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S2 licensed
how can the car pivot around wheels that have no grip. Think about it, if you make a pivot in basketball, you turn on the foot that is PLANTED to the ground.
S2 licensed
It wouldn't make sense if the car pivoted on wheels that had no grip...
S2 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b :
How do i build a website?

Just build up the pixels on top of the layer you created. Very similar to building a skyscraper on a foundation.
S2 licensed
Quote from BrandonAGr :Any other people experience the snap spin if you drop one of the rear wheels off at the exit of a turn in the f1 or other open wheel cars?

Yes that happens to me sometimes. Does anyone care to explain to me why this happens? I am just curious as to what causes it.
S2 licensed
Truck Driver: " *Sigh* Another day is Saudi."
S2 licensed
Quote from kingfag :Are you sure it's 1280x768? thats a 16:9 widescreen resolution. Widescreen computer displays are usually 16:10, wich would be 1280x800.

100% sure
S2 licensed
Quote from 11SuLLy11 : they will be back within the next month or so

Thats what they said one month any rate, i hope they're right this time.
S2 licensed
The price is very steep. I probably would not have been able to take the course if my uncle had not bought me the ticket. If you do decide to spend the money and go, it is WELL worth it. I am not exaggerating when i say it was one of the best experiences i have ever had. But then again, I am only 17 haha.
S2 licensed
I would love to take the three day racing school that Skip Barber offers. I better start saving while I can haha.
S2 licensed
are you sure the pedal is all the way down? aka full throttle?
Skip Barber Driving School
S2 licensed
So I just got back from the Skip Barber, One Day Driving School and Lime Rock and felt that I should share my experience. Well...amazing is an understatement. I have learned so much about how a car handles, and the POTENTIAL it has, than i have ever thought. The instructors were all a blast. Very funny, intelligent, helpful and understanding. We did exercises such as, lane toss, skid/slide recovery, and threshold braking. At the end of the day we were all put on a mini autocross track and everyone raced about 10 laps. I wound up having the fastest lap out of the 13 people that participated in the school that day. So i was excited about that. I recommend it to anyone that has the money for it. My uncle bought me the ticket and I know it is very expensive. I still can't stress enough of how much i learned today. I never knew you could be so enthusiastic with the steering and still maintain complete control of the car. I think this program is going to help my every day driving tremendously.

Now after and extremely long paragraph, i might as well open up a little discussion. Has anyone else been to the Skip Barber Driving School? Share your experiences.
S2 licensed
it is not working =/. whatever, i'm giving up for now
Chat Room for the Forums
S2 licensed
On another website/forum i regularly visit, they have a browser based chat room implemented into the website. This enables anyone (guest or member) to enter the chat room and talk in real-time amongst everyone. Maybe this could be worked into the LFS website or forum?
S2 licensed
i have a caps lock light and i race on a laptop....
S2 licensed
its the default res. It's a widescreen monitor and the only available resolutions are..1280 x 768, 1280 x 720, 1280 x 600, 1024 x 768 and 800 x 600.

I will try 1280 x 1024 resolution again and see if i stiill get the same problem.
S2 licensed
Yup, then the image turns out stretched sideways...I know that doesn't make any sense because if anything, it should stretch long ways. You can see why i'm having trouble now lol.
S2 licensed
Believe me, i am not one to ask for help with this sort of thing as i don't normally like to give up. Usually i will go through everything before even thinking "i can't". I don't know what the problem is.
S2 licensed
You know you've been on the forums too much when you post a "You know you've been on the forums too much" thread even though there already was a similar thread titled "You know you've played too much LFS" and refuse to call your thread spam.
S2 licensed
how is it faster to enter the pits than to just finish the lap? Especially on blackwood where you have to slow down for the turn into pit lane...
S2 licensed
I've tried cropping and resizing but everything i do turns out distorted or overly streched. I've tried both the stretch and center wallpaper options but none seem to work. As you can see, this is why i am getting frustrated. Making a wallpaper is not complicated and i don't see why i can't solve this simple problem.
S2 licensed
are you asking what hard drive you should use? Why not the one recommended on the page you provided? Although 100gb is probably more than enough.
S2 licensed
Hey thanks for the website but i've tried 1280 x 1024 and the wallpaper still comes out distorted. I know mine is an odd resolution . I would be so grateful if someone could figure out how to make a 1280 x 768 wallpaper lol.
427 Shelby Cobra and BMW E30 M3 [wallpaper]
S2 licensed
Wasn't sure where to put this topic. I've been looking for ages for a nice wallpaper with either of these cars (mentioned in the title). My screen is a widescreen, 1280 x 768 pixels and any picture i try to use comes out stretched out, and deformed. I've tried using photoshop to change the size but with no luck.

I am asking for a favor from anyone, to make me a wallpaper from a picture of either of those cars that will fit my screen. If anyone uses the Cobra, my preference is blue and white. I don't want to be picky though.

Thanks a lot for anyone that helps out.
Last edited by ans7812, .
S2 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :Shift U, turn "object placement" to on, and then you'll find it in there.

It is ONLY Blackwood (tracks and car park), not autocross.

oops i actually meant car clue why i said autocross lol
S2 licensed
look for ramps or something.