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S3 licensed
New Testversion available : Testversion #6
Download in first post.

|Changes in TEST #6

1: LFSRestAPI to request information about certain mod
-Register your LFSLapper @
-Fill in your ClientID and ClientSecret in myInc.LPR (includes/myinc.lpr)
-2 differend ways to request modinfo , by username(must be OnTrack!!!) or by SkinID

$modinfo = getmoddedcarinfo("Bass-Driver");
$modinfo = getmoddedcarinfo("E25059");

-Variables in testscript below or in (includes/optional/lfsrestapi_Info.lpr)

S3 licensed
Today, i've been figuring out how to convert the decimal date number to a readable date/time format.
and created some code that is usable in the LFSLapper scripts.

$userName GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName");
/*Request modinfo (31 variables)*/
$modinfo getmoddedcarinfo($userName);

/*Display modinfo */
privmsg("Car ID(SkinID) : ".$carinfo["id"]);
privmsg("CarName : ".$carinfo["name"]);
privmsg("DescShort : ".$carinfo["descriptionshort"]);
privmsg("Desc : ".$carinfo["description"]);

created an testscript to display some of the mod information.

Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
S3 licensed
Show us some pictures of the error and the code.
S3 licensed
i'm so ****** stupid. def looking at the wrong stuff :SSchwitzFace -> palm

Thanks, it is working

Now i can get info of 1 single mod and i can the entire list of mods under 1 single command.
now its time to build a script around that.

Still need to add more info to the code to make the script properly working.

Thank you everyone.
Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
S3 licensed
ok now spending hours with the following issue.
trying to retrieve the info of 1 single car.

But after Deserializing the response from the API i get NULL.
I know it has something todo with setting up the classes, but i cannot figure out what i'm doing wrong here.

Websites i used to setup the classes.

Here is some info:
Data i receive:

{"data":{"id":"1AF20E","name":"TOMMY28","descriptionShort":"Tommy 28 - A vintage racing car from 1920'","description":"feel the vintage racing with big moustache and reckless drivers\r\ndo not search extrem grip, do not search evil power, but be extremely sharp in your track feeling with this 1928 Tommy racing car.\r\n\r\n2 configs :\r\n- Sport : stricly minimum to race\r\n- Sport Lux : tiny windscreen and lights (very usefull when LFS release the night races)\r\n\r\nMartin18 has work on the 8 inline engine !\r\nFlame CZE give me authorisation for his Hadraplan's steering wheel, clocks and mirrors (modified)\r\nNene87 help me on editor and blender at the beginning\r\n\r\nClocks are old but it works.\r\nsee the motor behind events ;)\r\nlook at the hand-polishing chromes !\r\n2 versions\r\n\r\nantiroll bar are finally added to maintain fun to drive (it was very slippery without)\r\n\r\n- skins with racing numbers and vintage look\r\n- suspensions 3d anim on the rear\r\n- lean driver animation","userId":79595,"userName":"Tomfuel","wip":true,"publishedAt":1640879379,"numDownloads":3803,"curUsage":0,"rating":4.34,"numRatings":43,"staffPick":false,"tweakMod":false,"version":5,"lastDownloadedAt":1640881808,"class":2,"ev":false,"coverUrl":"https:\/\/\/attachment\/276798","screenshotUrls":["https:\/\/\/attachment\/274160","https:\/\/\/attachment\/274161","https:\/\/\/attachment\/274162","https:\/\/\/attachment\/274163","https:\/\/\/attachment\/274164","https:\/\/\/attachment\/274165","https:\/\/\/attachment\/274166","https:\/\/\/attachment\/274167"],"vehicle":{"iceCc":5237,"iceNumCylinders":8,"iceLayout":0,"evRedLine":0,"drive":1,"shiftType":1,"power":81.76211547851562,"maxPowerRpm":3586,"torque":233.3720703125,"maxTorqueRpm":1687,"mass":889.9309692382812,"bhp":109.66752549133301,"powerWeightRatio":91.87467152480184,"bhpTon":125.20896003186276,"fuelTankSize":39.000003814697266}}}

The Classes i've set up

public class GetCarInfo
public ModCarEntry CarInfo { get; set; }

public class ModCarEntry
public string id { get; set; }
public string name { get; set; }
public string descriptionShort { get; set; }
public string description { get; set; }
public int userId { get; set; }
public string userName { get; set; }
public bool wip { get; set; }
public int publishedAt { get; set; }
public int numDownloads { get; set; }
public int curUsage { get; set; }
public double rating { get; set; }
public int numRatings { get; set; }
public int version { get; set; }
public int lastDownloadedAt { get; set; }
public int _class { get; set; }
public bool ev { get; set; }
public string coverUrl { get; set; }
public List<string> screenshotUrls { get; set; }

public CarDetails details { get; set; }
public class CarDetails
public int iceCc { get; set; }
public int iceNumCylinders { get; set; }
public int iceLayout { get; set; }
public int evRedLine { get; set; }
public int drive { get; set; }
public int shiftType { get; set; }
public double power { get; set; }
public int maxPowerRpm { get; set; }
public double torque { get; set; }
public int maxTorqueRpm { get; set; }
public double mass { get; set; }
public double bhp { get; set; }
public double powerWeightRatio { get; set; }
public double bhpTon { get; set; }
public double fuelTankSize { get; set; }

S3 licensed
First you have to connect to your Discord bot.

Open Myinc.LPR file in the includes folder.

$DiscordToken "";
$DiscordChannelReceive ""#discordchannel to sent commands to LFSLapper. (Rightclick on the channel and click 'Copy ID')
$DiscordBotStatus "Powered by LFSLapper";

Once your LFSLapper is connected to your DiscordBot .Check the console for the next message: DiscordBot Connected

Open LFSLapper.LPR and look for the next event: Event OnMSO
And create a new command like shown below.

The function to send messages from LFSLapper to Discord can be done with:


Event OnMSO
$userName$text # Player event
$idxOfFirtsSpace indexOf$text" ");

$idxOfFirtsSpace == -THEN
$argv "";
$command subStr$text,0,$idxOfFirtsSpace );
$argv trimsubStr$text,$idxOfFirtsSpace ) );
$command )
$Message $argv;
$DiscordChannel "";

Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
S3 licensed
hello,i've good news, got it working.

First i tried xspeedasx his code with his explaination about .Wait() and .Count
but that didnt do anything, which result is more Task related errors.

Then i googled how to call an async task function in C#.
I came across this page: ... askt-method-synchronously

In one of the posts it say to use

// For Task<T>: will block until the task is completed...
var result = task.Result;

Basically what xspeedasx was explaining with .Wait().
Then i used LakynVonLegendaus his bit of code from previous post to display some info.

This is the code:

public void getmoddedcarinfo(GLScript.unionVal valArrayList args)
infoPlayer currInfoPlayer newCfg.getCurrInfoPlayer();
string ident val.nameFunction;

CarInfo LFSRestAPI.GetModdedCars(newCfg.varsLapper.RestAPIClientIDnewCfg.varsLapper.RestAPIClientSecret).Result;
            for (
int i 0CarInfo.Counti++)
Console.WriteLine(CarInfo[i].id " = " CarInfo[i].name);

Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
S3 licensed
ok installing the system.text.json assembly made my projectfile corrupt.
cool :/

Edit: Thank god i created a backup of the sourcecode, before i changed the Net framework version from 4.6.1 to 4.8
Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
S3 licensed
Well, thats what i was thinking. Because i've did that at the first try. and because it did give me an error, i did think it wasnt the right way to do it.

but somehow it give me an error. i also removed 'await'

The 'await' operator can only be used within an async method. Consider marking this method with the 'async' modifier and changing its return type to 'Task'.

with await removed:

'Task<List<LFSRestAPI.ModCarEntry>>' does not contain a definition for 'Count' and no extension method 'Count' accepting a first argument of type 'Task<List<LFSRestAPI.ModCarEntry>>' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

but which assembly??

LFSLapper is using net.framework 4.8

public void getmoddedcarinfo(GLScript.unionVal valArrayList args)

infoPlayer currInfoPlayer newCfg.getCurrInfoPlayer();
string ident val.nameFunction;

await LFSRestAPI.GetModdedCars(newCfg.varsLapper.RestAPIClientIDnewCfg.varsLapper.RestAPIClientSecret);

            for (
int i 0v.Counti++)

Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
S3 licensed
oke, i clearly missed a step in the process. Thank you for that.
I got a bit further now. But somehow i seems to be crashing at the foreach loop.
with the next error message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

i used this webpage as an example. ... each+object+in+array+json
and ... ?forum=winappswithcsharp

and ... s?forum=aspgettingstarted

/* get data */
var list = LFSRestAPI.GetModdedCars(newCfg.varsLapper.RestAPIClientID, newCfg.varsLapper.RestAPIClientSecret);

/* Serialize data to string */
string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(list, new JsonSerializerSettings());
//Console.WriteLine(json); // this works yippie:)

/* Deserialize string to object */
LFSRestAPI.ModCarEntriesResponse Cars = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<LFSRestAPI.ModCarEntriesResponse>(json);

foreach (var car in Cars.Data)
Console.WriteLine("" +;


/* Deserialize string to object */
var Cars = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<LFSRestAPI.ModCarEntry>>(json);

foreach (var car in Cars)
Console.WriteLine("" +;

tried this aswell
List<LFSRestAPI.ModCarEntry> cars = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<LFSRestAPI.ModCarEntry>>(json);
foreach (LFSRestAPI.ModCarEntry car in cars)
Console.WriteLine("field0: " +;

Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
S3 licensed
i do use Async for the Discord API, so that is working as intented.

ye sorry,i was not clear enough about my "challenge" i'm dealing here.

As you can see i created a var named 'list'. I'm trying to read the objects (modded cars i assume) from 'list'.

Tried this method i have found on the web.

using Newtonsoft
JArray NewArray JArray.Parse(list.ToString());
            foreach (
JObject Car in NewArray)
Console.WriteLine($"{Car["id"]} -> {Car["name"]}");

and trying to get the amount of mods: (this crashes Lapper)

JArray NewArray 
int nrofmods NewArray.Count;

Also i have tried other methods aswell, but no luck.
There is so much information about Json, i have no idea where to look at, when you are not familiar with Json etc.

I'm sure its something simple i havent seen (most of the time).

Thanks in advanced.
S3 licensed
For the past days i have been trying to add the 'LFS REST API' into LFSLapper.
I used the code from xspeedasx from this post:

I've managed to get data from the API, so that is a step forward.
But i get stuck on reading the actual data.

i've been reading about Json objects, async tasks etc, but nothing has helped me much. So i have no clue what todo anymore.

There were 2 options: stop working on the sourcecode of LFSLapper or asking for help.
Well i going to ask for help as a non-programmer. No idea why i'm still working on the sourcecode of LFSLapper with all the complexity Smile, because this is beyond my level.
Everything i did in the sourcecode was help from the code itself or from the web like etc

Anyway, could someone send me in the right direction on what todo.
Thank you.

/* Function i call from a LFSLapper Script, this is fine.
CASE "!gm":

public void GetModdedCarInfo(GLScript.unionVal valArrayList args)
infoPlayer currInfoPlayer newCfg.getCurrInfoPlayer();
string ident val.nameFunction;

            var list = 


using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System;
using Configurator;

    public class 
        public static 
async Task<List<ModCarEntry>> GetModdedCars(string RestclientIDstring RestclientSecret)
/*just a few warning messages*/
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(RestclientSecret))
Console.WriteLine("ClientSecret Empty");
            if (
Console.WriteLine("ClientID Empty");

client = new HttpClient();
content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new Dictionary<stringstring>
"client_secret",  RestclientSecret },
"client_id"RestclientID },
tokenResponse await client.PostAsync(""content);
tokenText await tokenResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
tokenObject JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TokenResponse>(tokenText);
accessToken tokenObject.access_token;

client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization""Bearer " accessToken);

carEntriesResponse await client.GetStringAsync("");

        public class 
string token_type getset; }
int expires_in getset; }
string access_token getset; }

        public class 
            public List<
ModCarEntryData getset; }

        public class 
string id getset; }
string name getset; }
string descriptionShort getset; }
string description getset; }
int userId getset; }
string userName getset; }
bool wip getset; }
int publishedAt getset; }
int numDownloads getset; }
int curUsage getset; }
float rating getset; }
int numRatings getset; }
int version getset; }
int lastDownloadedAt getset; }
int _class getset; }
bool ev getset; }

Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
S3 licensed
i do not see your server ingame, but i see in the online list on ( [DS] Driver Seat )
i've tried to join your server, but it says 'connect timed out'
S3 licensed
New insim version:

-Fix: Window overlap when using Timetable and Reportwindow at the same time.
-Fix: [Times] more efficient way to set/get WR Save when finishing with a WR/PB.(Rewrite)
-Update: [Times] New system to retrieve/save times from/to database (Rewrite)
-Update: [Times] Scheduled save local times to database ( every 15 min if anything has changes within the timetable (PB/WR))
-Update: [TimeTable]: Displays the current list of times of your current car, instead of total timelist.
-Update: [TimeTable]: Filter on 1 car instead of multiple car.
-Disabled [TimeTable]: WR List
-Removed: [TimeTable]: Username filter

S3 licensed
As always, a nice looking and well made layout.
Good job.
Wish i could hire your building skills for our TimeAttack server. Tongue

A bummer about your mistake with saving the layout. Happend to me too a few times.
S3 licensed
Never used the /o command myself, so you may remove the command from the dedicated servers.
S3 licensed
New version online.

-Add: Modsupport
-Add: CarDamage (TestFase) , get damage while colliding with AutoX objects or Other cars
-Add: [Admincommands]: !amod/!dmod (Add/Delete mod to/from whitelist)
-Add: [PlayerCommand]: !fix (Fix cardamage)

-Update: [LFSLapper] Updated library to Test #5
-Update: [TimeTable] changed design to support mods (SkinID)
-Update: [Top HUD] Small design changes.

S3 licensed
New testversion available: Testversion #5
Download available in first post.

Contains a few fixes regarding to Insim Packets and carnames (SkinID)

1: [Event]: OnPlayerSelectCar() didnt displayed the name of the car correctly
2: [Event]: Several Events like (OnDist(), OnDriftScore()) didn't execute when more than 8 players on the track
Caused by MCI packet manager didn't allow more than 8 players on the track.

S3 licensed
Our servers stopped 2 twice today in a short period of time.
Previous week 2 times aswell. Like yesterday, probably adding a new version to the masterserver.

no /exit command in the logs.


Starts to be annoying.
Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
S3 licensed
Good looking layout. Thumbs up
i wanted to join your server, but it was pass protected.
S3 licensed

New Testversion available: Test #4
Download in first post.

Contains a Lappercrash fix and 1 updated file.

1: Updated trackList.cfg

1: Lappercrash when loading more than 30 objects at once

S3 licensed
Since LFS Hosting doesnt support FTP/VPS access for custom InSims applications/libraries.
We are forced to run the InSim application at a 3rd party hosting company, which cost you more money.
Or your pc/server at home, which has to stay on for 24/7.

I do run my InSim (LFSLapper) from a pc at home. So for me its not that much of a problem. But ye, i whould like to have the InSim app and LFS DCON at the same machine.
S3 licensed
try /refresh
That worked for me.
S3 licensed
New Testversion available : Testversion #3
Download in first post.

This version contains 2 functions to set/get allowed modded cars.


1: [LapperFunction]: SetListAllowedMods(); Set allowed mods. Max 120 mods allowed

CASE "!setmodlist":
#SetListAllowedMods(""); #Allow all mods.

2: [LapperFunction]: GetListAllowedMods(); Get list of allowed mods.

CASE "!getmodlist":
$List getlistallowedmods();
$NrOfMods ToNum($List["NrOfAllowedMods"]);
privmsg("^7===== ^3List of Allowed mods ^7(".$NrOfMods.") ^3mods ^7=====");
$NrOfMods == 0THEN
("^3All mods are allowed!");
                FOR ( 
$i 0$i $NrOfMods $i $i 1)
privmsg("^7Mod ^0[^3".$i+1."^0]^7: ".$List[$i,"SkinID"]);

Last edited by Bass-Driver, .