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Quote from BigTime :Would help a lot if you actually followed the course... Oh yeah, and turn on camera smoothing.

video is removed as it was said before but i have a question...where can i turn on camera smoothing? somewhere in shift+u mode or in options?
btw (BigTime): do you use any software (like carfocus) to make shots or do you make everything manually?
S2 licensed
squid you must be high there isnt any other way to write something like that
S2 licensed
that "non-fluency" ruins the experience from the video but not considering that it is quite nice movie
S2 licensed
This vid is really kinda different and is really great...those effects add some special atmosphere which is awesome...
I am looking forward to seeing more from you
S2 licensed
I have also liked this feature of lfs that it hasnt had to be installed but it is not such a big deal...
however I think just unpacking was much more practical
S2 licensed
thx for doing the change for me so quickly ...I am really surprised and pleased
it is nice that devs care about opinion and needs of every racer
S2 licensed
not restricted minimum height in shift+u mode is great imho and not restricted speed of movement (down to 0,1m/s) in shift+u would be also great for video makers if it would be possible and easy could you devs make this for me? thx
S2 licensed
I finally make it run as I said in the last post but what makes me trouble is making camera which I want and putting it into the timeline (camerapath)
can someone explain me step by step how I create a new camera and most of all how I get my new created camera from the camera editor ("Race viewer & Track Cameras) to "Camerapath"
I find the procedure quite nonintuitive
sorry if there is some manual for it but I havent found anything useful to me
thx for helpful answers
S2 licensed
Quote from morpha :If you ever started a host with an admin password, this will automatically be used as your client's admin password as well. Either clear the password in your cfg.txt (line Game Admin) or set the password found at that line in LFS CarFocus, if it supports that.

thx very much it helped
S2 licensed
I dont know if somebody had the same problem here but I havent found it in this topic (but I wasnt trying so hard )
I am not good at this stuff (working with insim for the first time) so it might be something kinda stupid...I will describe my steps
-I unpacked Carfocus v2.93 into my Documents
-start LFS (Z25) on Vista
-type in "/insim=30000"
-start CarFocus and click "connect to LFS"
and this is the step when i got to my lfs it starts to warn me
"Insim: password does not match your multiplayer admin password" and this is being written over and over again until I close carfocus...
in carfocus I get something like this (it is written in Slovak language so I try to translate it as well as I can): "the object is not set for instancing object"
Thx for help and I hope I will make it run soon because the software seems to be really helpful by moviemaking
S2 licensed
Quote from pik_d :Too long, I got bored about 1/2 to 2/3rds through and didn't bother finishing it. It's some nice effects bust most of it was simply the same thing over and over (with a different car).

i havent found it boring at all...the shortest 6 minutes in my life
S2 licensed
damn you do you do this? great video and the FZ5 in the rain was the best shot ever
S2 licensed
Quote from MKR :Sorry but whats a tweak in lfs?

tweak is a software that increases your performance (horse power) quite a lot
and it didnt have to be tweak...just a little help from rear from some much more powerful car...for example fxr...this would make you up maybe 5 seconds only on the long straight...not that I would have tried it
S2 licensed
Quote from arrowkart4 :lol, i didnt get that wr because of abs. i will upload a quicker time without abs, to prove that his lap wasnt anything special

edit : done

if you can do WRs without abs why did you recently do the rest of them with ABS? I dont get it but it is none of my business...
you are good in lfs and you know better if it helps you or not
S2 licensed
Quote from joshdifabio :SO Sprint 1 is SO2 not SO1.

sorry i messed it up earlier in the discussion...I dont know why I wrote SO1R instead of South city sprint it is all cleared
S2 licensed
Quote from Bansky :Belive me when i say, that a skilled driver, with out ABS will still be faster than one with ABS, but not that skilled.

This is caused by the locking <-> unlocking sequence of the ABS, wich does not allow to break as constantly as a skilled driver.

yes but as you can see...for example new wr on S02R by arrowkart is far better than the previous without abs...and believe me, Mysho is very good racer
Last edited by bavorak, .
S2 licensed
Quote from BOSCHO :you can turn the ABS off

I know that very well but the thing I am pointing at is that if I turn it off I have quite smaller chance to compete with racers who have ABS turned on
S2 licensed
Quote from marzman :You can still pick a car that has no ABS, like in real life.

yes but if I like to race with XRT for example I have no choice...
That is the only thing that is good that only some cars have ABS...thanks God
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :You can now upload hotlaps recorded in Z25.

You can see on the hotlap charts at LFS World if a hotlap has been made using ABS - the only physical difference between Z25 and Z.

I dont like this very much...ABS may be good for people who race on mouse but if I were you I wouldnt allow hotlapping with ABS ... it causes that people, who dont want to play with any electronic systems in lfs, have no chance of competing with those who race with abs....and this is not only about hotlapping but in general about racing...if you dont have to think about your front wheels blocking you can just push the brake to the floor and that´s it ...until now there was also some skill necessary in braking...batching the brake force to prevent your wheels blocking

I am quite strictly against ABS because in my opinion racing should be just about pure drivers´ skill and not about using any electronic help... (not speaking about TC on BF1...without it BF1 becomes really hard to control)

however I doubt that this my opinion would change anything but I had to say this...and I hope I am not the only one who feels it this way
S2 licensed
it isnt bad but there quite a lot shots where the car is too small and the other thing I dont like is that "overbrightness" but the car control was nice although Ken Block is Ken Block
S2 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :it could very well be a tactic he's employing to distract people, I'm sad to say.

lool...i wrote that it also happened in my case after I take car from JackCY and I havent heard myself horning as well and there was really no intention...this topic is to solve the problem not to blame people without any evidence
deleting horn sound doesnt help at all because the other drivers still would hear it
Problem can be found in what JackCY was saying although it is quite strange
I will report the problem in bug section...i dont know if there is any possibility to copy the whole topic there or do I have to make a new one?
S2 licensed
Quote from John5200 :odd. never happend to me (maybe because im 99% of the time in a singleseater :razz

anyways, shouldnt be that in the bug section?

i wasnt sure where to put it so i ve put it here into neutral zone
non-stop horning after driver´s exchange
S2 licensed
It happened us few times...when we change drivers in endu race...the racer who come on track starts to horn and the horn is on all the stint until another driver exchange him....
interesting thing is that the driver in the car doesnt hear anything...only all drivers on the track are mad about it
I have a replay happened after mpwr.JackCY gave the car to mpwr.Superobo
it also happened few months ago when JackCY gave the car to me...that time we thought it was just some strange coincidence but as it happened again i had to share the problem with you all...mostly because it must be so annoying for other racers on the track
sorry that the replay is so big but i dont know how to cut out the exact part
(i just hope this problem wasnt mentioned somewhere else)
S2 licensed
watch wr replay...i think you will find a lot of tips for improving there but practice and practice is everything
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