps a hell of a lot. No more shaking, and better bass. It also helps if you have thick pile carpet too.

I have never tryed putting a small cloth under my G25 clamps, i will do that as soon as my replacement arrives as i hate the vibration noise it makes sometimes.

is that a c20let in your mini? your nuts
S2 licensed
dfp pedals shut off in game?
S2 licensed
when driving the pedals shut off and i have to release the throttle, accelerate again and then there fine for another couple of laps or so.

do i have to put blue tack in the pots to stop them moving to fix this?

S2 licensed
why on earth doesn't the car stall when pulling away? The clutch jumps up and down by its self without even pushing the clutch down. now thats 'not' realistic "at all"
S2 licensed
25 people would benefit from a mirror.

34 people dont even drive in that view so your obviosly going to say no.

just let them have it
S2 licensed
BTW i dont drive with chase view i drive in cockpit. but there is a few people that drive within chase view and have no mirror so all they do is crash into you when you try to pass, you know the little kiddies (ie: my nephew) that play this 'game' the ones that are around 7 years old.

give them a mirror for christ sake.
S2 licensed
thank you very much i'll be giving them a try
S2 licensed
how many of you use the virtual start lights and the tyre temp display aswell ?

perhaps they should be disabled to
Bl1R xrt set.
S2 licensed
i would like to know your laptimes for blackwood reversed if thats ok? would you be willing to post your set and give some tips to the settings that you may have within your dfp (if you have one).

i can manage 1.29.33 but i want better i would like to crack the WR one day

i have the setup from team inferno.

P.S i have had my dfp for a week and i think my time is quite good BUT not good enough.

rear view mirror in follow view.
S2 licensed
simple answers please a simple yes or no is just fine.
S2 licensed
wow i helped fix it lol ive only had my dfp for a week