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Voted for option 2 just because I have a track record of not being able to hold any job that doesn't motivate me at all. Since graduating in early '04 my longest time in one place has been 1,5 months and have passed multiple oppoturnities for well paid jobs. Money-wise I'm doing just fine, don't have loans or any major bills apart from rent, getting more money to buy stuff that I don't need is just irrelevant.

I don't really think there is any job that could make you happy, good job maybe makes you less frustrated and allows you forget that you're just being a tool for your employer 8-12h a day.
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Set of spare fuses
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Why not use Steam?
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Quote from whitey6272 :Its the racing equivalent of WoW


Does that mean I'm getting double doze of that heroin being subscribed to both?
S2 licensed
Quote from Sir moi 407 :Each day the number of atheists grows, and that's a good thing

First of all, is there facts out there to prove your claim?
Then, if it's good or bad is not really the point, but why is this happening (if it is)? One man believing in god and other not is pretty much the same as one man driving Ford and other driving Opel, it's irrelevant. But what made them choose one over another and more importantly, what was it that caused them to switch over if they've titled themself as "religious" for many years.

Catholic church has lost some of it's reputation over past few decades, so it's entirely possible that they're losing members. Meantime I've noticed that it's much more acceptable to not be religious person, unlike back in school it was just easier to go to the church, say those prayers and sing those songs if you wanted to stay out of trouble.
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20% discount is actually for 6 items or more
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Quote from SamH :Instead, what we'll have is an eternally lengthening list of truths which have been proven untrue throughout history, headed up by the latest truth that will at some point in the not-too-distant future be proven to be untrue. So what is truth? What we think is truth now, what we will find to be true instead tomorrow, or is truth really something that we will always chase and never find?

You certainly got me confused, what do you mean by "truth"?
Having something proven more or less wrong ten years later does not mean that people were lying, it was just best possible explanation for the research data they were able to produce with their equipment and knowledge. It's just a matter of trying to get better understanding of things that are happening. If mankind didn't have the drive to learn more about the world around them, we would still be sitting in our caves scratching out balls.

I don't think we will even figure out everything there is to know. Heck, we haven't even learned all that much about what's happening on our own planet at the bottom of deepest seas. Then there's the massive timeframe we're talking about, our civilization makes for a barely noticable spot on a much larger timeline. For mankind, research and advancement is the key to survival, we need to develop means to inhabit other planets and leave Earth before we've depleted all our resources here or before Sun cools down.

Propaganda reference was maybe bit too extreme, but "..whoever believes me WILL live" doesn't sound like expression of one's belief.
For a person who does not believe in this particular god, what does it say about them...."they WILL not live"?
But just to make it clear, I don't approve that atheist's advertisement either.
Last edited by Crommi, .
S2 licensed
Quote from :Another render. This time I've tweaked the settings and the reflections. Personally I like Gustix's rendering style, so I got the inspiration of this from him.

Oh and BTW I know that there's something wrong with the brake disks. I have no idea how it happened (It was right when I checked the texture and UV image).

Check if normals are facing outside on those brakedisks, those determine on which side of the face your texture is being applied on.

There's quite a lot of noise visible on fenders and trunk.
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :That would be censorship, and shouldn't be encouraged. We have very few freedoms left, after the last 8 years of being hammered. Don't take the last remnants of free expression from us.

But isn't this pretty much propaganda?

Quote from SamH :The question is.. what does the specimen in the petri dish really know about the guy behind the microscope? The fact is that while astronomy is advancing handsomely, much of the prevailing wisdom in the last 30 years, based on interstellar observations, has come into being by defeating equally convincing prevailing wisdoms, based on interstellar observation. The one constant in the universe that we can depend on is that we will continue to seek the truth because we know we haven't found it yet.

Bacteria won't probably think of anything about the guy because it is fairly simple lifeform, behavior is "coded" into DNA and it is not being capable of creative thinking.

I'm not really sure how the first question relates to rest, but theories will be proven right or wrong as out technology advances enough to test them properly. Easy example of this is telescopes, they're really being used to their full potential and new stars are discovered just from noticing one slightly brigther pixel on large image that hasn't been seen before. It will take years before you can take any better picture of it. That is still fairly simple compared to trying to figure out what gas clouds are made of based on their size, mass and how they interact to light.

Edit: As a sidenote, I'm suprised how polite the discussion has been so far.
Last edited by Crommi, .
S2 licensed
Becky: Research on figuring out how universe began and what was before that is not so much trying to prove non-existance of any gods but to understand our world better. There's still so many questions without solid answer, like why is universe expanding at increasing rate when by all logic it should be slowing down due to gravitational pull.

TagForce: Seriously, that makes it even worse. Right thing to do would have been bring it up to city government and just request original (Jesus) message to be removed, instead of being childish and making a counter message. The way things seem to work nowdays, it should have been easy to do since if you're not promoting minority, you're racist...

Edit: Little clarification
Last edited by Crommi, .
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I bet his rear windows are so scratched out that you can't see anything through even if they happen to be clean.
S2 licensed
Quote from navarro967 :Nice one e2

This is not Completely lfs render related but its is my first vray Interior scene after following a tutorial i found on vismasters i forgot to apply the glass material to the table lol tell me what you think ... 7/navarro967/Interior.jpg

Looks pretty good, only two things that kinda pop up are television(?) that should have more reflective screen instead of matte and maybe just a little more highlight falloff to green rubber material on seats.
S2 licensed
That sign on a bus is just like forum trolling, only there to annoy people (in this case religious ones). If someone wants to believe in god or eastern bunny, let him. It's pretty hypocritical to first complain about those religious people who show up on your door and try to convert you if you're doing exactly the same thing just in reverse.
S2 licensed
You will keep any content that you buy, you just won't be able to use the service without active subscription.

About the cost, yes it's much more cheaper to play rFactor but you'll really have to find exactly the right league if you want compete seriously. Even after that, content you're getting is completely based on volunteer work and most of it is just not that good or work-in-progress.

As for NKPro and LFS comparison, you have much more options to go for and I don't really know why you say that you can only run Skippy for 3 moths. Being able to run faster cars doesn't mean you have to, some LFS racers have been just happy running XFG on BLGP for more than 3 years.
S2 licensed
Quote :...The city population dropped from its peak in 1950 with a population of 1,849,568 to 916,952 in 2007

No wonder there's abandoned buildings just standing there, cut population by half in any city and you'll end up in a bad situation like that. There's no real reason why situation can't be turned around and prices for those land areas must be through the floor. Even if you have to clear away old buildings, it's still probably cheaper than building on fresh land outside some other major city with good connections to main highways. But just attracting industry isn't enough, city needs to work on it's image and services to get people move in, instead of driving them out (as it seems).
Last edited by Crommi, .
S2 licensed
Quote from (SaM) :He probably mistyped can't as can. Then we both agree.

Well, actually I was referring to creationism that just requires you to accept that "God made it" instead of having to understand how species evolved. It's a simple one line answer and many are just happy with it.

Quote from Becky Rose : I dont hold much store in dark matter. I have read the theories, I didnt understand them all because Steven likes to use obscure words unecessarily to make himself sound more intelligent than he really is, and I like to keep things simple.

Offtopic a bit but isn't "dark matter" more like temporary name for something that is causing gravitational effect on space but haven't yet been clearly identified what it actually is. I'm by no means an expert on subject but wasn't it discovered after figuring out that glaxies were spinning way too fast for their mass without being spread apart due to centrifugal forces?
S2 licensed
I'm guessing that reason why people turn into religions is that they want to find answers that they can understand. Most scientific research goes way over average Joe's head and he'd rather accept that "God did it". Same thing goes for concept of death which is really difficult to twist your head around, it's easier to believe in some kind of afterlife than accept "the end" where your thought process stops as brain dies and that's it.

In modern society religion shouldn't really play any major role, kinda like horoscopes are there just to entertain people. You shouldn't use mix religion into decision making or you'll lose all credibility, kinda like scientist trying to prove a new theory that was told by purple cloud people he saw after smoking crack. Too bad that happens way too often and it is an embarrasment for so-called "advanced civilization".

Quote from 5haz :Religion makes some people want to be good.

For others it's also a very conveniant excuse to go bomb some villages and shoot people.

Problem what you're also proving here is that it also skews your perspective by teaching that "following our religion faithfully you'll be a good person unlike those others". Catholics do not really have that whole martyr thing, but their religious groups have been trying to work against scientific research as long as they've existed and some individuals even refuse to use modern medicines and treatments even if they are seriously sick.

Everything should be taken in moderation, especially if person is psyhcopath who likes shooting stuff.
S2 licensed

Guess I just don't get it why guys are calling japanese licence plates JDM-plates since there's no specific plates just for JDM cars. Plates on the otherhand are just items that are enforced by law and regulations, there's no market for them.
S2 licensed
Here's two ways to go about it, shading glitches you see there are caused by 3 sided polygons. They may not be that visible in final render but it's a good habit to make sure all your polygons are 4-sided.

You could also try to reposition some vertices to get edge loops little bit smoother.
Last edited by Crommi, .
S2 licensed
Well, I just don't believe that some people just get rammed off the road more than others.
S2 licensed
Are you sure there's nothing you can do better to avoid crashing out on lap 1? I've been racing everything from Rookie Legends to Formula Mazda and can't remember the last time I was taken out. With longer racelenghts you really have to re-evaluate your driving and focus more on paying attention to what's happening on track instead of hotlapping. Take yellow flags seriously, lift-off and slow down as much as necessary to get by safely even if it costs you couple seconds. I had a Rookie Legends race recently where I started last and made it into lead within first 7 laps even if I had to crawl around the track on few places to avoid spinning cars and wrecks.

I recommend reading Don's post about "Shannon's Golden Rule". ... le/blog/125703/57752.html
S2 licensed
Rappa Z is raising in ranks fast then, I started 7 months ago and still just C license
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They have separate kind of licence plates for cars that are sold only in Japan and different ones for imports?
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StableX: About setups, I'm using because it's fast and easy for both uploading and browsing for other people's setups. It's still fairly new site so go ahead and contribute
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Quote from anttt69 :I have a strange prob with iracing when i go & log in the page loads but my helmet is in Black& white? also all other racers are B&W & I cant join any sessions?

Anyone had this happen b4, how can I fix it?

Sounds like iracing service isn't running on backround, it should start automatically when you log onto Windows. You can start it manually by running iRacingService.exe from iRacing folder.